Title Page

  • Audit Title:

  • Summary:

  • Name of Person(s) Inspecting:

  • Attended by:

  • Conducted on:

  • Prioritisation of Actions:

    High Priority: these actions should be completed within the next month where possible.

    Medium Priority Action: these actions should be completed within the next 3 months as they are less serious than short term risks.

    Low Priority Action: these actions should be completed in the next 6 months and are of a less serious nature but still represent risks that need further action.

Science Department Audit/Inspection

  • The Hamwic Education Trust may request that the school provide evidence for proof of compliance.

H&S Management

  • Is there a departmental health and safety policy in place, is it adequate, are all staff aware of it, and has it been reviewed when required?

  • Have risk assessments been put in place by teachers and technicians for all activities that need them and have they been reviewed and updated when required or at regular intervals?

  • Have all staff received appropriate training (i.e. H&S, induction, work specific)


  • Are the doors locked to all science classrooms, prep rooms and chemical stores when not in use?

  • Does the Key Register include the keys in the science department? (i.e. science classrooms, prep rooms and chemical stores).

  • Which staff members have keys to the science classrooms, prep rooms and chemical stores?

Fire/Gas Safety, First Aid and Emergency

  • Is there a Fire Management Plan? (to include items such as radioactive material, flammable chemicals, gas cylinders etc.)

  • Is there a gas cut off in every science classroom/prep room and is it clearly marked with visible signage in a prominent position and with instructions for use?

  • Is there an electrical cut off in every science classroom/prep room and is it clearly marked with visible signage in a prominent position and with instructions for use?

  • Are fire blankets/fire extinguishers in every science classroom/prep room, clearly marked and have they been serviced in the past 12 months, checked monthly and has the paperwork been uploaded to the intranet?

  • Is there sufficient first aid provision as required? (i.e suitable equipment and trained First Aiders in the department)

  • Is there a hand wash area in every science classroom/prep room?

  • Is there an up to date eye wash station in every science classroom/prep room? What type is it?

Fume Cupboards

  • Have fume cupboards been serviced in the last 14 months with a service sticker to show this and has the paperwork been uploaded to the intranet?

  • If the fume cupboards are mobile, have the filters been changed within the last 1-4 years (as needed) and are they positioned appropriately in the room?

  • Is there a fume cupboard in each prep room and are they ducted?


  • Are the science classrooms/prep rooms/chemical stores clean and tidy and are there any points of concern?

  • Are floor surfaces maintained in a safe condition?

  • Are all the work stations/podiums with gas outlets secure to the ground? (i.e. very little or no movement when gently rocked)

  • Are equipment trays/shelving attached to walls and stable when being used?

  • Is there adequate ventilation in all science classrooms/prep rooms? (e.g. windows - with restriction if not on the ground floor/mechanical ventilation)

Prep Room

  • Is the prep room an appropriate size for the number of science classrooms? (i.e. around 15m2 per classroom)

  • Can chemicals be transported safely from the prep room to the science classrooms (i.e. are they on the same floor? if not is there a lift/dumb waiter between floors and has it been serviced in the last 6 months?)

  • Are pressure vessels in good working order, been serviced at appropriate intervals and has the paperwork been uploaded to the intranet?

  • Are autoclaves in good working order, been serviced at appropriate intervals and has the paperwork been uploaded to the intranet?

  • Are dishwashers in good working order, been serviced (if needed) at appropriate intervals and has the paperwork been uploaded to the intranet?

  • Are fridge/freezers in good working order, have appropriate signage to display their contents, been serviced (if needed) at appropriate intervals and has the paperwork been uploaded to the intranet?

  • Are incubators in good working order, been serviced at appropriate intervals and has the paperwork been uploaded to the intranet?

  • If there is any other equipment, have these items been serviced (if needed) at appropriate intervals and has the paperwork been uploaded to the intranet?


  • Are storage areas labelled appropriately?

  • Are no smoking signs displayed where chemicals are stored or prepared?

  • Are storage facilities in the prep room safe? (i.e. shelves stable/secure, no lip on the front edge of the shelf, non slip flooring, no spills etc)

  • Are chemicals stored in sealed containers? (i.e. no open vessels)

  • Is the chemical store ventilated? If yes, is it adequate, how does it work, and does it run 24/7?

Hazardous Substances

  • Have any chemicals been left in the science classrooms?

  • Are flammable materials/chemicals stored and handled in a safe manner?

  • Is there an up to date register/stock control sheet to detail storage and handling requirements?

  • Are chemicals stored and labelled appropriately?

  • Are current Cleapss HazCards readily available for all hazardous substances?

  • Is there a protocol in place for cleaners/cleaning staff to make them aware of possible hazards within the department?

  • Are there chemical spill kits available?

  • Is there a bunded area for chemicals that require it?


  • Are there any trailing cables on the floor creating trip hazards? (If these are temporary they should be adequately protected e.g. covered or hung)

  • Are light levels sufficient for the space? (e.g. no missing tubes or diffusers)

  • Does electrical equipment have current test tag/PAT testing label? i.e. within the last 12 months.

  • Does the area have Residual Current Device (RCD) protection if required?

  • Is electrical equipment in good condition? (i.e. No broken plugs, sockets, switches, frayed or damaged leads, exposed wires or missing parts of trunking)


  • Does the school have an RPS (Radiation Protection Supervisor)? If yes then who is it?

  • Does the school have an RPA (Radiation Protection Advisor) or RPO (Radiation Protection Officer)? If yes then who is it?

  • Does the school have a usage log? If yes, has it been filled out appropriately? (i.e. signing in and out, does it match with what is in the store?)

  • Are radioactives stored correctly with appropriate signage? (i.e. metal cabinet)

  • Is the record of leak tests for sealed radioactive sources complete and up to date?


  • Is there sufficient PPE for every science classroom/prep room/chemical store for the hazards involved?

  • Does each science classroom have a class set of eye protection/safety specs, are they stored appropriately and are they in good condition (i.e. not scratched/damaged)?

  • Is there at least one class set of safety goggles available in the school, are they stored appropriately and are they in good condition (i.e. not scratched/damaged)?


  • Are rubbish and waste containers suitable, readily available and labelled appropriately?

  • Is important information about the science classrooms/prep rooms/chemical stores in the 'grab file' of information in reception?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.