
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Client, Premise and Contact Information.

  • Name of client.

  • Add location
  • Address of Premise

  • Photo of Premise.

  • Name of Responsible Person.

  • Contact number

  • Email

  • Name of Auditor.

  • Auditor's signature.

  • Select date

  • Description of business processes.

  • Date of last Health and Safety Inspection/Audit?

  • Have suitable actions been taken from last Health and Safety Audit?

  • Does the company name a competent person responsible for managing Health and Safety?

Employee details.

  • Number of employees?

  • Are there suitable provisions for young workers?

  • Have contractors safety been considered?

  • Have visitors safety been considered?

  • Do people sleep at the premise?

  • Have shift workers safety been considered?

Health and Safety Documentation.

  • Is there a suitable health and safety policy?

  • Has this be reviewed in the last 12 months or after any significant changes?

  • Is the policy brought to the attention of all employees?

  • Is there evidence that employees have signed stating they have read and understand their roles and responsibilities at their induction into the company?

  • Is there a suitable health and safety at work poster displayed?

  • Has the poster been completed with the correct information?

  • Is there suitable information on health and safety responsibilities within the company/premises?

  • Is an up to date copy of the Employer's Liability Insurance displayed?

  • Documentation issues

Training, instruction and supervision

  • Is their suitable induction training to new employees, is this recorded?

  • Has a suitable training matrix been completed?

  • Has employee health and safety training been well recorded?

  • Are employees suitably trained?

  • Are managers suitably trained?

  • Training further findings


  • Does the employer communicate to their employees on health and safety matters?

  • Are there employees representatives for health and safety matters?

  • Are there health and safety meeting, which discuss company health and safety matters?

  • Do all levels of the organisation attend health and safety meetings?

  • Are health and safety meeting minuted and recorded?

  • Is there a suitable health and safety information system?

  • Communications further information

First Aid

  • Is there a suitable first aid book?

  • Are accident records filed?

  • Is there a system for monitoring accidents?

  • Is there a suitable system for reporting accidents under RIDDOR 2012?

  • How many first aid points are there?

  • Are the first aid points suitably signed?

  • Are first aid provisions suitable?

  • Are there suitable provisions for managing first aid kits?

  • How many trained first aiders are there?

  • Is there enough first aides?

  • Do first aiders have the required certification?

  • First aid issues

  • Add media


  • Is lighting within the workplace suitable?

  • Is heating within the workplace suitable?

  • Is ventilation within the premise suitable?

  • Please sate staff sanitary provisions ?

  • Is the number of sanitary provisions suitable?

  • Are the sanitary positions acceptable?

  • Is there suitable provisions for sanitary waste?

  • Is there a suitable staff room/canteen area?

  • Is there drinking water available?

  • Welfare issues

  • Add media

Risk Assessment

  • What are the main hazards in relation to the companies processes?

  • Has the organisation completed risk assessments for these hazards?

  • Are the risk assessments suitable and sufficient?

  • Are there company generic risk assessments?

  • Are the risk assessments suitably recorded?

  • Are employees made aware of the risk assessments?

  • Are employees involved with the risk assessment process?

  • Are employees trained in risk assessment?

  • Risk assessment further findings.


  • Has a fire risk assessment been completed for the premises?

  • Is the fire risk assessment suitable and sufficient?

  • Have suitable actions been taken from the significant findings from the fire risk assessment?

  • Is there a fire log book?

  • Is there suitable means of fire detection and warning?

  • Has the means of detection and warning been tested and inspected by a competent person?

  • Have weekly tests been completed on the fire alarm, is this recorded?

  • Is there suitable emergency lighting?

  • Has the emergency lighting been tested and inspected by a competent person?

  • Have monthly tests been completed on the emergency lighting, has this been recorded within the fire log book?

  • Is there suitable means of fire extinguishing media?

  • Have firefighting equipment been tested and inspected by a competent person?

  • Have weekly checks been completed on fire fighting equipment, is this recorded within the fire log book?

  • Are there suitable fire doors, and can these self-close fully?

  • Is there suitable fire signage?

  • Are fire escape routes free from obstruction?

  • Are there sources of ignition?

  • Are there combustibles?

  • Have suitable fire drills taken place are these recorded?

  • Have all staff receive fire training as part of their company induction?

  • Fire further findings

  • Add media


  • Has portable appliances had suitable visual inspections and pat testing?

  • Were there any faulty appliances at the premise?

  • Has a mains electrical installation inspection been completed in the last five years?

  • Further electrical findings

  • Add media

Display Screen Equipment

  • Have DSE assessments been completed for DSE users?

  • Does the company provide DSE eye tests to there employees?

  • Are work stations suitable?

  • DSE further findings

  • Add media


  • Are there hazardous substances stored at the premise?

  • Have COSHH assessment been completed?

  • Are the COSHH assessments suitable?

  • Is the storage of hazardous substances suitable?

  • Are employees made aware of the COSHH assessments?

  • Are there any biological hazards at this premise, are these well managed?

  • Have employees been trained in the safe use of the hazardous substances?

  • COSHH further findings

  • Add media


  • Is there a suitable assessment detailing the companies PPE requirements?

  • Has PPE been provided to employees?

  • Have employees been trained in the safe and correct use of PPE?

  • Is PPE in good condition?

  • Is there suitable storage for PPE?

  • Has the issue of PPE been recorded?

  • Is PPE provided free of charge?

  • Is the companies PPE provisions suitable?

  • PPE further issues

  • Add media

Manual handling

  • Do staff undertake manual handling activities, is yes please provide a brief description?

  • Have suitable manual handling assessments been completed?

  • Are manual handling activities placing employees at risk of an injury?

  • Are manual handling aids provided to employees?

  • Are employees trained in safe manual handling?

  • Manual handling further issues

  • Add media

Work equipment

  • List a summary of the work equipment used

  • Is work equipment inspected and maintained in accordance with the PUWER Regs, is this recorded?

  • Are dangerous parts of machinery suitably garded?

  • Have suitable risk assessments been completed for the safe use of work equipment/machinery?

  • Are suitable emergency stops in place?

  • Are employees suitably trained in the safe use of work equipment/machinery?

  • Is there a suitable defecting procedure for work equipment/machinery?

  • Was work equipment safe at the time of audit?

  • Work equipment/machinery further findings?

  • Add media

Lifting equipment

  • List a summary of the lifting equipment used

  • Is lifting equipment inspected and maintained in accordance with the LOLER Regs, is this recorded?

  • Have suitable risk assessments been completed for the safe use of lifting equipment?

  • Are employees suitably trained in the safe use of lifting equipment?

  • Is there a suitable defecting procedure for lifting equipment?

  • Was lifting equipment safe at the time of audit?

  • Lifting equipment further findings

  • Add media

Managing Asbestos

  • Has a asbestos survey been completed of this premise?

  • Is the survey suitable and sufficient?

  • Has suitable actions been taken to safely manage asbestos containing materials at the premise?

  • Does the company process place employees of potential exposure to asbestos?

  • Have employees been trained in asbestos awareness?

  • Have works which involve the risk of asbestos exposure been suitably risk assessed?

  • Asbestos further findings?

  • Add media

Working at height

  • Please list the work activities which involve working at height.

  • Have suitable risk assessments been completed for the safe working at height?

  • Was suitable PPE provided for working at height?

  • Was working height equipment in good condition stored correctly?

  • Do regular inspections and testing take place on working at height equipment, and is the recorded?

  • Where employees trained in safe working at height?

  • Where there any fall from height hazards at the time of the audit?p

  • Are ladders in good condition?

  • Are ladders stored correctly?

  • Are ladders to the correct standard?

  • Is a ladder register kept?

  • Are ladders inspected and records kept?

  • Are staff trained in the safe use of ladders?

  • Are there suitable systems to defect working at height equipment?

  • Are access points to fragile roofs marked?

  • Working at height further issues

  • Add media

Slip, trips and falls

  • Where there any slip, trip and fall hazards at the time of the audit?

  • Do employees wear suitable footwear in areas of high slip, trip of fall risk?

  • Are floors and surfaces free from holes and trip hazards?

  • Access and egress routes free from trip hazards?

  • Are changes in level well constructed, visible and fitted with handrails?

  • Are anti-slip surfaces, mats or grids provided where necessary?

  • Slip, trip and fall further issues.

  • Add media

Moving vehicles

  • List the location and type of moving vehicles

  • Is the risk of vehicle and pedestrians coming into contact well manged?

  • In there suitable signage in place?

  • Are vehicle and pedestrian routes well designed?

  • Are management controls well followed by employees e.g. Hi vis, speed limits etc?

  • Has a risk assessment been completed and suitable controls implemented to manage this hazard?

  • Are there suitable warning sounds on reversing vehicles?

  • Are there suitably trained banks men to assist moving vehicles?

  • Moving vehicle further issues

  • Add media

Outside spaces

  • Are surfaces suitable?

  • Is there adequate outside lighting?

  • Is there suitable vehicle and pedestrian segregation?

  • Outside spaces further issues

  • Add media

Housekeeping, storage, and stacking.

  • Is housekeeping to the required standard?

  • Are items stored within out risk?

  • Are storage items stacked correctly

  • Housekeeping, storage and stacking further issues

  • Add media


  • Is there a support system in place for staff dealing with ill health?

  • Does the employer carry out regular appraisals with employees?

  • Is there a policy for dealing with stress at work?

  • Stress further issues.

Lone working

  • Are employees at risk from lone working?

  • Are there suitable controls to manage lone working?

  • Lone working further findings

Health and safety management

  • Is health and safety a high priority at this premise?

  • Is health and safety considered in the everyday running of this company premise?

  • Is there a clear system for health and safety management?

  • Health and safety management further findings

Further issues highlighted

  • High risk

  • Add media

  • Medium risk

  • Add media

  • Low risk

  • Add media

  • Auditor's name

  • Auditor's signature

  • Select date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.