Conducted on
Prepared by
Fire Prevention Life Safety
Automatic fire doors free from obstacles and positively latch when activated? (Doorways should not be blocked or wedged.)
Eighteen-inch clearance from ceiling is maintained?
Halls/Corridors uncluttered and accessible?
Doors and exits obstructed ie; boxes blocking exits or clutter or equipment blocking exits?
Fire doors close and latch?
Smoke doors close?
Are portable heaters being used and if so is it authorized per the first response plan?
Exit signs illuminated?
Fire alarms accessible?
Fire extinguishers accessible?
Flammable and hazardous materials properly stored and labeled?
Smoke detectors unobstructed?
Sprinklers unobstructed?
General Safety Management
Hearing protection is available in loud noise areas?
Hearing protection required signs posted in loud noise areas?
Eyewash stations: Inspection tags are present and up to date?
Warning signs or barricades are placed when work creates a hazard (wet floor, maintenance work in ceiling)?
Electrical cords and plugs in a safe condition?
Electrical panels accessible (3')?
Emergency reference guides available?
Stairwells clear?
Storage and mechanical rooms clean?
Hazardous Materials
Are rooms kept clean and tidy?
Are Hazardous Materials entered into Chem Watch?
PPE readily available and used?
Sharps container overfilled?
Date of when last update of Hazardous Material List in Chem Watch?
Products properly labeled and stored?
Waste Management
Is PHI being disposed of properly?
Appropriate items in general trash?
Appropriate items in red bags?
Appropriate items in RCRA bins?
Are Deterra containers closed?
Appropriate items in sharps container?
Are items being distributed into proper waste streams?
Additional findings or issues?
Additional issues or findings?