Title Page
Site conducted
Employee Name:
Employment Start Date
Anti-Bullying Policy?
Sick leave and who to call if sick
I have received, read and full understood my terms and conditions of employment which is inclusive of my Employee Handbook
Health & Stafety
I have been issued with a copy of the Company’s Health and Safety Statement which I have read and understood.
I have been informed of the location of the Health & Safety Statement
I understand the hazards and controls for my job
All safety signs and what they mean
How to safely use/store and maintain safety equipment
How to safely perform my job and have been shown what Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) I must wear in the course of my work and how to use it
To use/store and maintain equipment, machinery, tools and hazardous substances in my workplace
I Know:
My responsibilities as an Employee & who I need to talk to about health & safety issues
I have been shown how to raise the alarm in the event of fire and informed of the procedure to be followed.
I have been informed when the fire alarm is tested.
I have been shown the location of fire extinguishers
I have been shown the exits from the building and the assembly point location.
I have been informed that there is a no smoking policy in all Company buildings.
Licences and Certifications
Employment Type
I have the following:
Valid Manual Handling Cert
WARNING!!! This Agency Worker Cannot Commence Work Without a Valid Manual Handling Cert.
Valid until
Valid Forklift Licence
WARNING!!! This person cannot use any MHE until they are trained and hold a valid licence
What Licence for Fork Lists do You Hold?
- Powered Pallet Truck
- Counter Balance
- Reach Truck
- Isle Master
PPT Licence Valid until
Reach Truck Licence Valid until
Isle Master Licence Valid until
Complete a Fire Awareness Course
Notice - Request Fire Awareness Training from Health and Safety
Valid until
I have the following:
Valid Manual Handling Cert
WARNING!!! Manual Handling must be arrange with Heath and Safety ASAP.
Valid until
Valid Forklift Licence
WARNING!!! This person cannot use any MHE until they are trained and hold a valid licence
What Licence for Fork Lists do You Hold?
- Powered Pallet Truck
- Counter Balance
- Reach Truck
- Isle Master
PPT Licence Valid until
Counter Balance Licence Valid until
Reach Truck Licence Valid until
Isle Master Licence Valid until
Complete a Fire Awareness Course
Notice - Request Fire Awareness Training from Health and Safety
Valid until
Counter Balance Licence Valid until
I know how to report:
Injuries/ near misses/near hits and signs of early discomfort
I know reports will be investigated and I will be kept informed of the results
I understand I will:
Immediately contact my Supervisor/Manager
Maintain communication with my Supervisor/Manager throughout time off with injury/illness
See a preferred Company Doctor if requested
Provide medical certificates in a timely manner
Actively participate in any rehabilitation and support provided by the employer
Work together with the employer to enable a safe and sustainable return to work
Sign Off
Any Further Training Required
Outline Training Required
Employee Name
Employee Signature
Health and Safety Representative
I consider this worker