Document No.
Inspection Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Position Details
What are the tasks and duties to be performed by the apprentice/trainee?
What plant and equipment will the apprentice/trainee be using?
Host commitment
Is the host organisation accredited to a safety management system?
Has the host organisation appointed a senior manager who is responsible for making sure safety is managed properly?
Has the senior manager undergone any work health & safety training?
Does the host organisation have a written health & safety policy?
Does the host organisation have a documented system for managing safety?
Does the host organisation have a documented communication & consultation process for safety? (Will the AiGTS employee be included)
Does the host organisation have hazard identification and risk assessment procedures?
Does the host organisation have in place documented processes to control major workplace hazards?<br>(Such as plant, electricity, noise, hazardous substances)
Does the host organisation have written safe work procedures that reflect the way in which task should be done to ensure safety?<br>(Including site work)
Does the host organisation have a lock out tag out procedure for repair, maintenance and cleaning?
Does the host organisation manage risks consistent with the hierarchy of control?<br>(Elimination, substitution, engineering, PPE, administrative)
Has the host employer identified the most common causes of injury within the workplace?<br>(How many last year?)
Will the host organisation provide alternative duties for AiGTS employees who are injured at work?
Does the host organisation have a system to identify and manage risk when working on other sites?
Does the host organisation have a procedure to manage manual handling tasks?
Does the host organisation have a formal induction process? (And will the AiGTS employee be inducted on the first day?)
Does the host organisation have a specific process in place for managing the safety of apprentices/trainees?
Does the host organisation provide ongoing information, training and supervision to ensure they perform the work safely?
Does the host organisation keep WH&S & other training records?
Does the host organisation ensure incidents are reported, investigated and actions taken to prevent a reoccurrence are followed up?<br>(How is that done?)
Does the host organisation have a formal (documented or well understood) process for reporting safety concerns?
Does the host have hazardous substances clearly labelled and safely stored?
Does the host organisation have material safety data sheets for all substances used or stored at the worksite?
Does the host organisation have a test and tag schedule for all portable electrical equipment?<br>(Is it up to date?)
Does the host organisation have emergency procedures for the workplace that reflects the type of emergencies they could encounter?
Have the host organisations workers been trained in what to do in an emergency?
Does the host organisation make periodic checks to ensure emergency exits are well signposted, easily opened and clear of obstacles?
Will all workers have access to adequate first aid facilities?
Does the host organisation have trained first aiders?
Does the workplace have adequate worker amenities?
Does the host organisation have a procedure to control airborne contaminants?
Does the host organisation have a procedure for working at heights and risks of fall?
Major Hazard Risk Assessments
List the hazard risk assessments completed.<br><br><br>
Workplace walk through to verify information received and the following:
Safety signage in place?
House keeping to a good standard?
Emergency exits clear and signed?
Traffic management plan in place?
Fire fighting equipment in place?
Corrective Actions
List the corrective actions or recommendations arising from the risk assessment.<br>
Supervisor information
General requirements in the host supervisor information has been discussed and understood.<br>Reporting incidents<br>Supervision<br>Hazardous work and licensing <br>PPE requirements<br>WH&S consultation schedule
AiGTS Representative
Host Organisation Representative