Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Section one - Management of H&S
Part 1 - General
1.1 Is the general condition / maintenance of the building(s) acceptable?
1.2 Is the general condition / maintenance of the grounds acceptable?
1.3 Is the H&S law poster on display?
1.4 Is there a clear structure of responsibilities for H&S, and do those in posts carrying safety functions understand and fulfil their responsibilities?
1.5 Does the school have a H&S committee?
1.6 Is a system in place for reporting H&S concerns, and are all staff and pupils aware of it?
Part 2 - Monitoring H&S
2.1 Does the inspections and checks log show a regular pattern of inspections and checks for the premises?
2.2 Are all regular maintenance records kept up to date and available for inspection?
2.3 Is there a system for notifying the site manager of defects found with equipment or premises?
2.4 Are defects logged immediately and is prompt and appropriate action taken to resolve these defects?
2.5 Are termly H&S inspections of the site undertaken by a person with responsibility for H&S?
2.6 Are these inspections documented?
2.7 Have recommendations arising from previous inspections been actioned?
2.8 Is there a school H&S action plan?
2.9 Is regular monitoring of H&S undertaken by heads of department, and have heads of department received training for this role?
2.10 Is H&S a standing agenda item at relevant governing body committee meetings?
Part 3 - Policy
3.1 Is there a H&S policy, and has it been signed and dated by the headteacher or chair of governors?
3.2 Is the H&S policy reviewed regularly by the person responsible for its implementation?
3.3 Is the H&S policy made available to all staff, parents and contractors?
3.4 Is the policy included in the induction process and are policy changes effectively communicated to all staff?
Part 4 - Risk assessment
4.1 Has a risk assessment audit been carried out within the last year to ensure that school-specific risk assessments are in place where needed and fit for purpose?
4.2 Are risk assessments for individuals being carried out where required, for example for known medical conditions where there are H&S implications, such as epilepsy?
4.3 Have heads of department created specific risk assessments for relevant curriculum activities?
4.4 Have staff, pupils and visitors been informed of the hazards and risks on the site?
4.5 Are staff aware of the content and location of all relevant risk assessments?
Part 5 - Accident reporting
5.1 Is there a procedure in place for recording and reporting accidents to staff and pupils, including those that are RIDDOR-reportable, incidents of violence towards staff, and ‘near-misses’?
5.2 Are accident records monitored for trends?
5.3 Are governors routinely notified of any significant accidents?
Part 6 - Lettings
6.1 If parts of the premises are used by another organisation, have responsibilities for H&S been clearly defined?
6.2 Is a lettings policy in place and up-to-date?
6.3 Are key risks and emergency procedures clearly communicated to hirers?
6.4 Are there formal arrangements in place to notify other users and occupants of the site of new H&S issues?
Section 2 – Premises Management Internal
Part 1 -Toilets and Bathrooms
1.1.2 Are the toilet facilities adequate for the number of staff and pupils, well-supplied and hygienically maintained?
1.2.2 Are regular checks of toilet facilities carried out during the day?
1.3.2 Are tiles and seals in good condition?
1.4.2 Are floors clean and dry?
1.5.2 Are extractor fans clean and working?
1.6.2 Is drinking water available from a clean, well maintained source?
Part 2 - Lighting, heating and ventilation
2.1.2 Are lighting levels adequate inside and outside the building?
2.2.2 Is emergency lighting available on escape routes, and is it serviced every 6 months by a contractor?
2.3.2 Is the heating suitable and sufficient in all parts of the school?
2.4.2 Is ventilation (natural or powered) adequate?
2.5.2 Are extractor fans clean and working?
2.6.2 Have ventilation systems, including local exhaust ventilation (e.g. fume cupboards and wood dust extraction systems), been serviced within the last year?
2.7.2 Have air conditioning systems been serviced within the last year?
Part 3 - Doors
3.1.2 Are doors, including door locks and viewing panels, checked for damage regularly?
3.2.2 Are finger guards in place and effectively maintained on vulnerable doors (e.g. toilets and classrooms in early years and Key Stage 1 areas and in special schools)?
3.3.2 Have electronic powered gates or doors been serviced by a contractor within the last year?
3.4.2 Do electronic powered gates and doors receive more regular safety checks by school staff?
Part 4 - Roofs, ceilings and walls
4.1.2 Are roofs inspected regularly and repaired where necessary?
4.2.2 Are any fragile roof surfaces identified by signage?
4.3.2 Are lightning conductors serviced annually?
4.4.2 Are gutters, roof outlets, rain pipes etc. inspected every 6 months, or more frequently as required?
4.5.2 Are external walls, ceilings, partitions and cladding inspected for damage regularly and repaired where necessary?
4.6.2 Has a rolling programme of painting and decorating works been established?
4.7.2 Are internal and external finishes, including tiling, masonry and paintwork, inspected annually?
Part 5 - Kitchen and catering
5.1.2 Is the kitchen kept clean, in good condition and free from infestation?
5.2.2 Have any outstanding items from the local authority environmental health officer’s report for the school kitchen been dealt with?
5.3.2 Do catering providers have a food safety management system compliant with the hazard analysis and critical control point (HACPP) system?
5.4.2 Is the food operator aware of all food-related allergies, and is information readily available about the allergens present in food served in school?
5.5.2 Is kitchen equipment, including ventilation systems, regularly checked and cleaned?
5.6.2 Has catering equipment been serviced within the last year?
5.7.2 Are fridges and freezers clean and at the correct temperature?
Part 6 - Floors and corridors
6.1.2 Are floor surfaces and coverings kept clean, in good condition, non-slippery and free of trip hazards?
6.2.2 Are corridors, gangways and other internal pedestrian routes kept clear of obstructions?
6.3.2 Are any sudden changes in floor level highlighted?
6.4.2 Are there procedures in place to deal with spillages?
Part 7 -Staircases and ramps
Are stairs even, unworn and adequately lit?
7.1.2 Do the staircases have handrails? Are handrails in good condition?
7.2.2 Are ramps of a suitable gradient and non-slippery?
7.3.2 Classrooms, staffrooms and changing rooms
7.4.2 Has all school furniture been checked for damage?
7.5.2 Do cupboard doors close properly and have steps been taken to prevent the risk of head injury from open cupboard doors?
7.6.2 Are overhead projectors secure and positioned to avoid forcing pupils and staff to look directly into the beam?
7.7.2 Are there steps or a platform available to access high shelving?
7.8.2 Is furniture located in a safe place, without presenting a trip hazard or blocking access?
7.9.2 Are rooms large enough for teaching?
7.10.2 Is specialist equipment and machinery properly fitted, regularly inspected and serviced?
7.11.2 Is there sufficient protective equipment and clothing for staff and pupils, and is it kept in good condition or replaced when necessary?
7.12.2 Are there areas in classrooms, staffrooms and changing rooms for the safe storage of personal belongings (e.g. bags and coats)?
7.13.2 Are coat racks secure and positioned so that they do not present a fire hazard?
7.14.2 Are hot surfaces, such as radiators and hot water pipes, covered or protected to prevent the risk of burns?
Part 8 - Windows
8.1.2 Are windows, including window locks, checked for damage weekly?
8.2.2 Have window restrictors been fitted and are they in good working order?
8.3.2 If open windows pose an injury risk, are risk assessments and control measures in place?
8.4.2 Is glazing inspected regularly and reinforced or protected in higher risk areas?
8.5.2 Has a glazing risk assessment been conducted?
8.6.2 Have measures been taken to reduce solar gain where necessary?
Part 9 - Housekeeping
9.1.2 Is general housekeeping satisfactory?
9.2.2 Is regular cleaning carried out to a suitable standard?
9.3.2 Is a schedule of deep cleaning in place, in particular for dining areas, kitchens and food technology areas?
9.4.2 Are materials and equipment stored in an orderly, safe and suitable fashion, including cleaning chemicals?
9.5.2 Are items stored at height (e.g. files/folders on shelves) accessible, secure and safe?
9.6.2 Are potentially hazardous areas (kitchen, labs, workshops etc.) locked when unsupervised?
Section 3 – H&S of Personnel
Part 1 - Staff Training and Welfare
1.1.3 Have all staff received an effective and documented H&S induction, and have their training needs been assessed?
1.2.3 Have staff with emergency response roles (e.g. fire warden) received training?
1.3.3 Is all H&S training recorded?
1.4.3 Are all staff aware of the H&S issues particular to their role?
1.5.3 Have staff who need it been provided with appropriate protective clothing, and have they been shown how to use and look after it?
1.6.3 Have all display screen equipment users been identified and their workstations assessed?
1.7.3 Have any additional measures been put in place for the safety of disabled or pregnant people on site?
1.8.3 Have H&S implications for lone working been considered?
1.9.3 Are risk assessments and control measures in place for personal security and lone working?
1.10.3 Are “no smoking” signs in place?
1.11.3 Are staff, including union H&S representatives, consulted on H&S arrangements?
Part 2 - Work Experience
2.1.3 When students are to go on work experience, are all potential placements inspected and risk assessed, with records stored centrally?
2.2.3 When work experience placements are offered in the school are those taking up the placement vetted appropriately and a risk assessment carried out?
Part 3 - Manual Handling
3.1.3 Have staff required to undertake manual handling received training, and is this training up to date?
3.2.3 Are risk assessments carried out in relation to manual handling tasks?
Part 4 - Contractors
4.1.3 Are there arrangements in place for the control of contractors on site?
4.2.3 When awarding contracts directly, is H&S included in specifications and contract conditions?
4.3.3 Are appropriate competency checks undertaken prior to engaging a contractor directly?
4.4.3 Are control measures in place to ensure separation between students and contractors as far as possible? When contact is unavoidable, are contractors DBS checked?
4.5.3 When large vehicles and machinery will be moving on the site are risk assessments carried out and control measures put in place?
Part 5 - Trips and visits
5.1.3 Is a member of staff designated as an educational or external visits coordinator and have they received training?
5.2.3 Does the school comply with DfE guidance in relation to trips and visits?
5.3.3 Are risk assessments completed for all proposed trips and visits and inputted on EVOLVE? Are all staff accompanying the trip/visit fully aware of the contents of the risk assessments?
Section 4 – Utilities, Hazardous Substances
Part 1 - Electrical equipment
1.1.4 Do all items of frequently used or high-risk portable electrical equipment undergo portable appliance testing (PAT) on an annual basis?
1.2.4 Have all infrequently used and low risk items of portable electrical equipment been tested within the last 5 years?
1.3.4 Do all portable appliances have an up to date portable appliance testing (PAT) sticker?
1.4.4 Has all fixed electrical equipment and wiring been inspected within the last 5 years?
1.5.4 Are inspection records for all items of electrical equipment available and up to date?
1.6.4 Are electrical leads kept tidy and secure, or are there any trailing electrical leads?
1.7.4 Are sockets used for no more than one plug each?
1.8.4 Are staff checking that appliances, plugs and sockets are safe before they use them?
1.9.4 Are there regular briefings to staff and are posters displayed etc. to remind staff to switch off lights, monitors etc.?
1.10.4 Is all non-essential electrical equipment turned off at the end of each school day?
1.11.4 Are electricity meter readings being recorded every month?
1.12.4 Are the locations of emergency shut off switches for electricity marked up on an accessible plan? Do relevant staff know their locations?
Part 2 - Oil and gas
2.1.4 Are all gas appliances, including gas boilers, inspected and safety tested annually by gas safety registered contractor?
2.2.4 Are gas cylinders stored appropriately? (Secured upright, separated from flammables, location marked on a plan in the fire risk assessment)
2.3.4 Are any pressure vessels, such as gas cylinders, and any liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) tanks inspected annually?
2.4.4 Is the area around LPG tanks kept clear of weeds and debris, and is the LPG tank surrounded by fencing or barriers?
2.5.4 Are oil boilers serviced every 6 months by a registered contractor?
2.6.4 Are boiler rooms kept free of combustible materials?
2.7.4 Does gas pipework receive a pressure test every year?
2.8.4 Is the area around oil storage tanks kept clear of weeds and debris, and are the tanks surrounded by fencing or barriers?
2.9.4 Are oil storage tanks checked monthly for leaks?
2.10.4 Is the gas supply turned off in labs, workshops and kitchens when not in use?
2.11.4 Are the locations of emergency shut off valves for gas and oil marked up on an accessible plan? Do relevant staff know their locations?
Part 3 - Plumbing and water
3.1.4 Is there a procedure in place to mitigate the risks of legionella?
3.2.4 Has a water risk assessment been conducted for the prevention of legionella?
3.3.4 Have the initial recommendations from the water risk assessment been actioned?
3.4.4 If there have been subsequent changes to the hot and cold-water systems since this assessment, has this assessment been reviewed?
3.5.4 Is there an annual legionella inspection carried out by a competent authorised contractor?
3.6.4 Are the elements of the hot and cold-water systems inspected and serviced regularly?
3.7.4 Are waste pipes and above ground drainage systems checked regularly for blockages?
3.8.4 Are sewerage pumps and chambers inspected and serviced in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions?
3.9.4 Are records maintained and available for the checks carried out on the water and sewage systems?
3.10.4 Are all checks and maintenance work being documented in the water log book?
3.11.4 Are the locations of emergency shut off valves for the water supply marked up on an accessible plan?
Part 4 - Radiation
4.1.4 Does the school hold any sources of Radiation?
4.2.4 Has the school appointed a Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA)?
4.3.4 Has the RPA agreed the schools standard operating procedures?
4.4.4 A recorded check is in place to ensure that all radioactive sources kept are suitable for use within the education sector
4.5.4 Has the school got satisfactory storage arrangements for radioactive sources
4.6.4 Does the school hold a radioactive source history, for each source including the results of regular inspections and leak tests
4.7.4 Is there a list of authorised staff to use and handle sources
4.8.4 The RPS holds an up to date log book recording staff withdrawing and returning radioactive sources
Part 5 - Hazardous substances, including asbestos
5.1.4 Is there an inventory of chemicals (e.g. cleaning and maintenance products), and has it been reviewed within the last year?
5.2.4 Has a control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) risk assessment been conducted of all substances identified as presenting a significant risk (for example, swimming pool chemicals, laboratory chemicals and cleaning materials)?
5.3.4 Are there warning notices about dangerous chemicals?
5.4.4 Are all hazardous substances stored appropriately and out of the reach of children, in clearly-labelled containers (e.g. irritant, flammable)?
5.5.4 Is there a procedure in place for dealing with spillages or accidents involving hazardous substances?
5.6.4 Is hazardous waste collected by a specialist contractor in accordance with current regulations?
5.7.4 Has a radon sump been installed, and is it checked regularly?
5.8.4 Is an asbestos management plan, containing an asbestos register, type two asbestos survey, site plans and a site specific management plan, kept up to date and readily available?
5.9.4 Has a licensed asbestos surveyor re-inspected the premises within the last year, and have the results of the survey been recorded?
5.10.4 Has all old data concerning asbestos been effectively segregated or archived? There is a legal duty to keep such data for 40 years.
5.11.4 Has the location of known ACM remaining on the site been communicated effectively to staff, pupils and visitors?
Section 5 – Tools and equipment
Part 1 - Tools and equipment
1.1.5 Have task-specific work at height risk assessments been conducted?
1.2.5 Are all ladders in good condition?
1.3.5 Is a ladder register and checklist in place and reviewed regularly?
1.4.5 Where a scaffolding tower is used, have the staff erecting it and using it undertaken appropriate training and has its use been risk assessed with control measures put in place?
1.5.5 Are tools and equipment kept secure and out of the reach of pupils and unauthorised adults?
1.6.5 Are operating instructions available for work equipment?
1.7.5 Where there is significant use of power tools or machinery, is a register of equipment in place which identifies any significant safety issues?
1.8.5 Is a preventative maintenance and servicing schedule in place for all tools and equipment, including workshop machinery?
1.9.5 Is there sufficient equipment to assist staff with manual handling tasks (e.g. trolleys)?
1.10.5 Is any damaged or faulty item of access equipment clearly labelled and removed as soon as possible to prevent use?
1.11.5 Are school email accounts appropriately monitored or filtered?
1.12.5 Where monitoring takes place, is an acceptable use policy in place?
Part 2 - Lifts and Hoists
2.1.5 Are building lifts and hoists for moving and carrying people checked and serviced regularly, and are checks and services recorded?
2.2.5 Have any goods lifts or hoists been serviced within the last year?
2.3.5 Are maximum loads marked clearly on hoisting and lifting equipment?
2.4.5 Is a procedure in place for responding to passenger alarms?
2.5.5 Are commissioning, testing and inspection certificates held on site for all lifting and hoisting equipment?
Section 6 – External areas
Part 1 - Vehicles
1.1.6 Is a list of nominated minibus drivers and training maintained?
1.2.6 Do drivers have the appropriate licence for the vehicle?
1.3.6 Are all vehicles used on site being inspected and serviced regularly and according to manufacturers’ instructions?
1.4.6 Are vehicles used on site fitted with appropriate warning devices for use when moving around the site?
1.5.6 Have driving licences been checked to identify any penalties which might affect insurance cover?
1.6.6 Are all inspection, MOT and servicing records in place and up to date?
Part 2 - Security
2.1.6 Are windows locked and secured at the end of the day?
2.2.6 Are doors locked and secured at the end of the day?
2.3.6 Is the intruder alarm set at the end of the day?
2.4.6 Is the intruder alarm checked weekly, and any faults reported?
2.5.6 Are external lights checked weekly, and any faults reported?
2.6.6 Are gates and perimeter fencing of adequate height and well maintained?
2.7.6 Is access to low roofs adequately restricted?
2.8.6 If used, are anti-climb paint and anti-scale devices clearly signed?
2.9.6 Are CCTV systems checked weekly and footage kept for a suitable period?
2.10.6 Is there a signing-in system and visitors’ book in the school reception area?
2.11.6 Are all staff and visitors issued with identity badges?
2.12.6 Is the number of entrance points onto the school site kept to a minimum and are they adequately controlled?
2.13.6 Are doors giving direct access to pupils kept secure against unauthorized persons?
2.14.6 Are electronic keypads checked weekly and entry codes changed regularly?
2.15.6 Have risk assessments been carried out in relation to the potential for intruders coming onto the site?
2.16.6 Are the names and contact details of key holders kept up to date?
Part 3 - External areas and access arrangements
3.1.6 Are trees in or overhanging the grounds safe and in good condition?
3.2.6 Are these trees checked for disease and weakness every 2-3 years by a specialist contractor?
3.3.6 Are walls and fences in good condition?
3.4.6 Are grounds, including playgrounds and games pitches, kept clear of refuse and litter and regularly checked for damage and disrepair, and are they currently in good condition?
3.5.6 Is PE and outdoor play equipment inspected annually by a competent contractor?
3.6.6 Are daily checks carried out of any adventure playground equipment (or other outside facilities prone to malicious acts of vandalism where there is an imminent risk of injury)?
3.7.6 Are waste bins and any external storage spaces covered, secured and located a safe distance away from buildings?
3.8.6 Are external pathways and other outside areas checked daily for trip hazards and general maintenance?
3.9.6 Is the car park free from surface damage, such as potholes?
3.10.6 Is there safe access to and egress from the school?
3.11.6 Is there a clearly defined route between site entrance(s) and reception with direct access to children avoided where practicable?
3.12.6 Is there suitable separation between vehicles and pedestrians on the site?
3.13.6 Where physical separation between vehicles and pedestrians is not possible, are there suitable signs and traffic calming measures – such as signage, speed restrictions or speed humps? Are these signs in good condition and legible?
3.14.6 Is adequate access to the site maintained for emergency services?
3.15.6 Is disabled access clear of obstructions?
3.16.6 Is salt and grit readily available to treat paths and walkways in icy weather?
3.17.6 Is there an accessibility audit and access management plan, and are these kept up to date?
3.18.6 Are outbuildings in good condition?
3.19.6 Are risk assessments and control measures in place to ensure that grounds maintenance is undertaken safely?
Section 7 – Emergency Arrangements
Part 1 - Fire Safety
1.1.7 Has a fire risk assessment or assessment review been carried out in the last 12 months?
1.2.7 Has the capacity for communal areas (e.g. main hall) been calculated as part of this assessment?
1.3.7 Have all actions from the fire risk assessment been carried out?
1.4.7 If changes have been made to the building or occupancy, has the fire risk assessment been reviewed?
1.5.7 Is an up to date school evacuation plan in place?
1.6.7 Are personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs) in place for staff and pupils who need them, and are PEEPs taken into account in the school evacuation plan?
1.7.7 Have all staff, pupils and visitors been given instructions about fire evacuation and assembly procedures?
1.8.7 Are up to date evacuation signs and notices clearly displayed in every room?
1.9.7 Are all emergency exits and routes clearly signed, available for immediate use and unobstructed?
1.10.7 Are the fire assembly points kept free from obstruction?
1.11.7 Are internal fire doors in place in key areas, such as corridors and stairwells? Are they opening easily and closing fully, and are they kept unlocked?
1.12.7 Do any electronic locking devices used on fire escape routes unlock automatically on operation of fire alarm or loss of power?
1.13.7 Are fire drills conducted termly and recorded?
1.14.7 Have any issues identified during fire drills been resolved?
1.15.7 Is the fire alarm system audible throughout the building?
1.16.7 Does the fire alarm system have a battery back up?
1.17.7 Is a full test of the fire alarm, including call points, carried out weekly, and are these tests recorded?
1.18.7 Has the fire alarm system been serviced by a competent engineer within the last year?
1.19.7 Is the fire-fighting equipment checked weekly in-house and inspected by a contractor on an annual basis? Are records of checks kept?
1.20.7 Are fire extinguishers accessible and clearly signed?
1.21.7 Is the emergency lighting tested, and faults recorded, on a monthly basis?
1.22.7 Are all stairwells and under-stairs areas kept clear of combustible materials?
1.23.7 Are highly combustible materials stored and secured in their correct locations?
1.24.7 Are classrooms and the areas near doors kept free from paper and other combustible materials?
Part 2 - First aid and medication
2.1.7 Are first aid supplies restocked regularly and stored in an appropriate place?
2.2.7 Is there an adequate number of first aiders on site, and are they appropriately qualified? Is their training up to date?
2.3.7 Are the names of first aiders and the locations of first aid supplies clearly displayed?
2.4.7 Are staff and pupils aware of the procedure for summoning first aid assistance?
2.5.7 Are pupils with medical needs and allergies clearly identified?
2.6.7 Is an annual review of care plans undertaken for those with more complex needs?
2.7.7 Is there a procedure for the administration of medication?
2.8.7 Is the medicine cabinet kept locked and in a secure place?
2.9.7 Are all medicines in their original container and labelled with the details of the pupil they are meant for?
2.10.7 Is the medicine cabinet regularly emptied of old or unwanted stock?
2.11.7 Are records being kept of the administration of first aid and medicines?
2.12.7 Are appropriate infection control procedures in place?
2.13.7 Are all staff informed of infection control measures annually, and new staff upon induction?
2.14.7 Crisis and emergency management
2.15.7 Is a there crisis management team, and have they created a recovery plan to be followed in the event of a serious accident or incident?
2.16.7 Are procedures in place for handling emergency situations and for communicating these to all staff?
2.17.7 Is equipment necessary for the execution of emergency plans, including communications equipment and building plans, readily available for use in the event of a crisis?
2.18.7 Are these plans and procedures tested through an annual emergency exercise?
2.19.7 Are these plans and procedures reviewed after the annual emergency exercise?