Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Site image

  • Attendees OCS

  • Attendees Client

  • Attendees Other

  • Any thing that needs to be logged via the HD please do the following: 1.Ensure title page is correct 2. Raise an action using the bottom right 'action' button 3. fill out the action accordingly with as much detail as possible and who it needs to be raised to. 4. In order to let the HD know the priority, change the priority on the drop-down list and follow the below guide: a. High is a P1/P2 which should be called through and not logged via safety culture. b. Medium is a P3/P4 c. Low is a P5/P6 5. Next add another assignee to the action which will be the Helpdesk a. Click Assignee b. User c. Type in Helpdesk d. Select ‘Helpdesk Helpdesk’ user e. And click done. 6. Create the action. 7. Where possible, please add a photo to the question as well as to what the issue is to help the engineer and helpdesk. 8. Complete the rest of the audit with any additional Actions.

  • Please log any actions from this inspection with the helpdesk.

    1. Raise an action using the bottom right 'action' button

    2. fill out the action accordingly with as much detail as possible and who it needs to be raised against.

    4. In order to let the HD know the priority, change the priority on the drop-down list and follow the below guide:
    a. High is a P1/P2 which should be called through and not logged via safety culture.
    b. Medium is a P3/P4
    c. Low is a P5/P6

    5. Next add another assignee to the action which will be the Helpdesk
    a. Click Assignee
    b. User
    c. Type in Helpdesk
    d. Select ‘Helpdesk Helpdesk’ user
    e. And click done.

    6. Create the action.

    7. Where possible, please add a photo to the question as well as to what the issue is to help the engineer and helpdesk.

    8. Complete the rest of the audit with any additional Actions.

Access & Egress

  • Are all entrances and exits free from obstruction

  • Ensure no trip hazards, pathways are clear and nothing is obstructing fire escape routes

  • Are entrance doors working correctly

  • Check door closers, access control and locks all work. Include doors between FOH and BOH

  • Are all staircases free from obstruction

  • Ensure no trip hazards and nothing is obstructing the stairs. Make sure staircases are safe i.e. handrail and nosing's are secure

  • Escape routes and walkways

  • Ensure no trip hazards, walkways are clear and nothing is obstructing the routes.

Fire Precautions

  • Are Fire Extinguishers correctly placed and within test date

  • Fire Extinguishers have been tested and inspected by engineers and recorded on the extinguisher in line with required frequencies. Spot check samples across site and ensure located appropriately, pins and seals are intact

  • Are Push Bars on emergency exit doors fully operational

  • Check for loose bars, ensure bars work correctly and doors are left secure - check each emergency exit door

  • Are flashing beacon warning lights operational

  • Confirm with site or test/observe during inspection

  • Are the Fire and Bomb alerts audible upon sounding in all areas

  • Alarms have been tested and inspected by engineers/LL and recorded, review test records

  • Fire Doors – condition good condition ie. not / wedged open / not self-closing/intumescent strips etc

  • Check each fire door to ensure they are in good working order, no intermittent strips are missing and door integrity is upheld - Spot check samples across site

  • Is all Fire Signage displayed and correct including Fire Action Notices

  • Visual inspection during walk round - all signs visible - all action notices in place - signage updated with changes. Confirm where signage is illuminated it is lit

  • Do all sprinkler heads and fire detection have adequate clearance

  • Visiual inspection during walk round -check sprinkler heads and detection have clearance of 500m horizontally

  • Is the area free from any significant risks from potential ignition sources

  • Visual inspection - check for unauthorised or uncontrolled ignition sources i.e. heaters

  • Are there any faults on the fire panel?

Electrical Hazards

  • Are all visible electrical sockets, plugs and leads in good repair and working

  • Spot check visual inspection during walk round, i.e. no burn marks, casing in place

  • Are all light switches in good repair and working

  • Visual check - Check lights come are operational in meeting rooms and any BOH of house rooms. Check switch socket is not cracked

  • Is there evidence of excessive use of extension leads/daisy chaining

  • Spot check visual inspection during walk round

  • Are all emergency lights in working order

  • Tested and inspected by engineers, review test records

  • Are there lithium batteries being charged onsite?

  • Are they being charged in a safe area?

  • Ie. near a detector and away from combustible materials? - if not on show ask the cleaning team where they are charged.

  • Are they being charged overnight?

  • If unsure as the cleaning team member onsite.


  • Are photocopiers/printers located appropriately and in good repair

  • No trailing cables creating a trip hazard and ensure paper is not stored next to printer. Old toners are stored safely

  • Is PAT Testing in date for electrical equipment

  • Tested and inspected by engineers, review test records, spot check labels during walk round

  • Are step ladders provided and if so, fully operational and tagged.

  • Spot check visual inspection during walk round

  • Is there evidence that Evac Chairs have been inspected and maintained

  • Maintained and inspected by engineers, review inspection records

  • Are areas of restricted access suitably controlled

  • Visual Inspection - i.e. Riser, Plant, and Server rooms are restriced via key, swipe access or other means


  • Is the standard of housekeeping adequate

  • No trip hazards, storage boxes kept out of access routes, paperwork not left on desks, confirm there are no areas where waste materials are being allowed to build up

  • Is there evidence of storing any items above head height

  • Are there any identifiable slip or trip hazards

  • Visual inspection - check for signs of worn, ripped or cracked flooring or any sudden rises or dips in flooring

  • Are floor spaces clear to allow adequate cleaning

  • Storage boxes not left in FOH areas, personal belongings not left under desks, desks are left clear after use

Toxic/Flammable/Corrosive Substances/CoSHH

  • Are hazardous substances on site stored securely

  • Ensure all hazardous substances are stored safely & secure and door to chemical storage is locked, segregated from combustible materials

  • Are hazardous substances labelled correctly

  • Spot check chemicals to ensure labels are in good order

  • Are the relevant Risk Assessments available for Hazardous Substances

  • Spot check cleaners log book

  • Are staff correctly trained in the use of hazardous sustances available on site

  • Check staff training records in cleaners log book, question cleaner if available

Personal Safety

  • Are Fire wardens and ECO's etc provided with identifying tabards

  • Spot check fire wardens

  • Are Accessible toilet pull cords testing regularly.

  • Are Disabled Toilet alarms visible in the local vicinity

  • Ensure alarms can be easily spotted and are located in high traffic areas

  • Are First Aid kits in place and contents in date

  • Are defibrillators in working order

  • Visual check to ensure green light is showing. No signs of cracks or damage to outside. Check battery and pad expiry date

  • Is Hearing Aid Loop equipment in place and fully operational


  • Are toilet facilities on site clean and in good working order

  • Visual inspection during walk round, check wash basins have hot and cold water supply and suitable means of drying, flushes are operational and cleaning is to a high standard

  • Are showers on site clean and in good working order

  • Visual inspection during walk round

  • Are tea points on site clean and in good working order

  • Visual inspection during walk round

  • Are dispensers adequately filled for the needs of the site

  • Visual inspection during walk round (Soap and hand sanitisers)

  • Have all waste stream collections taken place

  • Ensure General waste, confidential waste and Sanitary waste collections have taken place and bins are not over flowing

External Environment

  • Do the grounds receive periodic maintenance

  • Are the pathways clear from debris and litter. Are external bins emptied. Visual check of guttering for obvious signs of blockage/other issues”

  • Has the landscaping been carried out

  • Is landscaping in good order. EG. Grass cut and bushes pruned

  • Are footpaths in good repair

  • Paths are even and no loose paving slabs

  • Is the car park free from hazards

  • Is demised car park kept clear of rubbish or other hazards e.g. pot-holes

  • Confirm with site that the external lighting is in working order and timer controls set correctly

  • Confirm external lights are on when staff arrive and leave

Statutory Compliance

  • Is there a safety board and H&S Poster on site and, is the information displayed correct?

  • Visual inspection and confirm location is correct

  • Is there a current Asbestos Register with Plans on site

  • Request copy and confirm re-inspection is in date. Confirm actions have been addressed or are in progress

  • Is there a current Water Risk Assessment on site

  • Request copy and confirm re-inspection is in date. Confirm actions have been addressed or are in progress

  • Confirm that the 5yr Electrical Test is in date

  • Request copy and confirm re-inspection is in date. Confirm actions have been addressed or are in progress

  • Is there a current Fire Risk Assessment on site

  • Request copy and confirm re-inspection is in date. Confirm actions have been addressed or are in progress

  • Is there a current General Risk Assessment on site

  • Request copy and confirm re-inspection is in date. Confirm actions have been addressed or are in progress

  • Is the Fire/Bomb procedure in date and on site

  • Review Site / LL procedures


  • Any other findings

  • Record any other findings not covered by above questions and note action to be taken to resolve

  • Have all the actions from the previous audit been completed?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.