
  • Area Inspected

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Is Marine-specific induction conducted for visitors and records maintained?

  • Does the specific induction document include embarking and disembarking procedures, PPE Requirements and area /vessel-specific risks?


  • Is there a critical task and training matrix for the Marine team?

  • Are all team members trained on critical task SOPs and training records up-to date?

  • Are PTOs conducted per SOP for each employee, and records maintained?

  • Are risk assessments for critical and non-critical tasks conducted as required and records maintained?


  • Registration certificate in place?


  • Navigation Lights fitted and functional? (Masthead - white, port - red, starboard - green, stern - white, towing - yellow)

  • Automatic identification systems (AIS) fitted and functional?

  • Are navigation instruments calibrated and records maintained

  • Is the vessel equiped with communication equipment [E.g., radio]

  • GPS fitted and functional?


  • Housekeeping on ship’s deck?

  • Suitable and sufficient lighting on deck?

  • Is there any significant corrosion?

  • Are trip hazards marked?

  • Are ladders and stairways satisfactory?

  • Is labelling and signage adequate?

  • Are the fenders satisfactory?

  • Are mooring bitts satisfactory [e.g. overall condition, securely fastened, corrosion]?

  • Are mooring lines in good condition?

  • Are below deck compartments in satisfactory condition?

  • Are walkways demarcated?

  • Are handrails fitted and satisfactory?

  • Is there adequate lighting in the below deck compartments?


  • Are guards fitted on machines?

  • Are emergency stops labelled and tested?

  • Are (machine) controls adequately labelled?

  • Are maintenance program's maintained for plant and machinery?

  • Are log books maintained for plant and machinery?

  • Are hydraulic hoses in satisfactory condition?

  • Are cranes in good condition?

  • Is the crane load-tested, records available and the SWL indicated on the crane?

  • Is the winch in good condition and inspections records up to date?


  • Are portable electrical appliances being tested and tagged?

  • Are wall plugs, switches and other switchgear checked and labelled?

  • Are lifting equipment's and accessories checked and tagged according to the current color code and logged into a register?

  • Are working at height equipment's (safety harnesses, lanyards, anchor points, portable ladders, …) checked and tagged according to the current color code and logged into a register?

  • Is the lifting / rigging gear stored correctly?

  • Are lifting, working at height, confined space equipment, portable electrical equipment stored appropriately while not in use?

  • The storage and handling of hazardous substances satisfactory?

  • Are MSDS available and current?

  • Is the correct PPE being worn by crew members?

  • Is the maximum storage capacity of the flammable liquid store prominently displayed at the store entrance?

  • Are gas cylinders, the pipes, cutting torches, regulators, flash back arrestors and pressure indicators in good condition and safe to use?

  • Are gas cylinders storage labels in place (Name of the gas and manufacturers plate)?

  • Are individual work stations kept clean, organized and orderly?

  • Is there a dedicated and barricaded place to temporarily store unused materials/scraps until they are removed from vessel?

  • Are staking of material stable and not creating obstruction and risk of falling objects?

  • Is the load capacity for shelves displayed and are staking and storage in line with the maximum load limits?

  • Is there a demarcated smoking area(s) with signage and ash trays available?

  • Are ablution facilities (including sewage treatment plant) maintained in good condition?

Anchor and Mooring Equipment

  • Are anchor windlasses or winches properly maintained and inspected?

  • Does the vessel have sufficient mooring lines of adequate strength, length and condition to secure the vessel to jetty, buoys or other mooring points safely?

  • Is the mooring winch working satisfactorily?

  • Are bollards, cleats, fairleads and other mooring fittings properly maintained for securing mooring lines?

  • Have the crew members received training on mooring procedures and risks?

  • Have the crew members been trained in anchor handling procedures?

  • Is there a contingency plan for dealing with anchor fouling situations to prevent incidents or damage to the vessel or nearby vessels?


  • Are lifeboats fitted?

  • Are Davits in good order?

  • Is a MOB boat fitted?

  • Is the Davit system in good order?

  • When was the Davit system last load tested? (5 yearly)

  • Are there maintenance routines for lifeboats & Davits?

  • Are the launching arrangements satisfactory?

  • Are launching instructions posted?

  • Are drills being held on a regular basis?

  • Are drills recorded in the safety file?

  • Life buoys fitted?

  • Are the medical stores in good order?

  • Are eye wash facilities available?

  • Is there a stretcher?

  • Is the emergency evacuation diagram available and displayed?

  • Are escape routes and assembly point identified? (Luminescent arrows and signs)

  • Is the firefighting equipment mounted and easy to access?

  • Is there sufficient firefighting equipment and, in good working condition?

  • Is firefighting equipment numbered, inspected and within service date?

  • Is a fire detection system fitted?


  • Is there no waste placed outside the bins?

  • Is there adequate labelled bins per type of waste according to Kenmare Standards?

  • Is the waste segregation done according to Kenmare standards?

  • Is the sewage system operating correctly and not posing an environmental risk?


  • Is storage of oils satisfactory? (Bunded)

  • Are there any hydraulic leaks?

  • Are maintenance program's maintained for plant and machinery?

  • Is there a bunkering procedure in accordance with the Kenmare bunkering requirements?

  • Are there spill kits strategically positioned in potential spill areas?

  • Are crew trained in the use of spill kits? - REWRITE, APPOINTMENT OF HCS Controller

  • Is there certified sewage containment or treatment on board and records available?


  • Safe Access between ship and shore?

  • Will the arrangements allow the optimum 3 point contact during embarkment/disembarkement?

  • Are there suitable steps and railing systems leading up onto the transfer platform?

  • Do weather conditions limit crew transfer?

  • Are there any incidents or near misses recorded involving personnel transfer?

  • Is there a LIFEBUOY with light and line readily available?

  • Does the vessel have a stock of self inflating life vests?


  • Are tea rooms (canteen), change rooms and ablution facilities cleaned and sanitized ?

  • Are ablution facilities equipped with hand wash, soap toilet papers and water?

  • Is there a pest control system implemented and effective?

  • Is the pest control certificate in place and up-to-date?

  • Are mosquito repellent products available on the workplace for employees to use?


  • All routine and non critical tasks are covered by General Task Assessment?

  • Each critical task is covered by an approved Task Based Risk Assessment?

  • Are incidents resulting on Injuries, Significant Potential Incidents and Property Damages reported and investigated?

  • EHS Policy awareness done to all employees, attendance kept in file?

  • Appointments of people with EHS functions done and copies kept in file?

  • Toolbox talks & Training records for employees kept in files? Including new employees

  • EHS Rep inspections done on a monthly basis and actions addressed?

  • Copies of updated Risk Assessments, GTA and Take 5 kept in file?

  • Are EHS meetings and risk register reviews performed?

  • Incident Records and Recalls awareness in file?

  • Check the GPTW books and identify gaps

  • Check specific permits books (hot work, isolation, confined space) and identify gaps

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.