
  • Incident/Injury Report

  • Location
  • Incident Date and Time

  • Prepared by

Project Information

  • Project Name

  • Project Number

  • Project Address
  • Project Manager and Phone Number

  • Project General Foreman and Phone Number

  • General Contractor, Contact and Phone Number

General Information

    Injured Employee
  • Employee Name

  • Trade and Level Classification

  • Company Employee Works For

  • Employee Date of Birth

Description of Injury/Illness?

  • Type of Incident

  • Photo(s) of Incident Site

  • Type of Injury?

  • Part of Body Effected

  • Left or Right Side, Front or Back, Top or Bottom

  • Was a post-incident drug test completed?

  • Was there any damage to equipment?

  • What was the equipment?

  • Picture of damaged equipment.

  • Estimated of cost to repair/replace equipment.

Medical Treatment Information

  • What type of medical treatment was required?

  • Name of Treating Medical Service Provider (if Offsite Medical, Clinic, or ER)

  • Name and Address of Clinic or Emergency Room

  • Clinic or Hospital Phone Number

Incident Statements

    Injured Employee Statement
  • Employee Statement (describe incident in own words) What happened? How did it happen?

  • Photos of Incident Scene

  • Employee Signature

  • Witness Statement
  • Witness Statement (describe incident) Who, What, Where, When, Why, How. Be Specific, No Opinions.

  • Witness Signature

Incident Analysis

  • Primary Cause?

  • Contributing Factors?

Preventative/Corrective Actions

  • Immediate Action Required:

  • When should this action be completed by?

  • Who Is Responsible to oversee this action?

  • Long Term Action Required:

  • Who is Responsible to oversee this action?

  • When should this action be completed by?

Accident Investigation Completed by:

  • Signature of person completing this investigation.

  • Investigation completed

Follow-up Investigation

  • Is a follow-up Investigation required?

  • Has a follow-up investigation been completed?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.