Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site address
Case Number
Is it a Total Fire Ban Day?
Is it Emergency works?
Stop Work.
Has the area been cleared of combustible material for 15 metres?
If not, why?
Have all drains within 15 metres been covered with a wet fireproof blanket?
If not, why?
Are appropriate Fire Extinguishers available on site?
If not, why?
What type?
Is a Water Hose or 2 Knapsack Water Sprays available and tested on site?
If a water hose or 2 knapsack water sprays are not available, hot works must not commence.
Is extra ventilation required?
What type, and where is it to be located?
Are welding machines/gas bottles at least 8 metres from entry?
Name of Welder?
Total Fire Ban