Title Page
Site conducted
Job Number
Prepared by
1) Field Conditions
Access (i.e. clear access onto and around work areas)
Air Quality (i.e. silica exposure, wild fire smoke, dust control)
Air Compressors (i.e. relief valves, gauges)
Electrical (i.e. extension cords, corded tools, GFCI/spider box)
Equipment (i.e. scissor, fork, aerial lifts, good condition, proper use, visual inspection upon use)
Excavation (i.e. utilities identified, bench, slope, shore, spoils 2ft, covers, barricades)
Fall Protection (i.e. proper guardrails, proper use of PFA's, PFA's inspected daily/C.P, controlled access zone, 2"+ hole covers)
Fire Protection (i.e. ext. within 25ft of hot work, hot work permit, ext. inspected monthly, up to date, good condition, flammable liquids stored properly)
Hand/Power tools (i.e. guards in place, alterations, damages, improper use)
Hot Work/Compressed Gas (i.e. shade 3 glasses, leather gloves w/ brazing/soldering, secured/properly stored, fire wall between oxy/acet, ventilation)
Housekeeping (i.e. no trip hazards, material stored properly, chemicals stored properly, work areas clean, clear access)
Impalement Hazards (i.e. rebar, underground stakes, obstructing objects work areas)
Ladders (i.e. good condition, legible labels, no alterations, proper storage, proper use per manufacturer)
Lighting (i.e. egress lighting, work area lighting)
LOTO (i.e. gas, electrical for service, equipment while servicing)
PPE (i.e. properly warn per ICS COSP, manufacturer specs, or GC requirement, ear plugs when needed)
Scaffolding (i.e. green tagged, good condition, visual inspection upon use)
Temp/Water/Shade (i.e. Heat index, plenty of water, plenty of shade)
Management Activities
First aid kit (i.e. not expired, fully stocked, eye wash station available on site)
First-aid personnel (i.e. Foreman CPR/AED/FA certified)
Safety Program Available (i.e. IIPP electronically and/or hard copy, SDS sheets available)
OSHA 300 Log posted Feb. 1st - Apr. 30th (i.e. ONLY in job trailers/offices on site)
Medical Clinic map available (i.e. nearest Concentra and ER)
Emergency Response posted/known (i.e. Grab N Go packet)
Cal/Fed OSHA postings/permit (i.e. current year poster in job trailer/office or GC has available on jobsite)
Toolbox talks/Weekly Safety Meetings (i.e. current week, turned in on time)
Jobsite checklist/inspection (i.e. conducted weekly by foreman)
Pre-Task Hazard (i.e. completed daily)
Daily Hazard Assessment (i.e. noted, discussed with crew prior to start of task)
Sanitary Facilities (i.e. toilets, hand wash stations, properly stocked)
Covid-19 Postings (i.e. posting available inside job trailer/office)
Other (i.e. situation that does not fit a particular category)