
Hazard & Controls Checklist

Management Safety Action Points

  • Ensure health &safety procedures, e.g. Health & Safety Plan (See Form SS4), an Emergency Health and Safety Plan including evacuation procedures (See form SS12), Startup Checklist (See Form SS11) your first aid procedures, are developed, implemented and communicated to all emplyees/workers<br>

  • We have participation practices for engaging with our employees/workers so they have involvement in health and safety matters

  • Our employees/ workers know how to report health and safety issues and concerns

  • We ensure there are clear instructions so tasks can be done safely<br>- Job Safety Task Analysis (JSTA) (See Form SS10)

  • We ensure our employees/workers and contractors have had Skills Competency Assestment (See Form SS14) and ensure that tasks are give to those with competence and skills to perform them

  • We provide new or inexperienced employees/workers with adequate training to do their work safely, or ensure supervision by and experienced person

  • We provide safety equipment to carry out the required task, e.g. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), storage, cleanup, and first aid

  • We ensure that our employees/workers are appropriately trained in the use of any new equipment, machinery, hazardous substances or chemicalsW

  • When buying machinery or equipment (new or second hand) we routinely consider health & safety issues (e.g. ask for maintenance and repair records, ensure guards are in place) and we maintain a Register for Plan &Equipment (See Form SS9)

  • We monitor &control noise levels of equipment &machinery that we operate in our business. Where noise levels cannot be reduced, we supply Personal Protective equipment (PPE) to workers

  • We ensure that relevant Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available to handlers/users

  • We routinely check hazardous substances, containers are correctly labeled, easy to read and stored appropriately (See Form SS9)

  • We have taken practicable steps to ensure the saftey of employees/worker while at work and all visiting public

  • Employees/workers have been made aware they need to take resposibilty to ensure ther own safety at work, including wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where necessary and ensuring their actions, or inactions, do not harm themselves or the others

  • We provide our Health and Safety Representatives with adequate paid time off for training and resourcing to perform their role as Health and Safety Representative

  • We hold regular health & safety meetings (See Form SS5) with Health and Safety Representatives, team leaders, supervisors and works to reduce workplace accidents, incidents and near misses

  • Employees in hazardous tasks are permitted agreed time off for company organised health check such as hearing loss, eyesight, respiratory, etc

Environmental/Hazards Action Points

  • A Site Start Up Checklist (See Form SS7 & SS11) has been completed and relevant action taken

  • A Visitors Register is in place and details are recorded as they enter and leave the premises

  • A Noise Assestment Report has been completed and relevant action taken

  • The work area is clean, tidy and uncluttered and passageways are clear

  • There are no portruding objects, shapr edges or unsecured items

  • All spills or leaks have been cleaned up satisfactorily to avoid the risk of slips, trips or falls

  • Floor coverings are smoothe and secured satisfactorily to avoid the risks of slips, trips or fallsLightin

  • Ligthing is adequate for work to proceed safely and without eye strainW

  • Work areas are maintained at a comfortable temperature for healthy working conditions

  • All amenities are clean and accesible (Toilets, Kitchen, Drinking Water)

  • Sufficient storage is provided for equipment, tools, stock, products etc

  • Walkways and stairways are safe & kept clear for ease of egress - example: uncluterred workspaces, hadrails fitted, non slip treads in place as necessary

  • Safety signage is posted and visible in all areas

  • There is adequate ventilation for good air flow and working exhaust fans are operational and located as required

  • All pipes have been checked for leaks, drips or corrosion and labelled appropriately

  • Drivers of the vehicle and/or equipment have been trainedand are aware of the danger to foot traffic and dangers of unsecured loads

  • Electrical sockets, switches, plugs and leads have been checked &repaired as required

  • All electrical equipment, leads & power boxes or boards have been checked and tagged as safe

  • The location of overheard or underground power lines and cables have been identified & checked before digging, uderground or overhead work has commenced

  • Only non-conducive ladders are used near electrical equipment or power lines

Job Safety Action Points

  • Job Sately task Analysis (JSTA) (See Form SS10) have been completed for each task, identifying step by step procedures, safety requirements and controls

  • All employees/workers have been provided with and trained in the use and maintenance of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) relevant to their task

  • Visitors are asked to abide by safety signage, follow any instructions from employees/workers pertaining to health and safety practices while visiting the workplace/site

  • Employees/worker have been made aware of the Emergency Health &Safety Plan (See Form SS12), emergency egress and safe assembly points and their safety officers

  • Safety signage is posted and visible in all areas required

  • Employees/workers have been made awre of their responsibilities to keep themselves ad fellow workers safe whilst at the workplace

Machinery/Equipment/Tools Action Points

  • Safety Guards and Shields have been checked and are operational

  • Installation, commissioning and use are correct

  • Noise levels have been checked

  • Correct tools for the job has been checked

  • Correct training and used of machinery, equipment and tools by operators

  • Adequate supervision is provided as needed

  • Regular servicing has been completed - (example: to reduce vibration in hand/power tools) (See Form SS9)

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPe) is appropriately fitted and being worn

  • Operator is not wearing loose or poorly fitted clothing which could catch in machinery

  • Health and Safety signage is visible

  • Clear communication/instructions have been given and received regarding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Safe operation of equipment, machinery, tools

  • Health &Safety Procedures such as and Emergency Health & Safety Plan (See Form SS12) is in place and communicated to all

  • Employees/workers know who their Health & Safety Representative is and how to contact them

Welding & Confined Spaces Action Points

  • General Arc flash protection is in place (e.g. Blackout Screens)

  • Welders are certified (See Form SS14) for the job they are doing and have knowledge of basic welding health & safety

  • Integrity of connected equipment has been checked (regular inspection, free of oil and grease, colour coding is correct, flashback arrestor fitted)

  • Fire Prevention from Hot Work - combustible explosive or flammable hazards have been identified and controlled (example: appropriate wall, floor or ceiling covering, wetting, shielding or covering combustibles, ventilation ducts, etc. in place

  • Ventilation exists and is appropriate for task

  • Fume and Gas Controls and protection are in place and operating - (specific fume/gas hazards identified and appropriate controls in place) for example: toxic metal fumes including berrylium, cadmium, phosgene, inert gases, ozone, phosphine, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, fluxing agents, etc

  • Electrical Safety has been reviewed with Residual Current Devices (RCD), lowest no load voltage and automatic control, earth clampsand cables plus grounding checks, rod holders, short leads, power board safely, etc

  • Employees/workers are trained in correct use of Gas equipment for task. Equipment is well maintained and suitable for the task (leak testing, flashback signs, correct assembly, correct lighting)

  • Gas Bottle are clearly labeled and stored in ventilated areas

  • Correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is being worn to protect from radiation, arc flashes, electrical safety from wet/sweaty hands - Example: hand shields, skin covered, eye shields, gloves, etc

  • Welding in confined spaces - Training has been provided, Permit to Work system is in place, Heat Stress controlled, Ventilation is operational (Fumes and gas hazardous are made worse in confined spaces), atmosperic testing, preplanned safe access and emergency rescue, Observer with access to cut-off switch, time limits considered etc. Permit To Work systems are in place

  • fire extinguisher/s are readily available in the immediate welding are

Hazardous Substances and Chemicals Action Points

  • A Hazardous Identification and Risk Assestment has been completed and relevant Controls in place (See Forms SS7 & SS8

  • A Hazard & Risk Register has been provided

  • A hazardous Substance (&Dangerous Goods) Register (See Form SS9) has been completed

  • Hazardous Substances have been cataloged. Labels and conatiners checked and stored correctly

  • Material Safety data Sheets (MSDS) are availabel to all employees/workers and their location has been communicated

  • All signfican hazards have been Eliminated, Isolated or Minimised so they do not cqause harm to employees/workers

  • Employees/workers have received adequate training in the use of adequate training int the use of hazardous substances, chemical and hazardous materials relevant to their task

  • Adequate ventilation of work and storage areas is in place and operating efficiently

  • Hazardous subsatances are disposed of in accordance with the Material Safety dat Sheets (MSDS)

  • Safety signs are displayed and visible as required

Emergency Procedures Action Points

  • Ensure health & safety procedures, e.g. Health & Safety Plan (See Form SS4), an Emergency Health &Safety Plan including evacuation procedures (See Form SS12), Startup Checklist (See Form SS11) your first aid procedures, are develped, implemented and communicated to all employees/workers

  • Employees/workers are aware of the Emergency Health & Safety Plan, emergency egress and safe assembly points and their safety evacuation officer (See Form SS12)

  • First Aid procedures are in place and communicated to all (See Form SS15)

  • First Aid records are kept and stored securely

  • We have trained First Aiders on site and and employees/workers know who they are and how to access them (See Form SS14)

  • Our first aides are regularly up skilled to maintain their knowledge

  • We regularly review the Emergency Health & Safety Plan with employee involvement

  • All emergency exits and evacuation pathways are sign posted and clear of any restriction

  • Emergency safe assembly points are sign posted and clearly visible - their location has been communicated to employees

  • Exit doors open easily from the inside, including cold storeroom doors and other windowless rooms

  • Emergency Drills are carried out and recorded

  • Emergency equipment is in place and regularly maintained and services to ensure it is in working order - Example: fire/other alarms, fire extinguishers, heat detectors, sprinkler systems, emergency lighting, Automated External Defibrillator (AED) etc

Incident Report Action Points

  • We maintain an Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses Register and review at regular intervals

  • We have Employees/workers Injury Reporting procedures and ensure employees understand the appropriate procedures to report accidents, incidents, injuries and near misses (See Form SS13)

  • We have incident and Accident Investigation procedures

  • Based on Investigation recommendations, we take appropriate action to minimise or eliminate risks

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.