Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • PIA NOI:

  • Select Gigaclear Region:

  • Gigaclear Community I.D:

  • Select Location:
  • Works Description/GC Plant Reference location

  • Plant/Structure Inspected

  • Date & Time

  • In Build/Post Build

  • Gang/Team

  • Supervisor

  • Name(s) of Personnel on site (If Applicable)

  • Do works have a Live Street Works Permit

  • Permit Number

  • DNO Authority:

  • State DNO License No:

  • Contractor / Sub Contractor

  • Inspected by

  • Inspection I.D

Response Definitions

  • Definitions (For Reference when Scoring an Audit Question)

  • N/A - Not Applicable - Item is not applicable or relevant to the works/project.

  • N/R - Not Reviewed - Item has not been reviewed. The item may exist but during the inspection was not assessed.

  • N/C - Non Compliant - Item has not been provided, utilised or utilised correctly or does not meet the requirements or standards as determined by the Contractor,
    Gigaclear, Contract/Order, Asset Owner or Legislative requirements. Breach may have the potential to cause harm or injury or risk of notices or
    prosecution from Local Authorities, the HSE or OR. Item must be rectified and Inspector informed when complete.

  • I/R - Improvement Required - Item does not meet the required standards as determined by the Contractor, Gigaclear, Contract/Order, Asset Owner or Legislative requirements.

  • C - Compliant - Item meets or exceeds the required standards as determined by the Contractor, Gigaclear, Contract/Order, Asset Owner or Legislative

  • O - Observation - Where an item may still be in build/not yet complete but is noted as requiring action. Observation may also be positive for good/excellent work practices

Overhead Guidance

Overhead Guidance

  • PIA OH Fibre Audit Guidance V1.1

  • Specification CP08 - Overhead

  • Specification for Builds Specification for Overhead Line of Sight Solutions

  • Gigaclear PIA Build Guide

  • Gigaclear Engineering Third Party Infrastructure Usage Guide

  • “The overhead power glove box guide”

HSEQ Overhead Inspection

  • Select section(s) to complete

HSEQ Items

  • H2 - Site induction completed

  • H3 - Site specific risk assessment

  • H4 - Welfare facilities/arrangements

  • H5 - A&E location map

  • H6 - Training / Accreditation / NOPS cards

  • H7 - CoSHH/control of haz substances

  • H8a - First Aid Kit

  • H9 - Fire Extinguisher

  • H10 - Spill Kit

  • H11 - PPE/PFPE

  • H12 - Lone Worker controls

  • H13 - Noise/Dust controls

  • H14 - Plant/Equipment/Hand tools condition

  • H15 - GDU/valid calibration

  • H16 - Manual Handling (ie, pit lifters, roll bars, LMC's, cable drums)

  • H17 - Work Area/Drop Zone guarded

  • HO18 - MEWP LOLER inspection (6 month validity)

  • HO18A - MEWP outrigger placement/stability boards

  • LA19 - Ladder inspections ( 6 month validity)

  • HA20 - Harness and Lanyard inspections ( 6 month validity)

  • HA21 - Lift Plan in place and communicated

  • H23 - Are the correct fall restraint systems in place for flat roof working?

Signing, Lighting and Guarding

  • SW1 - Permit Conditions

  • SW2 - Permit Information Board

  • SW3 - Footway boards/Road Plates

  • SW4 - Pedestrian Provisions (Kerb Ramp etc.)

  • SW5 - Barriers

  • SW6 - Signs

  • SW7 - Cones

  • SW8 - Safety Zone

  • SW9 - Distances/widths

  • SW10 - Diversion

  • SW11 - Existing Provisions (bus stops, pedestrian crossings etc)

  • SW12 - Signals

  • SW13 - Condition of SLG Equipment

Overhead Compliance

  • O21 - OR Whereabouts submitted and in date

  • OH1 - NOI (Order/Notice of Intent is valid and acknowledged)

  • OH2 - DNO Licence is valid and acknowledged

  • OH3 - Apparatus fitted within correct envelope of space

  • OH4 - Pole mounted apparatus securely fixed to the pole

  • OH5 - GC Apparatus legibly labelled as per spec

  • OH6 - Gigaclear branded "caution overhead fibre" warning labels (for JUP only)

  • OH7 - Any cut cable ties cut flush with no sharp edges

  • OH8 - Hazardous fibre waste cleared from site

  • OH9 - Upper Bass Step correctly repositioned and is compliant with specification

  • OH10 - Are creosote plugs inserted into the existing holes created by the removal of the coach screws

  • OH11 - Cables securely fixed at specified intervals and routed away from climbing steps, any coils managed by approved methods only.

  • OH12 - Cable(s) attached to pole top using spiral/wedge clamp

  • OH13 - Use of approved aerial cable

  • OH14 - Newly provided OH cables compliant with minimum height requirements

  • OH15 - Any existing wires/cables below 5.2m reported

  • OH16 - Newly provided OH cables, correct power separation distances maintained

  • OH17 - Pole capping replaced/provided

  • OH18 - Overhead cable loadings not exceeded (DILOR)

  • OH19 - Cables routed through underground structure/on pole which will obstruct access to existing apparatus

  • O23 - Is there a Pole bend blockage and has it been correctly cleared

  • OH20 - Any observed safety defects not reported (A1024)

GC Pole Installation

  • GCP01 - Is the pole complete as per design and survey?

  • Has the correct pole size and gauge been used and sited at the correct location.

  • GCP02 - Is the Pole correctly aligned?

  • Check the pole is straight with a plumb line and ensure its within the tolerances set out in the Poling Process Manual.

  • GCP03 - Is the Pole depth within tolerances?

  • Check the distance from ground level to the 3m line. Use a probe in the depth tube. Reference the Poling Process Manual for tolerances

  • GCP04 - Is the Pole stable in the ground?

  • Wearing gloves apply pressure to the pole at 90-degree angles. Does the pole move easily in the ground?

  • GCP05 - Is the Pole in a good visible condition?

  • Check for any physical damage caused by a vehicle strike or vandalism. Check for large cracks (shakes)

  • GCP06 - Is a Depth tube fitted and useable?

  • 150mm of tube should be visible above ground level and secured with one 65mm staple being plugged at the top. The measuring probe should easily slide down the full length of the tube.

  • GCP07 - Is the Pole correctly dressed?

  • Pole dressed in accordance with the Poling Process Manual

  • GCP08 - Are all climbing steps aligned so the pole can be safely accessed?

  • Steps should either be in line with the road or at right angles.

  • GCP09 - Is the Pole a Minimum of 500mm from the C/W with 1 metre of F/W left available?

  • Ensure the pole is at least 500mm from the C/W kerb edge and there is at least 1m of usable footway/footpath left for pedestrians

  • GCP11 - Reinstatement specification

  • All reinstatement must be completed as per the SROH

  • GCP12 - Has the site been left in a clean and tidy condition?

  • All excess spoil and rubbish must be removed from site and footways/footpaths brushed and tidied.

Dropwire Fixing Inspection Item

  • OHDW58 - Has the fixing been installed in a position agreed with the customer?

  • OHDW59 - Is an Eyebolt 1A type fixing used for exposed brick walls

  • OHDW60 - For rendered walls or where crossing a road is required has an Eyebolt 2A type fixing been used ?

  • OHDW61 - If there is an existing (structurally sound) BT dropwire mounting bracket has it been used?

  • OHDW62 - Has the Eyebolt 1A been installed in the correct position on the wall (4 bricks down and 2 bricks in)?

  • OHDW63 - Has the correct fixing been used for the type of material it is installed on?

Overhead Closure Inspection Items – Commscope OTE/OFDC/MST/FST-R/BUDI/Mini RDT

  • OHCL40 - Is the closure in good condition, clamped shut and securely attached to the pole with the correct fixings?

  • OHCL41 - (OTE/OFDC) Are blanking plugs fitted into unused ports?

  • OHCL42 - Are all cables entering the closure secured (cable ties/clips)?

  • OHCL43 - (OTE/OFDC/BUDI) Have fibres been routed correctly to and around the splice trays (no sharp bends or excessive tension)?

  • OHCL44 - (MST/FST-R/BUDI/Mini RDT) Are the threaded dust caps sealed on all unused ports?

  • OHCL45 - Are the fibres slack at entry/exit points or either side of splice protectors (no excessive tension on fibres)?

  • OHCL46 - (BUDI/Mini RDT) Has the closure been installed in a suitable location (e.g. in a riser cupboard or at height on wall)?

  • OHCL47 - (Mini-RDT) Has the spool lock screw been tightened and cover fitted to keep spool in place?

  • OHCL48 (OTE) Have all cable strength members been securely clamped into CTUs?

  • OHCL49 - (OFDC) Are cables secured in closure with hose clamps?

  • OHCL50 - (MST/FST-R)Have all hardened connectors on the drop cables been fitted correctly?

  • OHCL51 - (BUDI) Are the pigtails stripped at the correct location before entering the splice tray?

  • OHCL52- Is the closure securely attached to the pole with the appropriate bracket?

  • OHCL53 - Have all cables been secured to the pole?

  • OHCL54 - Are all drop cables labelled?

Please Note

  • Unsafe activities or situations that pose a significant risk of harm to workers or members of the public are to be ceased, rectified or made safe immediately. Any good actions or behaviours that should be recognised please report them via Notify as a Good Observation. Sites that are Permitted should also be audited under Aurora where access to this system is available. Please contact Gigaclear HSEQ for advice or support.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.