Title Page
Project Name:
Site Visited:
Area of the site inspected:
Project Number:
CS Ref:
Report No:
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the hoarding design pack available?
Has a Temporary Works Design Certificate been provided?
Was the hoarding installed by a competent person?
Competent person name and company.
Is there a hoarding license in place?
Signage and Notices
Are there emergency contact details displayed at the site entrances?
Is there sufficient safety signage displayed on the hoarding?
Are all the hoarding panels clean and free from graffiti?
Are all the hoarding panels free from significant damage?
Are all the hoarding panels and posts structural sound?
Are all gates secure?
Is there any evidence that the gates have been tampered with?
Are all the site doors secure?
Is there any evidence that the doors have been tampered with?
Is there CCTV in operation on-site?
Is there any evidence that the CCTV has been tampered with?
Are there any live services on-site?
Has an adequate lighting system been provided?
Is there any evidence that the lighting system has been tampered with?
Untitled Page