Title Page

  • Site

  • Client

  • O&M Contractor

  • Conducted on

  • Report Prepared by

  • Location
  • Document No.

  • Asset Manager

  • Manpower on site

  • Activities on site


  • Employer's Liability Insurance displayed?

  • Health and Safety File available?

  • H&S policy statement displayed?

  • As-built drawings available?

  • O&M manual available?

  • Accident report book available?

  • Accident report book kept up-to-date?

  • Evidence that all persons on site have been signed in/out available?

  • Evidence that all persons on site have been inducted available?

  • Has site completed an Emergency Response Plan? (fire, ladder rescue, turbine rescue, oil spill)

  • Emergency response plan displayed?

  • Have emergency scenarios being tested for effectiveness?

  • Fire Risk Assessment available?

  • HSE inspections being carried out?

  • Is smoking area being identified?

  • Have all contractors submitted RAMS for their activities?

  • Have RAMS being reviewed and approved by Site Rep?

  • Have all workers being briefed on the contents of the RAMS?

  • Are workers competent to undertake their duties?

  • Are all workers wear the required PPE?

  • Is there a system is in place to monitor the presence of lone, or out of hour’s workers?

  • Construction Phase Plan available for activities falling under CDM 2015?

  • Evidence of near miss reporting available?

  • System in place as to monitor weather conditions?

  • Operational control system in place?

  • Permit to work system being enforced?


  • Building condition?

  • Are all working areas and walkways adequately lit?

  • Guards in place?

  • Fire evacuation/escape plan displayed?

  • Assembly/Muster point identified & relevant signage in place?

  • Fire extinguishers & fire blanket available?

  • Have been commissioned on site by a certified fire services company?

  • Monthly visual checks of fire extinguishers are being carried out?

  • Are fire extinguishers being serviced on an annual basis by a certified fire services company?

  • Are H&S signages deemed sufficient, clearly displayed and free from damages?

  • Are all working areas and walkways free from trip hazards?

  • Posters available (H&S law, first aid, electricity at work, electric shock treatment)?

  • Are all electrical equipment PAT tested?

  • Are PAT certificates in date?

  • Fire alarm installed?

  • Intruder alarm/CCTV system installed?

  • Has reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting?

  • HV equipment locked to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Are keys secure?

  • Are HV keys secure in HV key cabinet?

  • Are routine inspections carried out on the switchgears?

  • Has available First Aid provisions (fully stocked and in-date first aid kit, eyewash kit, burns kit, AED- check battery status)?

  • Has available fully stocked spill kit?

  • Has available storage bund?

  • Has available toilet?

  • Is hygiene being observed? Has available soap available?

  • Has running water and soap available?

  • Non drinking water signs available on taps?

  • Has available drinking water?

  • Is designated parking area being identified?

  • Electrical Installation Condition Report available & in-date?

  • Suitable arrangements for the collecting and disposing of waste?

  • Is waste segregation being achieved?

  • Waste transfer notes provided by waste contractors and logged into the site folders?

  • Are licensed waste management companies being used?

  • Are COSHH assessments & MSDS available?

  • Are secured correctly (clearly labelled, signs, appropriate containers)?

  • Emergency Stop Button available?

  • Equipped with cover (or equivalent) as to prevent accidental/unwanted shutdowns?


  • Are all working areas and walkways free from trip hazards?

  • Has available First Aid provisions (fully stocked and in-date first aid kit, eyewash kit, burns kit)?

  • Are routine inspections carried out on the switchgears?

  • Fire extinguishers & fire blanket available?

  • Have been commissioned on site by a certified fire services company?

  • Monthly visual checks of fire extinguishers are being carried out?

  • Are fire extinguishers being serviced on an annual basis by a certified fire services company?

  • Are H&S signages deemed sufficient, clearly displayed and free from damages?

  • HV equipment locked to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Are harnesses available and used where appropriate?

  • Harnesses LOLER inspections in-date?

  • Harnesses inspection records in-date?

  • Is there adequate edge protection to stop people or materials falling from height?

  • Are appropriate ladders being used?

  • Ladder LOLER inspections in-date?

  • Ladder inspection records in-date?

  • Has reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting?

  • Service lift available?

  • Service lift LOLER inspection in-date?

  • Service lift inspection record in-date?

  • Evidence that personnel using the service lift are trained?

  • Anchor points LOLER inspection in-date?

  • Condition of crane pads?


  • Are all working areas and walkways free from trip hazards?

  • Has available First Aid provisions (fully stocked and in-date first aid kit, eyewash kit, burns kit)?

  • Are routine inspections carried out on the gearbox?

  • Fire extinguishers & fire blanket available?

  • Have been commissioned on site by a certified fire services company?

  • Monthly visual checks of fire extinguishers are being carried out?

  • Are fire extinguishers being serviced on an annual basis by a certified fire services company?

  • Are H&S signages deemed sufficient, clearly displayed and free from damages?

  • HV equipment locked to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Anchor points LOLER inspection in-date?

  • Is there adequate edge protection to stop people or materials falling from height?

  • Has reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting?

  • Rescue equipment available?

  • Rescue equipment inspection record in-date?

  • Condition of heaters?

  • Are routine inspections carried out on the blades?


  • Is site fenced off?

  • Safety signs available at site entrance?

  • Condition of internal roads?

  • Are buried utilities marked?

  • Is area free from animal droppings ?

  • Site speed limit being enforced?

  • Is site free from fire hazards (e.g. tall grass, fly-tipping)?

  • Is site free from signs of unauthorised entry (e.g. vandalism/graffiti, fly-tipping)?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.