Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Devices (computers, printers, iPads, etc)
Are devices in good working order?
If any device is less than in GOOD working order, record details.
Are devices free of visual damage?
If any device has any damage, record details.
Are devices compliant with HIPAA password storage guidelines? (no sticky notes with passwords, etc)
If yes, record details.
Do devices match Asset Guard information?
If no, record details.
Has all information been updated in Asset Guard for this date’s inspection?
If no, record details.
Are devices stored in a secure location when not in use?
Record details. Include storage location and if location is locked?
Do all devices have chargers?
If no, record details.
Do all devices hold a charge adequately?
If no, record details.
Have all needs for devices been met on this visit?
If no, what needs are being addressed?
Do all devices stay at facility at all times? (Employees should not be removing devices from facility at any times)
If no, does employee have written approval to remove device from facility? (Attach documentation)
Physical Assesment
Are all rehabilitation department areas secure when not in use?
How are areas secured?
Is there printed or written PHI in the department areas?
If yes, describe what manner of PHI?
Is printed or written PHI the minimum necessary to fulfill job requirements?
If no, record details.
Is PHI secured properly?
If no, record details.
Does all written and printed PHI remain at the facility at all times?
If no, record details.