Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Document number

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by HSQE Manager

  • Site No / Location


  • Select site weather conditions at time of inspection (Select all that apply)

  • Current activities being undertaken on site (Select all that apply)

  • If other selected add brief description of works being carried out

Site Safety

  • Are RAMS, and/or Subcontractor RAMS in the site file signed

  • Have daily / weekly DABS been carried

  • Is an up to date traffic management plan on display

  • Is the H&S Board compliant / current

  • Have LOLER, PUWER inspections been carried out in last week

First Aid Facilities

  • Are first aid facilities to be inspected

  • Are site first aid cabinets and contents clean and orderly

  • Are first aid contents within their expiry date

  • Are eyewash stations within their expiry date

  • Are operatives aware of location of first aid boxes

  • Are first aid officers known to operatives and accessible

  • Are emergency numbers displayed

Fire Prevention and Emergency

  • Are fire and emergency procedures to be inspected

  • Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all colleages

  • Exits clear of obstructions

  • Extinguishers in place, clearly marked for type of fire

  • Extinguishers recently serviced

  • Extinguishers clear of obstructions

  • Fire bells, horns or alarms functioning correctly

  • Are hot works being conducted on site

  • Has a hot works permit been completed

  • Does the work area have adequate fire fighting equipment

  • Is fire watching in place for after completed works (2 hours)

Site Security

  • Is site security and security fencing in place

  • Are site entry and exit points clearly desginated

  • Is clear signage requiring visitors to check in posted

  • Is site perimeter fenced off appropriately with required site public signage

  • Are all entries and exits closed and locked at night and during weekends

  • Are works areas signed and barriered

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Is Personal Protective Equipment to be inspected

  • Is head protection, hi-vis clothing and steel toecap boots worn correctly and where required

  • Is hearing protection available and worn when using plant & equipment exceeding 85Dba

  • Is eye protection worn when cutting, breaking or exposed to projectiles

  • Is respiratory protection available and worn when dust, mist or fumes are present

  • Are operatives aware of correct PPE for tasks they are trained to perform


  • Have vehicle checks been completed

  • Is housekeeping to be inspected

  • Are welfare facilities kept clean and tidy

  • Does the site supervisor have IT equipment such as laptop, printer and site supervisor email

  • Is housekeeping to an acceptable standard

  • Are skips adequately placed and is there additional space for waste

  • Are materials stored safely and in good order

Trip and Fall Safety

  • Is trip and fall safety to be inspected

  • Are working area entry and walkways kept clear and marked

  • Are cables, leads and hoses routed safely and protected against slips, trips and falls

  • Are walk ways, corridors and stairs free from slip and trip hazards

  • Are railings and footpaths in good condition

  • Is all work above 2m or within 2m or an edge being done safely

  • Are all openings and excavations fully barricaded or are protected with a secure cover and labelled

Manual Tasks

  • Are manual tasks to be inspected

  • Has a manual handling risk assessment been prepared

  • Are operatives using equipment to lift loads which weigh over 25kg

General Machinery, Plant and Equipment

  • General machinery, plant and equipment to be inspected

  • Are relevant pre-start inspections being completed on machinery, equipment and plant? and is a preventative maintenance schedule in place

  • Is plant in good overall condition and used correctly

  • Are seat belts being worn on rollers, dumpers and excavators etc

  • Are Sthil saws being used with water supression

  • Are all vibrating hand tools appropriately managed to highlight daily exposures to vibration

  • Are machine, equipment and plant operators trained and inducted to be competent in safe use

  • Are all excavator buckets safely stored and adequately fenced off and have appropriate signage

  • Have chains, slings and other lifting accessories been inspected, in good condition and are the certificates on site

  • Are mixers positioned in the relevant locations on site and do mixers have adequate blocks and vehicle protection to protect mixer operator

  • Is adequate fencing and barriers in place to segregate vehicles and pedestrians

  • Is all electrical equipment PAT tested and checked for defects

Lifting Operations

  • Are lifting operations being carried out

  • Are lift plans present, in date and relevant to the works

  • Are lifting certificates on site and in date for all lifting equipment and accessories

  • Are visual inspections carried out on lifting equipment and attachments

  • Are weekly recorded lifting attachment inspections recorded

  • Is any defect equipment destroyed or removed from the works and replaced

Breaking Ground

  • Is ground being broken or opened up

  • Is a permit to dig in place

  • Has the area been CAT scanned

  • Are CAT scan operatives trained and competent

  • Are trial holes dug by hand to ascertain depth of services

  • Are excavations being dug by hand when within 500mm of known buried services


  • Is all COSHH related issues to be checked

  • Is a hazardous substance register complete and are COSHH & MSDS assessments available

  • Are spill kits or other clean up arrangements available

  • Are drip trays available for storage of COSHH substances


  • Is environmental to be inspected

  • Is site waste segregated and disposed of correctly in designated skips

  • Is nuisance noise, vibration and dust controlled on site

  • Is surface water and run off water managed and controlled

  • Does the site have any tree preservation orders, newt fences or any other areas of interest from the Environment Agency

  • If yes to the above are these areas protected, fenced and adequate signage displayed

PC and Client Related Observations

  • Highlight any PC / Client related issues here with photographs and notes

General Comments

  • Any other comments (Positive or Negative)

  • Additional relevant photos

Sign off

  • Name & Signature of Inspector

  • Name & Signature of Site Manager / Supervisor

Untitled page

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.