Title Page

  • Document Number

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Office Manager

  • Prepared by

  • Have all personnel at the workplace undertaken the staff induction session

Policies and H&S Legal Requirements

  • Is the Health & Safety Law poster prominently on display in the office area

  • Are copies of the company Health & Safety Policy on display or easily accessible to all personnel

  • Are all policies displayed in date

  • Are all certifications displayed in date

First Aid

  • Is The first aid kit accessible to all personnel and clearly labelled

  • Is the first aid kit complete with no items past their “use by” date

  • Are all first aid treatments recorded in a logbook

  • Do all personnel know the location of the first aid kit

  • Do all personnel know the person responsible for first aid in the office

  • Do all personnel know the procedure to be followed in the event of serious accident

  • Is a telephone accessible and available close to the first aid area at all times


  • Are there fire detection systems in place in the workplace

  • Are clear fire instructions including evacuation procedures and safe areas displayed throughout the workplace

  • Are the fire exits in the workplace clearly marked

  • Is the number and type of fire extinguishers at the workplace sufficient

  • Are the fire extinguishers properly fixed and accessibility maintained

  • Are the fire extinguishers clearly and correctly signed

  • Have all fire extinguishers been recently serviced and maintained

  • Is there a fire risk assessment in place

  • Break Glasses

  • All break glasses unbroken


  • Are there an adequate number of washing & sanitary facilities

  • Is there drinking water readily available in the workplace

  • Are there clean and separate facilities for personnel to prepare and eat meals

  • Are staff welfare facilities regularly kept clean


  • Are the workplace bins/skip emptied regularly

  • Is there an adequate number of rubbish containers provided for the workplace

  • Are the walkways free from obstacles

  • Are the storage areas of the workplace neat and orderly

  • Are the fire exits clear of obstructions and correctly functioning


  • Is there adequate ventilation in the workplace

  • Is there sufficient lighting provided in the workplace

  • Are the floors/surfaces free from trip/slip hazards and level

  • Is the workplace temperature at a suitable level


  • Is there adequate workspace for the number of personnel in the workplace

  • Are the workstations suitable for their intended use

  • Are there comfortable and adjustable seating provided

  • Is furniture and equipment checked and maintained regularly

Air Conditioning Unit

  • Air Conditioning Unit service records in date

VDUs (computer users)

  • Are computers positioned to reduce glare from windows or lights

  • Can users easily read the computer screen

  • Can the workstation be adjusted to suit the user

  • Are users able to take breaks from computer screens


  • Do all electrical fittings comply with appropriate standards

  • Has all electrical equipment used in the workplace been PAT tested

  • Are all electrical circuits protected by a Residual Current Device (RCD)

  • Are electrical leads and cables free from walkways/exits


  • Are chemicals Present on site

  • Are all chemical storage containers clearly and correctly labeled

  • Are Safety Data Sheets provided for all substances

  • Is training provided to staff in the safe use of chemicals

  • Are flammable substances stored securely and safely


  • Is the weight of the loads being handled clearly marked

  • Do staff receive information, instruction and training in safe lifting techniques

  • Are mechanical lifting aids used wherever possible

  • Are heavy items stored at appropriate heights


  • Is proper and appropriate PPE provided to all personnel

  • Do personnel use PPE in the correct manner

  • Do staff receive information, instruction and training on the correct use of PPE

  • Is PPE checked and maintained regularly

  • Are adequate stocks off PPE kept in the workplace


  • Is there sufficient parking provided for all personnel

  • Is there a safe access and egress route for passengers and vehicles

  • Are there adequate loading/unloading areas


  • Are there written instructions available on how to report accidents and incidents in the workplace

  • Do staff understand accident and incident reporting procedures

  • Are all accidents and incidents recorded and investigated where deemed necessary

  • Do staff have access to the accident and incident report book/file

  • Is there a responsible person appointed for reporting major incidents and carrying out accident investigation


  • Is adequate Health & Safety training provided to all personnel

  • Do personnel receive training in identifying and reporting risks in the workplace

  • Is information, instruction and training provided to personnel from external sources

  • Are personnel training records available kept up to date


  • Are recycling facilities in place

  • Are copies of the company Environmental Policy on display or easily accessible to all personnel

Asbestos Check

  • Has the roof tiles been checked for movements as required by the Asbestos Report undertaken in 2016 (this is an annual requirement)

Water checks

  • Have the water temperatures been checked

  • Cold Water 20 c or under?

  • Hot Water 60 c or above

  • This Workplace Inspection Checklist does not imply that all the conditions in this workplace are safe and healthy or that the arrangements for welfare at work are satisfactory


Workplace Inspection Report Created By

  • Date:

  • Name:

  • Position:

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.