
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Audit overview

  • QID 195 available & used

  • Safety alerts circulated & displayed

  • Notice boards updated

  • Statutory safety posters displayed

  • Adequate posters displayed

  • Minutes of latest safety meeting displayed

  • Walkways clearly marked

  • Lighting adequate

  • Security procedures effective

  • ERP available and all personnel know how to respond

Procedure 1. Risk Assessment & Control Strategies

  • Full coverage of risk assessments

  • Assessments accessible to all

  • Reviewed, in date, current suitable and sufficient

  • Personnel risk assessments secured

Procedure 2. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

  • COSHH assessments completed

  • PPE required supplied & in use

  • First aid measures clearly indicated

  • MSDS file available

  • Minimum chemical quantities held

  • LEV tested & records held

Procedure 3. Personal & Respiratory Protective Equipment

  • Test certification available

  • Maintenance recorded

  • Equipment fit for purpose

Procedure 4. Rider Operated Fork-Lift Trucks

  • Daily checks recorded

  • Maintenance active and recorded

  • Drivers trained and current

  • Drivers authorised

  • Accessories checked and fit for purpose

  • Key control system used

Procedure 5. Working at Height

  • Appropriate stands available used

  • Three points of contact emphasised

  • Movement routes discussed

  • Stands of correct construction

  • Register of stands maintained and available for audit

  • Condition check completed & records available

  • Head protection available & used

  • Movement though height training current for all

  • Head protection training completed & recorded

Procedure 6. Work Equipment, Compressed Gas & Pressure Systems

  • Testing regime followed & documented

  • Equipment within life cycle

Procedure 7. Lifting Equipment & Lifting Operations

  • Lifting plans completed

  • Lifting plans retained for audit

  • Test certification for lifting equipment within date

  • Authorisations recorded for personnel to operate lifting equipment

  • Personnel authorised trained and certifications available

  • Equipment colour coded in date & tagged

  • Quarantine procedures in place for out of service equipment

Procedure 8. Return to Work

  • Base staff aware of procedure

  • Case management records retained & available for audit

Procedure 9. Handling, Storing & Transportation of Dangerous Goods

  • Competent staff trained to handle goods

  • Records of transfers retained

  • Explosive storage correct & suitably marked

  • Explosive register maintained

  • IATA DG regulations current & used

Procedure 10. Control of Contractors

  • Permit to work system in place

  • Control and induction of contractors completed & recorded

  • Permits retained for audit

  • Lock out/ Tag out system deployed

Procedure 11. Manual & Kinetic Handling

  • Full handling assessments completed

  • Manual handling training for personnel current & recorded

  • Handling instructional posters displayed

Procedure 12. Electricity & Electrical Appliances

  • Cabling hidden & tidy

  • Insulations secure

  • Battery charging effective & completed safely in we'll ventilated areas

  • Switches and boxes secure

  • Portable appliance testing completed

  • Loop impedance check made

  • RCD devices used on circuits

Procedure 13. General Office Safety

  • Housekeeping appropriate, tidy location

  • Spaces & movement areas clear

  • Fire equipment appropriate

  • Good ventilation standards

Procedure 14. Environmental Procedures & Waste Management

  • Waste segregation in place

  • Spillage kits available for use

  • RRR adopted as policy

  • Tank bunds adequate & inspected

  • All spillage potential locations bunded and controlled

Procedure 15. Fire & Emergency Procedures

  • Warning & directional signage clear

  • Equipment in test

  • Fire wardens appointed

  • ERP available & in date

  • Test of alarms recorded

  • Evacuation drills recorded

Procedure 16. Accidents & Incidents Reporting and Investigation

  • Accident & incident forms available

  • Records retained in base & forwarded too BU

  • Procedure clear & linked to Work Case management

Procedure 17. Overweight Freight

  • All cases reported to client after investigation

  • Records retained

Procedure 18. Lone Working

  • Controls & risk assessments completed

  • Base personnel aware of procedure

Procedure 19. Inductions & Training

  • Induction checklists available

  • Records of inductions retained

  • Contractors inducted

  • Training records retained

Procedure 20. First Aid Procedure

  • First aid equipment available

  • Trained first aid personnel available

  • Arrangements made with nearby medical practices if required

  • No medications administered orally in cabinets

Procedure 21. Focus - Behavioural Management

  • Trainers observers in correct numbers

  • Records entered to system weekly

  • On line records entry used

  • Results displayed

Procedure 22. Asbestos Management

  • Asbestos surveys completed

  • Asbestos plan in place

  • Awareness & training to all staff

Procedure 23. Noise & Vibration

  • Hearing defence available & used

  • Signage where hearing defence required

  • Hearing defence fit for purpose

  • Noise maps available for facility

Procedure 24. Occupational Health & Personal Health Care

  • Linked to work case management

  • Audio screening

  • COSHH evaluations and medical screening

  • Legionella monitoring

Procedure 25. Working in Extremes of Cold Climate

  • Appropriate clothing & PPE available

  • Creams & barrier protection used

  • Locations for rest in warm areas

Procedure 26. Display Screen Equipment

  • Evaluations on workstations completed

  • Cable management effective

  • Training available & completed

Procedure 27. Driving Motor Vehicles

  • Driver training completed

  • Vehicle inspections completed

  • License checks completed

  • Driver authorisation in place and current

Procedure 28. Working in Extremes of Hot Climate

  • Hydration fluids plentiful

  • Rest areas in cooler locations

  • Screening creams available

  • Appropriate clothing worn

Procedure 29. Approach to Aircraft Carrying or Previously Carried Infectious Casualties

  • PPE fit for purpose available

  • Training completed for personnel

  • Isolation areas identified

Procedure 30. Toolbox Talks & Briefings

  • Completed on a daily or needs basis

Procedure 31. Fatigue Management

  • Rota planning considers fatigue patterns

  • Work groups consulted on rota patterns

Procedure 32. Personal Health & Emergency Evacuations

  • Available to all staff

  • Priorities established & observed

  • Medical providers & locally used clinics briefed on triage priorities

Procedure 33. Audit Procedures

  • Audit records available & actions confirmed

  • Non conformance correctly monitored

Procedure 34. Communications & Consultation

  • Regular safety meetings active & minuted

  • Minutes of meetings posted on safety notice boards

  • Safety representatives identified

  • Safety representative trained

Procedure 35. Working from Home

  • Procedure and risk assessments in place

  • DSE self-assessments completed

Procedure 36. Workplace Housekeeping

  • Local procedure in place

  • Good housekeeping practiced

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.