Title Page
Document No.
Store name
Conducted on
Manager Name
Asm conducting the visit
People / communication
Are the team aware of today's sales target?
Has everyone read the promotional bulletin and do they know the key messages?
Have the targets been set for the 5-2 drive and does everyone know what they are?
Talk to an associate about offering customers a second item at penny, what does it mean to them? Do they have a clear understanding that it is about increasing customer awareness for products in trying them for 1p or the multiple savings?
Promotion bulletin / pulse
Has the promotion bulletin been checked and signed?
Do team members understand the buy one try one mechanics and are the actively selling them? Take a picture of the displays.
Do the team understand the ask us campaign?
Overall impressions
Windows - is the pos displayed correctly
Windows - are the displays Big, Bold and Brave? All store utilising all space? Take some pictures.
The store - is the store Big, Bold and Brave inside? Take some pictures.
Are the team members wearing the ask us badges?
Stacks, make sure they are safe and shopable, are the ticketed with barker cards?
Stickers on the penny sale items?
Are the healthy magazine on the counter and displayed prominently?
Are till units full and impactful? Take a picture.
Do all staff members have the loyalty leads on?
Are they using them?
Is the store correctly deployed for the day?
Are the team wearing the correct uniform and name badges?
Sampling and service
Is the sampling stand being fully utilised.?
Is the store maximising customers by approaching all customers? Ask the team what the weekly conversion target is.
Any concerns with stock? If so what stock is to low / high?
Actions discussed, evidence to be sent to the asm via whatsapp or pictures.
Manager signature
Asm signature