Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

1.0 Health & Safety Policy and Induction

  • 1.1 The company health & safety policy statement and other statutory notices are displayed and up to date, and accessible to all staff

  • 1.2 Health and Safety at Work Poster displayed and accessible to all staff, and completed as required

1.3 Employee Engagement

  • 1.3.1 Notice boards present clear, adequate communication with consistent messages

  • 1.3.2 Evidence of a range of communication methods

  • 1.3.3 Employee feedback mechanisms in place, accessible and used

1.4 Have employees received an Induction? Choose two employees at random, new starters or last starters

  • Employee No 1 Insert Name:

  • 1.4.1 Is employee’s training file in place and accessible?

  • 1.4.2 Do training records and certificates confirm that the employee has completed induction and training pertaining to current role. Has competence been assessed/confirmed?

  • 1.4.3 Is refresher training identified and managed?

  • Employee No 2 Insert Name:

  • 1.4.4 Is employee’s training file in place and accessible?

  • 1.4.5 Do training records and certificates confirm that the employee has completed induction and training pertaining to current role. Has competence been assessed/confirmed?

  • 1.4.6 Is refresher training identified and managed?


2.1 Have all appropriate risk assessments been completed and available on site?

  • Choose an Operation at random, insert title and reference number below:

Random Operation 1

  • Dept.

  • Operation:

  • Has the above operation been risk assessed/ reviewed within 2 years?

  • Are control measures appropriate, recorded and implemented? (eg consider hierarchy of controls, learning from experience)

  • Is the risk assessment communicated to staff and readily accessible?

Random Operation 2

  • Dept.

  • Operation:

  • Has the above operation been risk assessed/ reviewed within 2 years?

  • Are control measures appropriate, recorded and implemented? (eg consider hierarchy of controls, learning from experience)

  • Is the risk assessment communicated to staff and readily accessible?

2.2 Work planning and control

  • Choose an Operation at random, insert title and reference number below:

Random Operation 1

  • Dept

  • Operation:

  • 2.2.1 Does the above operation have a written Safe System of Work/Procedure, written or review in the last 2 years?

  • 2.2.2 Is the SSOW/procedure communicated to staff and readily accessible?

  • Employee questioned:

  • 2.2.3 Question Employee on knowledge of SSOW/procedure, rate understanding

Random Operation 2

  • Dept

  • Operation

  • 2.2.7 Does the above operation have a written Safe System of Work/Procedure, written or review in the last 2 years?

  • 2.2.8 Is the SSOW/procedure communicated to staff and readily accessible?

  • Employee Questioned:

  • 2.2.9 Question Employee on knowledge of SSOW/procedure, rate understanding.

3.0 Machinery Safety

Random Machine Check 1

  • Dept

  • Machinery Checked

  • 3.1.1 Is any powered mobile equipment suitably guarded, maintained, checked and safe to operate with emergency stops where required?

  • 3.1.2 Is any powered fixed equipment (e.g. wash systems; jet wash) suitably guarded, maintained, checked and safe to operate with emergency stops where required?

  • 3.1.3 Are warning signs in place where required?


  • Area of engineering checked?

  • 3.2.1 Are switches and emergency stops in workshops adequate and accessible?

  • 3.2.2 Are fixed tools maintained, with guarding in place where required?

  • 3.2.3 Are handheld tools maintained, with guarding in place where required?

  • 3.2.4 Are warning signs in place as required?


  • Area of operations checked:

  • 3.3.1 Are switches, emergency stops and trips and grab wires adequate and accessible?

  • 3.3.2 Are emergency stops, trips and grab wires routinely checked, and checks recorded?

  • 3.3.3 Are moving parts adequately guarded/interlocked?

  • 3.3.4 Are interlocks routinely checked, and checks recorded?

  • 3.3.5 Are warning signs, suitable and sufficient?

  • 3.3.6 Are all employees are aware of, and adopt, the system for reporting all faulty machinery and equipment?

  • Supporting evidence – detail employees questioned

  • Level of understanding satisfactory?

  • Details of employee/s questioned

  • Are any pressure systems suitably maintained, with a written scheme of examination in place?

4.0 Work Environment

4.1 Office Areas

  • 4.1.1 All floors, passageways, and stairs within the area are free from slip, trip, and obstruction hazards

  • 4.1.2 Have DSE Assessments been carried out/reviewed within two years?

  • 4.1.3 All floor surfaces within the area are in a good state of repair

  • 4.1.4 All lighting within the area is in good condition and working correctly

  • 4.1.5 Are there any defects to the premises i.e. damaged fixtures/fittings, leaks, loose door furniture etc

4.2 Operations areas

  • 4.2.1 All floors, passageways, and stairs within the area are free from slip, trip, and obstruction hazards

  • 4.2.2 All floor surfaces within the area are in a good state of repair

  • 4.2.3 All lighting within the area is in good condition and working correctly

  • 4.2.4 Are there any defects to the premises i.e. damaged fixtures/fittings, leaks, loose door furniture etc

  • 4.2.5 Are noise levels acceptable? Has a noise survey been conducted where required?

4.3 Outside areas

  • 4.3.1 All floor surfaces within the area are in a good state of repair

  • 4.3.2 All lighting within the area is in good condition and working correctly

  • 4.3.3 Are there any defects to the premises i.e. damaged fixtures/fittings, leaks, loose door furniture etc

5.0 Working at height

  • 5.1 Are ladders/MEWPS regularly used, are they clearly marked, secured when not in use and regularly inspected

6.0 Storage and racking

  • 6.1 Is racking inspected, with safe working loads displayed where required?

  • 6.2 Are periodic inhouse checks completed and recorded?

  • 6.3 Are stored items safely situated and in good order?

  • 6.4 Are palletised items wrapped (above head height)?

  • 6.5 All chemicals and substances are stored in designated areas which are suitable, with adequate signage and bunding/ventilation where required?

  • 6.6 Are items ergonomically accessible, and able to be handled with ease?

7.0 Welfare & Wellbeing

  • 7.1 Are sufficient facilities provided for rest and to eat meals?

  • 7.2 Are welfare facilities in a clean, hygienic state and in good repair?

  • 7.3 Is adequate, secure storage provided for employees’ belongings?

  • 7.4 Are employees aware of services available for supporting wellbeing?

  • 7.5 Are support services easily accessed and currently utilised?

8.0 Manual Handling

8.1 Engineering

  • Choose an Operation at random, insert title and reference number:

  • 8.1.1 Has the above operation been risk assessed/ reviewed within 2 years?

  • 8.1.2 Are control measures appropriate, recorded and implemented?

  • 8.1.3 Is the risk assessment communicated to staff and readily accessible?

8.3 Operations

  • Choose an Operation at random, insert title and reference number:

  • 8.3.1 Has the above operation been risk assessed/ reviewed within 2 years?

  • 8.3.2 Are control measures appropriate, recorded and implemented?

  • 8.3.3 Is the risk assessment communicated to staff and readily accessible?

8.4 Have employees received manual handling training? Choose 2 employees at random.

8.4.1 Employee 1

  • Name

  • Has training taken place?

  • Has this been recorded and signed for?

8.4.2 Employee 2

  • Name

  • Has training taken place?

  • Has this been recorded and signed for?

  • 8.4.3 Good manual handling techniques have been observed.

9.0 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (CoSHH)

9.1 Hygiene

  • Choose a Substance at random, insert title and reference number:

  • 9.1.1 Has the above substance been risk assessed/ reviewed within 2 years?

  • 9.1.2 Are control measures appropriate, recorded and implemented?

9.2 Engineering

  • Choose an operation at random, insert title and reference number:

  • 9.2.1 Has the above substance been risk assessed/ reviewed within 2 years?

  • 9.2.2 Are control measures appropriate, recorded and implemented?

  • 9.2.3 Are the key points (risks/hazards/controls) communicated to staff and readily accessible?

9.3 Operations

  • Choose an operation at random, insert title and reference number:

  • 9.3.1 Has the above substance been risk assessed/ reviewed within 2 years?

  • 9.3.2 Are control measures appropriate, recorded and implemented?

  • 9.3.3 Are the key points (risks/hazards/controls) communicated to staff and readily accessible?

9.4 Have employees received COSHH training? Choose two employees at random

  • Employee 1

  • 9.4.1 Has training taken place, and been recorded and signed for?

  • Employee 2

  • 9.4.2 Has training taken place, and been recorded and signed for?

9.5 All chemicals and substances are stored in designated areas which are suitable, with adequate signage and bunding/ventilation where required?

  • Dept

  • Engineering

  • Dept

  • Operations


  • All fixed and portable appliances used by employees have been tested or are within 1st year warranty? (NB. Appropriate dated sticker is in place). Fixed wiring certificate of test and inspection within date 3-5 years, or dependent upon frequency from last report. 100% tested and inspected or 20% of system every year.

  • 10.1 PAT testing completed for all items:

  • 10.2 Fixed wiring testing and inspection completed:

  • 10.3 Is wiring seen to be in good condition, safely routed and sockets not overloaded?


  • 11.1 There are adequate First Aid boxes within the area and employees are aware of where they are sited. Boxes contain suitable stock?

  • 11.2 Are eyewash stations available where required, suitably sited and accessible.

  • 11.3 There are suitable numbers of First Aiders and Appointed Persons to cover every working hour as well as annual leave and sickness.

  • 11.4 Means of identifying and summoning First Aiders is suitable, and information is correct?

  • 11.5 First aiders readily accessible ?


  • 12.1 All employees are aware of the procedures to follow in the event of an accident

  • 12.2 Reporting process is readily accessible

  • 12.3 Accident investigations are carried out and recorded, focussing on root causes and actions set to prevent recurrence

  • 12.4 Departmental Manager has reviewed the investigation of accidents within the department and signed off as completed and corrective actions recorded


  • 13.1 There is a “clean as you go” control system clearly evident for debris and spillage clearance

  • 13.2 Employees are aware of what cleaning equipment is available and it is being used

  • 13.3 Waste materials are adequately stored, and quantities of waste suitably managed


  • All contractors within the department have completed the appropriate paperwork, i.e. ‘Contractor Pack’ and have been fully inducted?

Random contractor check

  • Insert Name of Contractor to be assessed:

  • 14.1 Has the work been authorised to commence by Harman Technology?

  • 14.2 Is the contractor on the ‘Approved Contractor List’?

  • 14.2.2 Insert latest version ref

  • 14.3 Is the contractor’s pack available and complete?

  • 14.4 Are in-house training records available for all their employees and subcontractors?

  • 14.5 Are Risk Assessments and Method Statements in place and communicated to contractor’s personnel? i.e. signatures of receipt

  • 14.6 Are records of inspection and testing in place and available for tools, equipment and mobile plant, and are they current?

  • 14.7 Are licences available for operation plant and equipment? i.e. IPAF – MEWPS and ‘Cherry Pickers’, CPCS – Mobile Plant, FLT Licences, PASMA – Tower Scaffolds

  • 14.8 Have PTWs been issued and completed for the works?

  • 14.9 Is construction phase plan in place, if CDM 2015 is applicable?

  • 14.10 Has the Project been notified, if applicable? >30days, with 20 workers simultaneously or >500 man days


15.1 System in place to undertake Monthly Health & Safety Inspection reports with evidence available onsite

  • 15.1.1 Have monthly inspections taken place, look back over 4 months of records?

  • Date:

  • Detail item for improvement:

  • 15.1.2 Is the item for improvement on the action tracking system

  • 15.1.3 Is its status clearly identified, with demonstrable follow up?

15.2 Health and Safety Observations system is in operation and being used by employees to highlight potential safety concerns. Near misses are being reviewed with corrective actions to prevent future accidents

  • 15.2.1 Have Observations been reported since the last audit?

  • 15.2.2 Is there evidence that staff at all levels submit observations?

  • Insert date of an observation at random:

  • Detail Improvement or corrective action, if any:

  • 15.2.3 Is the item for improvement on the action tracking system

  • 15.2.4 Is its status clearly identified, with demonstrable follow up?

  • 15.2.5 Is followup communicated appropriately to staff?

Monthly Fire Inspections have been completed and corrective actions recorded and being progressed

15.3 Office areas

  • 15.3.1 Have Monthly Fire Inspections taken place since the last audit?

  • Date:

  • Detail for improvement?

  • Has the item for improvement been closed out?

  • Who closed them out and when, detail evidence?

15.4 All areas

  • 15.4.1 Is fire signage and provision suitable, accessible and in good order?

  • 15.4.2 Means of identifying and summoning Fire Marshalls/Wardens is suitable, and information is correct?

  • 15.4.3 Fire Marshalls/Wardens readily accessible ?

15.5 Emergency Lighting is the Emergency Lighting tested and inspected

  • 15.5.1 Have Monthly emergency lighting tests been carried out:

  • 15.5.2 Annual emergency lighting tests, has this been conducted? A test for the full rated duration of the emergency lights (e.g. 3 hours) must be carried out. The emergency lights must still be working at the end of this test

15.12 Fire Alarm is the Alarm tested and inspected?

  • 15.12.1 Weekly Tests - Test a manual call point during working hours to cheek that the control panel and alarm sounders operate satisfactorily. Each week, a different manual call point should be tested

  • 15.12.2 Periodic inspection and testing, is this completed by a competent person?<br>Are formal records available?

  • 15.12.3 Have the annual and six monthly inspections and tests been completed?

  • Dates inspected:

  • 15.12.4 Fire evacuation procedure has been tested by way of a fire drill. Minimum requirement is annually for all staff. Had this been recorded with time taken to evacuate and any corrective actions required

16.0 PPE

  • 16.1 All appropriate PPE for the tasks undertaken by employees and contractors working on site is available, in good condition, used, and adequately stored. (E.g. gloves, eye protection, footwear, outer clothing etc.)

  • 16.2 Staff are trained and instructed in the correct use of PPE issued

  • 16.3 Receipts are available to demonstrate issue of PPE

  • 16.4 All PPE provided is observed being used correctly. Supporting evidence – detail employees & contractors observed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.