Site conducted
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
This report provides an overview of your compliance with OSHA's requirements. The report in no way represents that all OSHA requirements have been identified and that compliance with these items will bring you into OSHA compliance in all areas nor does the report represent that compliance with suggestions will prevent all accidents, injuries and/or illnesses by this company.
Has last inspection been reviewed.
Personal Protective Equipment
Safety Glasses Z-87
Hard Hats when required
Foot protection
Hand protection
Hearing protection
Respiratory protection and fit testing when required
High visibility clothing
Other (face shield, googles, etc)
Hand Tools & Equipment
Tools guards and safety features provided and maintained on tools
Ground pin as needed
Extension cords maintained and inspected
No storing material in front of electrical panels
Labels on tools maintained
GFCI used as needed
LOTO - lock out-tag out used as required
Training in required tools
Fire Protection
Exits marked and visible
Fire Extinguishers visible and in proper location
Evacuation plan in place and communicate to all employees
Gas cylinders properly located and secured properly
Smoking areas designated
Employees trained in the use of fire extinguishers if needed
Welding & Cutting Operations
Gas cylinders properly handled, maintained and stored
Flashback arrestors installed at gauges
Flash screen(s) provided as needed
Proper eye protection for welding/cutting provided
Welding machine properly grounded
Welding lead/cable properly insulated with exposed electrical hazards
Fire watch and hot permit as required
Training where required
Fall Protection
Fall Protection plan provided
Workers using fall protection when required
Equipment inspected and maintained
Appropriate anchorage for tie off
Fall protection equipment properly worn
Guardrails systems properly installed and maintained
Overhead protection as needed
Impalement protection provided where required
Fall protection training documented
Scaffold & Ladder
Guardrails and toe boards installed (top 38 to 45 inches)
Equipment in use inspected, maintained and used as required
Proper access provided to scaffold
Proper base (base plate, rollers, sill plates) provided
Ladder properly positioned and secured from movement
Proper extension of access ladder to work platform
Training as required
Heavy Equipment & Forklift
Safety Manual, ANSI and manufacturer manual in the machine
Backup alarm/horn
Equipment maintained (leaks, tires, seat belt, etc)
No modification made to equipment ( welds or parts used that are not form manufacter)
Forks in good condition
Employees trained for equipment being used
Wire rope, controls, safety guards (crane)
Load chart in cab
Riggers and Signal person trained
General Site
First Aid Kit and trained personnel
Eye wash station readily available
OSHA posters
Competent person on-site (see OSHA definition)
Drinking Water and disposable cups available
Hazard Communication Program & Training provided to all employees
OSHA 300 posted (Feb. 1 thru April 30th)
Tool box talks or safety meetings conducted
Safety Manual reviewed at minimum annually
Any accidents since last visit
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