Title Page
Guarding PMAT
Supplier Sticker
Conducted on
Conducted by
Main Guards
Is the painwork free from damage/scratches?
Are all stainless steel panels sitting flush to guarding?
Is all excess glue from stainless steel removed?
Are all bolts, washers and fixings in place?
Are all fittings tight?
Are all fixings/fittings equal to BOM?
Is PTFE tape used in all the required areas?
Is the operator door aligned with the guards?
Is main operator door glass free from damage/scratches?
Does the operator door open and close smoothly?
Does the tool changer door open and close smoothly?
All are lifting holes in place?
Are all welds cleaned up sufficiently?
Are all weld spots removed from mating faces?
Are all tapped holes free from paint?
Are all guard panels positioned correctly to drawings?
Are all areas that require sealant sealed correctly?
If automatic front doors, are all parts supplied?
Does console sit flush to front doors?
Does the front door close/open smoothly?