Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

COVID-19 Compliance

  • Are social distancing measures being adhered to?

  • Adequate provision of hand washing and or sanitising facilities on site?

  • COVID-19 RAMS?

  • COVID-19 Site Operating Procedures Displayed?

  • COVID-19 Signage In place?

  • Increased cleaning rota for welfare facilities?

  • Staggered break times?

  • Close working procedures being adhered to ( i.e face masks, gloves, RAMS, short duration)


  • Construction NOTIFICATION NI10/F10/HSA

  • H&S Plan, Pre Con Phase Plan- Review


  • Company Notices

  • Sign into Register( all contractors and staff)?

  • Emergency procedures,signage,siren,contacts,first aid facilities?

  • Accident book- accidents/ incidents/near miss.

  • Training Records up to date(inductions,CSR,Safepass,abrasive wheels, facefit, plant cards)

  • Communication / H&Safety Meetings

  • Toolbox Talks (TBT)

  • Lifting Equipment Certs for Company

  • Lifting Equipment Certs for sub-contractors

  • S/C Plant register & certs

  • Permit to work system


  • Site supervisor/Manager weekly inspection

  • Plant weekly inspection/ test Certs.

  • Lifting accessories- Weekly inspections

  • Handover Certs for scaffolding,safety nets,etc

  • Scaffold- weekly inspections

  • Excavations-weekly inspections

  • Ladder inspections

  • Abrasive wheels register


  • Company RA/MS's

  • Subcontractors RA/MS's

  • Subcontractors Insurances H & S Statements

  • Crane lifting plan & Exclusion Zone (Barriers & Signage)

  • Temporary Works Register

Health & Safety

  • PPE (Condition, use, job specific etc)

  • Fire RA/Fire Drill/Extinguishers

  • Site security and public safety(boundary fencing, security arrangements)

  • Access routes & Lighting

  • Traffic Management Plan(Speed limits,segregation, warning signs)

  • Plant safety

  • Excavations fenced off/signage/propped/battered back sides.

  • Electricity- Overhead, underground cables, temporary installations

  • Works areas fully scanned for services/PAT testing

  • WAH (scaffolding, ladders etc)

  • Scaff tag system/Loading info and signage.

  • Roof / floor edge protection

  • Confined spaces

  • Occupational health/ welfare

  • COSHH/Chemical Agents - Storage & COSHH Assessments

Quality and Environmental


  • Canteens, toilets, drying room


  • Site recycling facilities being used?

  • Site waste segregated? Streams eg Timber,metal ,clay, rubber, plastics.

  • Site Materials Storage

  • Site Tidiness /Housekeeping

  • Company waste carriers licence available

  • Skip company carriers and tip licences available

  • Waste transfer notes/ Spot check(and photo) carried out on waste haulier

  • Pollution control measures (Refuelling point,bundled bowsers, COSHH bund,Spill kit, instructions

  • Q&E file if applicable(SWMP, enviro RA)

  • Energy/Power Wastage/ Leaks

  • Wildlife/ Archeology

  • Hazardous wastes


  • Dust, noise, nuisance and emissions to air

  • Traffic disruption

  • Water discharge license availability (if required)

  • Contaminated land

  • Asbestos- Identification & Removal

Sub-contractors KPI's

  • Sub-Contractor Health, Safety & Environmental Performance


  • Additional Comments


  • Site Supervisor/Manager Name

  • Site Supervisor/Manager- Close off audit

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.