Jobsite Information

  • Company

  • Type of work being performed?

  • Jobsite Foreman

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

General Safety

  • Was a job briefing conducted before work began?

  • Is a two-way radio or cell phone available in case of emergency?

  • Is the jobsite / yard clean and organized to prevent injuries?

Workzone Protection

  • Are the proper advanced warning signs in place?

  • Is the workzone clearly marked with the appropriate size and number of traffic cones?

  • Are emergency lights being used on the vehicles?

  • If traffic conditions or location warrant it, is a flagger present?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Are all employees wearing the appropriate ANSI class 2 traffic safety vest at a minimum?

  • Are all employees wearing the appropriate PPE for the hazards present? (i.e., Safety toed boots, gloves, glasses, hard hats, hearing protection, etc.)

Utility Safety

  • Are dig tickets current?

  • Are all utilities clearly marked with the appropriate paint color or flags? (Red=Electric, Yellow=Gas, Orange=Communications, Blue=Water, Green=Sewer)

  • Are all utility crossings properly exposed?

  • Are all open holes properly covered or protected?


  • Are all vehicles parked safely as to not create blind spots for traffic?

  • Do all vehicles in the workzone have traffic cones in place?

  • Do all vehicles have a current fire extinguisher and first aid kit?

  • Are all equipment and accessories properly secured?

  • Are all DOT inspections current?

Trailers and Equipment

  • Are all trailers properly connected/secured?

  • Is all equipment properly secured to the trailer?

  • Are all buckets and/or accessories properly secured?

  • Are all lifting devices properly rated and in serviceable condition?


  • Are all excavations properly barricaded?

  • Are all spoils piles a minimum of 2' feet from edge of trench?

  • Is adequate egress provided for all employees working in the excavation?

  • Is water in the excavation being properly managed?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.