Title Page
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
General Information
1. The Premises
1.3 Give brief details of construction
1.4 Give a brief description of the occupancy
2. The Occupants
3. Occupants Especially At Risk From Fire
3.1 are there sleeping occupants on site?
3.2 Are there disabled occupants on site?
3.3 Are there occupants in remote areas?
3.4 Are there young persons on site?
3.5 Others:
4. Fire Loss Experience
5. other relevant information
6. Relevant Fire Safety Legislation
6.1 The following fire safety legislation applies to these premises:l
6.2 The above legislation is enforced by:
6.3 Other legislation that makes significant requirements for fire precautions in these premises (other than building regs 2010)
6.4 The legislation to which 6.3 makes reference to is enforced by:
7. Electrical Sources of Ignition
7.1 Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires from electrical origin?
7.2 Have the fixed electrical systems been periodically inspected and tested?
7.3 Has Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) been carried out?
7.4 Is there a suitable policy regarding the use of personal electrical items?
7.5 Is there a suitable limitation of trailing leads and adapters?
7.6 Is there any evidence of daisy chaining?
7.7 Comments and hazards observed:
8. Smoking
8.1 Reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of smoking?
8.2 Is smoking prohibited in the building?
8.3 Smoking prohibited in appropriate areas?
8.4 Suitable arrangements for those who wish to smoke?
8.5 The policy appeared to be observed at the time of this inspection?
8.6 Comments and hazards observed:
9. Arson
9.1 Does basic security against arson seem reasonable?
9.2 Is there an absence of unnecessary fire loading in close proximity to the premises or available for ignition by outsiders?
9.3 Comments and hazards observed:
10. Portable Heaters And Heating Installations
10.1 Is the use of portable heaters avoided as far as practicable?
10.2 If portable heaters are used, is the use of more hazardous types (radiant bar or lpg) avoided?
10.3 Are suitable measures taken to minimise the hazard of ignition of combustible materials?
10.4 Comments and hazards observed:
11. Cooking
11.1 Are reasonable measures taken to prevent fires as a result of cooking?
11.2 Are the filters and ductwork cleaned periodically?
11.3 Are there suitable extinguishing appliances available?
11.4 Comments and hazards observed:
12. Lightning
12.1 Does the building have a lightning protection system?
12.2 Comments and deficiencies observed:
13. Housekeeping
13.1 Is the standard of housekeeping adequate?
13.2 Combustible materials appear to be separated from ignition sources?
13.3 Avoidance of unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials or waste?
13.4 Avoidance of inappropriate storage of combustible materials?
13.5 Comments and hazards observed:
14. Hazards Introduced By Outside Contractors And Building Works
14.1 Are fire safety conditions imposed on outside contractors?
14.2 Is there satisfactory control over works carried out in the building by outside contractors (including hot works permits)?
14.3 If there are in-house maintenance personnel, are suitable precautions taken during hot works, including the use of hot work permits?
15. Dangerous Substances
15.1 If dangerous substances are, or could be, used, has a DSEARS assessment been carried out as per the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002?
16. Other Significant Fire Hazards That Warrant Consideration
16.1 Hazards:
16.2 Comments and deficiencies observed:
17. Means Of Escape From Fire
17.1 Is it considered that the building is provided with reasonable means of escape in case of fire?
17.2 Are the escape routes adequately designed?
17.3 Is the an adequate provision of exits?
17.4Are the exits easily and immediately openable where necessary?
17.5 Do fire exits open in the direction of escape where necessary?
17.6 Is there an avoidance of sliding or revolving doors as fire exits?
17.7. Is there satisfactory means for securing exits
17.8 Are the travel distances reasonable for single direction of travel?
17.9Are the travel distances reasonable where there are alternative means of escape?
17.10Is there suitable protection of escape routes?
17.11 Is there suitable fire precautions for all inner rooms?
17.12 Are all escape routes unobstructed?
17.13 Is the building provided with reasonable arrangements for means of escape for disabled occupants?
17.14 Comments and deficiencies observed:
18. Measures To Limit Fire Spread and Development
18.1 Is the compartmentation throughout the building of a reasonable standard
18.2 There is a reasonable limitation to lining that may promote fire spread.
18.3 As far as can be reasonably ascertained, fire dampers are provided as necessary to protect critical means of escape against the passage of fire, smoke and combustion products in the early stages of a fire?
18.4 Comments and deficiencies observed:
19. Emergency Escape Lighting
19.1 Reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting provided? (based on a visual inspection, but no illuminate levels or verification of full compliance with the relevant BS carried out)
19.2 Comments and deficiencies observed:
20. Fire Safety Signs and Notices
20.1 Reasonable standard of fire safety signs and notices?
20.2 Comments and deficiencies observed:
21. Means of Giving Warning Incase of Fire
21.1 Reasonable manually operated electrical fire alarm system provided? (Based on a visual inspection, but no audibility tests or verification of full compliance with the relevant BS number)
21.2 Automatic fire detection provided?
- Yes - throughout the building
- Yes - part of the building only
- No
21.3 Extent of AFD generally appropriate for the occupancy and fire risk?
21.4 Remote transmission of alarm signals?
21.5 Comments and deficiencies observed:
22. Manual Fire Extinguishing Appliances
22.1 Reasonable provision of portable fire extinguishers?
22.2 Hose reels provided?
22.3 Are all fire extinguishers easily and readily accessible?
22.4 Comments and deficiencies observed:
23. Relevant Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems
23.1 Type of system:
24. Other Relevant Fixed Systems and Equipment
24.1 Type of system:
24.3 Suitable provision of firefighter switches for high voltage luminous signs etc?
25. Procedures and Arrangements
25.1 Fire safety is managed by:
25.2 Competent person(s) appointed to assist in undertaking the preventative and protection measures (I.e. Relevant general fire precautions)
25.3 Is there a suitable and up to date record of the fire safety arrangements?
25.4 Appropriate fire procedures in place?
25.5 Are procedures in the event of a fire properly documented?
25.6 Are there suitable arrange,nets for summoning the fire and rescue service?
25.7 Are there suitable arrangements to meet the fire and rescue service on their arrival and provide relevant information to assist them in their role, including hazards to firefighters?
25.8 Are there suitable arrangements for ensuring that the premises have been evacuated?
25.9 Is there a suitable fire assembly point(s)
25.10 Are there adequate procedures for the evacuation of any disabled people who may be present?
25.11 Are persons nominated and trained to use fire extinguishing appliances?
25.12 Are persons trained to assist with evacuation, including the evacuation of disabled people?
25.13 Are there documented routine in house inspections of fire precautions (e.g. in the course of H&S inspections)
26. Training and Drills
26.1 Are all staff given adequate fire safety instruction and training on induction?
26.2 Are all staff given periodic refresher training at suitable intervals?
26.3 Does staff training cover fire risks in the premises?
26.4 Does staff training cover the fire safety measures in the building?
26.5 Does staff training cover what to do in the event of a fire?
26.6 Does staff training cover what to do on hearing the fire alarm?
26.7 Does staff training cover the method of operation of manual call points?
26.8 Does staff training include the location and use of fire extinguishers?
26.9 Does staff training cover the means for summoning the fire and rescue service?
26.10 Does staff training inform the employee of the identity of persons nominated to assist with evacuation?
26.11 Does staff training inform the employee of the identity of persons nominated to use fire extinguishers?
26.12 Are staff with additional responsibilities (fire wardens) given additional training?
26.13 Are fire drills carried out at appropriate intervals?
26.14 When employees from another employer work in the premises are they given sufficient information with regard to fire safety?
27. Testing and Maintenance
27.1 Adequate maintenance of the premises?
27.2 Are there documented records for weekly testing and periodic servicing of fire detection and alarm systems?
27.3 Are there documented records for monthly and annual testing routines for the emergency escape lighting?
27.4 Are there documented records for annual maintenance of fire extinguishing appliances?
27.5 Are there documented records for periodic inspections of external escape staircases?
27.6 Are there documented records for six monthly inspection and annual testing of rising mains?
27.7 Are there documented records for the weekly and monthly testing of and the six monthly inspection and annual testing of firefighting lifts?
27.8 Are there documented records for the weekly and periodic inspection of sprinkler systems?
27.9 Are there documented records for the routine checks of final exit doors and/or security fastenings?
27.10 Are there documented records for the annual inspection and test of lightning protection systems?
27.11 Any further comments:
28. Records
28.1 Are there appropriate records for fire drills?
28.2 Are there appropriate records for fire training?
28.3 Are there appropriate records for fire alarm tests?
28.4 Are there appropriate records for emergency lighting tests?
28.5 Are there appropriate records for the maintenance or testing of other fire protection systems?
Fire Risk Assessment
Fire Risk Assessment
The following simple risk level estimator is based on a more general health and safety risk level estimator of the type contained in BS 8800:
Taking into account the fire prevention measures observed at the time of this risk assessment, it is considered that the hazard from fire (likelihood of fire) at these premises is:
- Low
- Medium
- High
In this context, a definition of the above terms is as follows:
Low: Unusually low likelihood of fire as a result of negligible potential sources of ignition.
Medium: Normal fire hazards (e.g. Potential ignition sources) for this type of occupancy, with fire hazards generally subject to proper controls (other than shortcomings).
High: Lack of adequate controls applied to one or more significant fire hazards, such as to result in significant increase in likelihood of fire. -
Taking into account the nature of the building and the occupants, as well as the fire protection and procedural arrangements observed at the time of this fire risk assessment, it is considered that the consequences for life safety in the event of a fire would be:
In this context, a definition of the above terms is as follows:
Slight harm: Outbreak of fire unlikely to result in serious injury or death of any occupant (other than an occupant sleeping in the room in which a fire occurs)
Moderate harm: Outbreak of fire could foreseeably result in injury (including serious injury) of one or more of the occupants, but is unlikely to involve multiple fatalities
Extreme harm: Significant potential for serious injury or death of one or more occupants -
Accordingly, it is considered that the risk to life from fire at these premises is:
A suitable risk-based control plan should involve effort and urgency that is proportionate to risk. The following risk based control plan is based on one advocated by BS 8800 for general health and safety risks:
Note that, although the purpose of this section is to place the fire risk in context, the above approach to fire risk assessment is subjective and for guidance only. All hazards and deficiencies identified in this report should be addressed by implementing all recommendations contained in the following action plan. The fire risk assessment should be reviewed regularly.
Action Plan
Action Plan
It is considered that the following recommendations should be implemented in order to reduce fire risk to, or maintain it at, the following level:
- Trivial
- Tolerable