Home Safety Checklist
Conducted on
Address of checklist completed
Author: Andrew Thomas
Person Completing Audit
Patient Details
Participant's Name
Street name and number
Post Code
1.0 - Previous Alerts / Flags
1.1 - Is there a known alert placed on the property, individual or other inhabitants of the property?
Detail the nature of the alert and the source
2.0 - Consent
2.1 Does the client consent to the Home Visit?
2.2 Has the Home Visit Check been completed with client / carer present?
Type of residence
3.0 - Communication from site
3.1 Does the site have mobile phone coverage (Optus)? <br> No = the site has no / limited mobile phone coverage
3.2 Does the site have a landline which is connected and operational?<br> No = the site has NO 'phone
4.0 - Pets and animals
4.1 - Are there any dogs or pets that may present a risk to staff members?
Detail the animal and safety concerns
4.2 - There are means of controlling the animal(s) if required during the duration of the visit?
Please rate the risk
5.0 - Parking
5.1 - Street parking is NOT available
Please rate the risk
5.2 - Parking is NOT secure?
Please rate the risk
6.0 - Access
6.1 - There is reduced access to the property
Please rate the risk
Provide Details
6.2 - Entry and walkways provide safe access
Please rate the risk
Provide Details
6.3 - Entry and Walkways allow safe transportation of equipment
Provide Details
7.0 - Premises
7.1 - Site is powered
Please rate the risk
7.2 - Structural condition of premises
Provide Details
7.3 - Hygiene
Please rate the risk
Provide Details
7.4 - Infestation
Please rate the risk
Provide Details
7.5 - Squalor
Please rate the risk
Provide Details
7.6 - Hoarding
Please rate the risk
Provide Details
7.7 Is there adequate lighting inside?
Please rate the risk
7.8 Are there any trip or slip hazards
Please rate the risk
7.9 The gas and electric appliance are well maintained
Please rate the risk
7.10 There are Fire hazards?
Please rate the risk
7.11 There are smoke detectors present and well maintained?
Please rate the risk
7.12 Have there been any known infectious illnesses in the house in the last two weeks? Including Covid-19
Please rate the risk
8.0 - Medical Alerts
8.1 - Allergies - anything that can serious risk to health and well being? i.e. anaphylaxis
Provide details including management plan
8.2 - Multi Resistant Organism(s)
Provide details including type of MRO(s) and management plan(s)
8.3 - Adverse drug reactions(s)
Provide details including drug name, reaction and management plan
8.4 - Serious medical condition(s)
Detail condition(s) and any management plans
8.5 - Drug seeking behaviours
Provide details
9.0 Occupants
9.1 Does the client have a positive behaviour support plan?
Are Restrictice Practices used in the home?
Have you provided {insert company / representative} with a copy?
9.2 - Smokers on premises
Are you aware that you will not be able to smoke whilst {insert company/representatives} are in your home?
Does the client have mobilites issues? e.g. wheelchair or other?
9.3 Does the client speak English?
Is an interpreter required?
9.4 Are there any religious or cultural sensitivities to be aware of?
9.5 Firearms / weapons
9.6 Is there any known substance abuse amongst or visitors?
Any details please provide
10.0 History
10.1 Does the client , or other occupants have a history of vioulent or aggresive behaviour? e.g. domestic violence, elder abuse or family violence
10.2 Will the Violent / Aggresive person be present at the visit (if it is not the client)?
Can you provide assurances as to the safety and potential impact to the safety of others
11.0 - Consent
11.1 - Level of consent provided
Provide details including any special conditions
12.0 Sign Off
Staff Member's Name