Division Where Incident Occurred:
Address / Location of Incident:
Did an Injury Occur?
Date / Time of Incident:
Members of the Investigation Team:
Part 1 : Particulars
Did the incident involve injury?
Name of Injured Worker:
Injured Worker's Occupation / Job Title:
Nature of Injury:
Supervisor's Name:
Did the incident involve property damage?
Describe the nature of the property damage:
Was first aid rendered?
If yes, by whom? (If outside emergency assistance was required, provide details)
Part 2 : Description of Incident
Describe the incident in detail:
Part 3 : Evidence
Sketch of the Incident Scene:
Describe the physical evidence collected:
List and Describe the photos and videos:
Photo / Video Evidence:
Were there any witnesses to this incident?
Witness Name:
Contact information for witness if he / she is not an employee of Kroeker Farms Limited
Date of the Interview:
Name of Interviewer:
Summary of Witness' Statement:
Signature of Witness: I hereby state that the above summary is an accurate and complete statement of what I saw take place.
Witness Name:
Contact information for witness if he / she is not an employee of Kroeker Farms Limited
Date of Interview:
Name of Interviewer:
Summary of Witness' Statement:
Signature of Witness: I hereby state that the above summary is an accurate and complete statement of what I saw take place.
Part 4 : Incident Causation
What was the DIRECT CAUSE of the incident? (What caused injury or damage?)
What was the INDIRECT CAUSES? (What caused the incident?)
Part 5 : Corrective Acrion
Immediate corrective actions to prevent recurrence:
Target Date for completion of Corrective Action:
Long term solutions:
Target Date for Long Term Solutions:
Report Review:
Signature of Investigator:
Signature of Investigator:
Signature of Investigator:
Date Report Completed:
Distribute Report to:
Signature of Safety Committee Employer Co-Chair:
Signature of Safety Committee Worker Co-Chair: