Title Page
Site conducted
Date conducted on
Person conducted on
Prepared by
Management Audit
Core Questions
Can the auditee demonstrate how to access to the current Health, Safety and Well being Policy?
Level of non-conformity
Please show the Auditee how to access the latest policy and mark this as complete
Confirm that, following demonstration, the Auditee now knows where to find the policy
Please describe where the auditee found the information
Is this the latest copy of the policy?
Level of non-conformity
Please show the Auditee how to access the latest policy and mark this as complete
Confirm that, following demonstration, the Auditee now knows where to find the policy
Can the auditee demonstrate how to access to the current Risk Assessment for their job role?
Level of non-conformity
Please show the Auditee how to access the policy and mark this as complete
Confirm that, following demonstration, the Auditee now knows where to find the RA
Are you aware of the accident, incident and near miss reporting procedure?
Level of non-conformity
Please show the Auditee how to report an accident, incident or near miss and mark this as complete
Confirm that, following demonstration, the Auditee now knows how to file a report
Are you aware of who are the first aiders, mental health first aiders and where you can go for confidential help?
Level of non-conformity
Please show the Auditee where to find information on who or where to go for help
Confirm that, following demonstration, the Auditee now knows who/where to turn to for help
Is your core iHasco training completed?
Level of non-conformity
Have the Auditee log in to iHasco and agree a timescale for completion of any remaining courses
Approximate date for completion of iHasco
Do you understand your responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
Level of non-conformity
Point employee to relevant section within the H&S policy under roles and responsibilities?
Please confirm that the employee has been given instruction of where to find the corret information.
For the remaining sections, is the auditee Field based, lab based or office based?
Field Staff
Do you know where to obtain the method statement and site-specific risk assessments?
Level of non-conformity
Show the auditee where each of these can be found in the standard procedures
Please confirm that the auditee has been shown where to find these documents
Have you got five-point PPE in good working order? (Safety Boots, Hi-Vis, Gloves, Eye Protection, Hard Hat)
Level of non-conformity
Arrange for the missing items to be ordered / supplied
Please confirm that all items have now been ordered/supplied
Do you have Pennington Choices uniform?
Level of non-conformity
Please arrange for logo clothing to be ordered
Please confirm that clothing has been ordered
Are you aware of the Pennington Choices Driver Policy and where/how to access it?
Level of non-conformity
Please provide a copy of the driver policy
Confirm that the policy has been read and understood
Do you have working access to the Lone Working App?
Level of non-conformity
Arrange for the lone worker app to be added to the auditees phone and a login obtained
Confirm that access to the app has been arranged
Are your ladders within inspection date?
Level of non-conformity
Please complete a ladder inspection now to ensure that the ladders are safe to use
New date of next inspection
Date of next inspection
Have you got access to relevant PPE? (Gloves, lab coat, eye protection?)
Level of non-conformity
Please order/supply all relevant PPE
Confirm that all relevant PPE is now available/ordered
Are you aware of the Lab COSHH assessment?
Level of non-conformity
Please supply a copy of the COSHH assessments and show the auditee where to locate these assessments
Please confirm that the auditee is now aware of where to find these assessments
Are you aware of the correct chemical usage, handling, and storage procedures?
Level of non-conformity
Please arrange for training/refresher in the safe handling/use/storage of chemicals
Confirm that this training has been arranged/completed
Are you aware of the requirement to measure airflow with the anemometer prior to flue cabinet use?
Level of non-conformity
Re-iterate the need to measure the flow to ensure the cabinet is working correctly and measure now to confirm that the cabinet is working satisfactorily
Confirm that the auditee has been given instruction on how to complete and record the daily airflow checks
Are you aware of the fire assembly point?
Level of non-conformity
Please take the auditee to the fire assembly point so that they are aware of its location
Confirm that the auditee has been shown where the assembly point is
Have you completed DSE assessment?
Level of non-conformity
Please have the Auditee log in to iHasco and complete the training and assessment for Display Screen Equipment
Please confirm that this has now been completed
Is your work area clean, tidy, and free of tripping hazards?
Level of non-conformity
Please ensure the auditee cleans their work area
Confirm that this has now been completed
Are you aware of the fire assembly point?
Level of non-conformity
Please walk the auditee down to the assembly point
Confirm that the auditee has now been shown the assembly point
Are you aware of the office COSHH assessment? (do we have one?)
Level of non-conformity
Please provide a copy of the latest assessments
Please confirm that the auditee is now in possession of or has been shown the assessments