Initial Information

  • Document No.

  • Name of Contractor:

  • Conducted on:

  • Auditor

  • Site Contact:

  • Location
  • Contract:

  • Sites Serviced:

Audit Summary

  • What are the main risks identified from the audit?

  • Areas to follow up:

  • Audit score:

  • Overall audit summary:

Background/Previous Audit Notes

Background Information

  • EA check complete?

  • HSE check complete?

  • VOSA check complete?

  • Any other relevant checks under taken?

Financial Information

  • Has a Dunn and Bradstreet risk review been undertaken?

  • Risk score

  • Details:

  • Have the company Directors been subject to a Director check?

  • Details:

Company Information

  • Registered company name:

  • Managing Director:

  • Does the SP have a parent company?

  • Parent company details:

  • Does the SP have any subsidiary companies?

  • Subsidiary company details:

Section 1.0 Licences & Permits

1.1 Site Information

  • 1.11 Does the SP have a valid waste carriers licence?

  • Waste carrier licence information:

  • Waste carriers licence
  • Name of registered carrier:

  • Registered as:

  • Registration number:

  • Licence address:

  • Date of registration:

  • Date of expiry:

  • 1.12 Does the SP have a valid site permit or exemption?

  • Site permit?

  • Permit/Licence number:

  • Date of application:

  • Licence address:

  • Permit details:

  • Exemption?

  • Exemption reference:

  • Date of exemption:

  • Licence address:

  • Exemption details:

  • 1.13 Is the SP registered as a hazardous waste producer?

  • Registration reference:

  • Start date:

  • Expiry date:

1.2 Transport Information

  • 1.21 Does the SP have an operators licence?

  • Licence number:

  • Licence address:

  • Date issued:

  • Review date:

  • Last review date:

  • Number of vehicles:

  • Number of trailers:

  • 1.22 Does the SP have valid MOT certificates? (2 examples)

  • MOT certificate information

  • MOT certificate
  • Test certificate number:

  • Vehicle:

  • Start date:

  • End date:

  • 1.23 Does the SP have a weigh bridge calibration certificate?

  • Date tested:

  • Weigh bridge serial number:

  • Test certificate number:

  • Result:

  • 1.24 Are the SP's vehicles fitted with GPS tracking systems?

  • 1.25 Are the SP's vehicles fitted with a Safe Cycle system? (e.g. FORS scheme in London)

Section 2.0 Insurances

2.1 Insurance Documentation

  • 2.11 Does the SP have valid insurance documentation?

  • Insurance document information:

  • Insurance
  • Type of Insurance:

  • Insurer:

  • Policy holder:

  • Policy number:

  • Issue date:

  • Expiry date:

Section 3.0 Waste Transfer Notes

3.1 Waste Transfer Documents

  • 3.11 What is the SP's primary SIC code?

  • 3.12 What is the SP's secondary SIC code?

  • 3.13 Does the SP maintain waste transfer notes?

  • Waste transfer note information:

  • Waste transfer note
  • Site name:

  • Date:

  • EWC code:

  • SIC code:

  • Commitment to waste heirachy:

  • Description of the waste:

  • Waste producer details:

  • Signature of waste producer:

  • Waste transferee details:

  • Signature of waste transferee:

  • Final disposal details:

  • Signature of final disposal:

  • 3.14 Has the SP heard of EDOC?

  • Does the SP have any plans to implement EDOC?

Section 4.0 Investigations

  • All comments given below are the answers provided by the Service Provider. SP signature is required to confirm the information provided in Section 4.0 is correct to the best of their knowledge.

4.1 Complaints

  • 4.11Has the SP received any complaints from local businesses or residents?

4.2 EA Notices/Breaches

  • 4.21 Has the SP been issued with any improvement notices or breaches of legislation over the last 12 months?

  • Date of last EA audit:

  • 4.22 Does the SP have a copy of the EA audit?


  • 4.31 Has the SP reported any RIDDOR incidents?

  • SP signature:

Section 5.0 Policies

5.1 Policy Statements

  • 5.11 Does the SP have a Health and Safety Policy statement?

  • Date:

  • Management endorsement:

  • 5.12 Does the SP have an Environmental Policy statement?

  • Date:

  • Management endorsement:

  • 5.13 Does the SP have a Quality Policy?

  • Date:

  • Management endorsement:

  • 5.14 Does the SP have a Data Protection Policy?

  • Date:

  • Management endorsement:

  • 5.15 Does the SP have a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy?

  • Date:

  • Management endorsement:

  • 5.16 Does the SP have an Equal Opportunities Policy?

  • Date:

  • Management endorsement:

  • 5.17 Does the SP have a Lone Working Policy?

  • Date:

  • Management endorsement:

5.2 Health and Safety

  • 5.21 Does the SP have a designated Health and Safety representative?

  • Name of representative:

  • Any relevant qualifications:

  • 5.22 Does the SP have a Health and Safety handbook?

  • Issue date:

  • Review date:

  • Management endorsement:

  • Document control:

5.3 Risk Assessments

  • 5.31 Has the SP carried out risk assessments?

  • On site risk assessments?

  • Name of risk assessment:

  • Start date:

  • Review date:

  • Document control:

  • Hazards highlighted:

  • Control measures:

  • Off site risk assessments?

  • Name of risk assessment:

  • Start date:

  • Review date:

  • Document control:

  • Hazards highlighted:

  • Control measures:

5.4 Business Continuity

  • 5.41 Does the SP have a Business Continuity/ Disaster Plan?

  • Is the Business continuity plan provided compliant?

  • Issue date:

  • Review date:

  • Owner/Author:

  • On site and off site procedures?

  • Tested or desktop based?

Section 6.0 Procedures

6.1 Procedures

  • 6.11 Does the SP have any emergency procedures in place?

  • 6.12 Does the SP conduct routine emergency drills? (Document evidence)

  • 6.13 Are employees required to wear PPE whilst on site?

  • Does the SP perform equipment checks on employee PPE?

  • 6.14 Does the SP have a written accident reporting procedure?

  • 6.14 Has the SP produced Method Statements/Safe Working Practises/ Safe Operating Procedures?

  • On site procedures?

  • Name of procedure:

  • Start date:

  • Review date:

  • Document control:

  • Off site procedures?

  • Name of procedure:

  • Start date:

  • Review date:

  • Document control:

Section 7.0 Training

7.1 Employee Training

  • 7.11 How does the SP communicate policies and procedures to employees?

  • 7.12 Does the SP have an induction process for new employees?

  • 7.13 Does the SP provide regular training for employees?

  • Internal training:

  • External training:

  • 7.14 Does the SP have a training matrix?

  • Dates trained:

  • Refresher training dates:

Section 8.0 Waste Streams

8.1 Waste Streams

  • What M&S waste streams do the SP handle?

  • What process does the SP use on site?

  • What waste streams are produced at the end of the process?

8.2 Residual Waste

  • 8.21 Does the SP produce any residual waste from M&S waste?

  • Type of residual waste:

  • % of residual waste:

  • Final destination of waste:

Section 9.0 Sub-Contractors

9.1 Subcontractor Information

  • The risk ranking for the contractors identified in the following section is subject to change if the sub-contractors are identified as a high risk.

  • 9.11 Does the SP utilise sub-contractors/ third parties on M&S waste? (For each waste stream and hauliers)

  • Sub-contractor/ Third party details:

  • Sub-contractor
  • Name of contractor:

  • Waste handled:

  • How does the SP choose a contractor?

  • How does the SP monitor their sub contractors?

  • Are KPIs set?

  • Does the Sub contractor require and audit?

  • Contact name:

  • Email address/Phone number:

  • Date of audit:

  • Audit ref:

Section 10.0 Certificates/Awards

10.1 Certificates

  • 10.11 Does the SP have any certifications?

  • Certificate information:

  • Certificate
  • Type of certificate:

  • Start date:

  • Expiry date:

10.2 Awards

  • 10.21 Does the SP have any awards?

  • Awards information:

  • Award
  • Type of award:

  • Start date:

  • Expiry date:

Section 11.0 Site Inspection

11.1 Site Facilities

  • 11.11 Is the site secure? (Give details)

  • 11.12 Are visitors requested to sign in and off site?

  • 11.13 Is the site clean and well maintained? (Give details)

11.2 Site Safety

  • 11.21 Is PPE used correctly in site?

  • 11.22 Are site speed limits adhered to?

  • 11.23 Is the waste stacked correctly?

  • 11.24 Are there any designated walkways?

  • 11.25 Do they have spillage kits?

  • 11.26 Are there designated fire points?

  • 11.27 Is the a safe means of escape?

  • 11.28 Is the SP displaying the correct H&S poster?

11.3 Site Observations

  • 11.31 Any general observations?


  • 12.0 Can the SP confirm that they conform to M&S's zero waste to landfill policy?

  • Signature of SP:

  • Auditors Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.