
  • Inductee

  • Inductee's photo

  • Licences held

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Inducted by

Site safety

  • Whilst on site you are required to follow all site safety rules


Workplace health and safety

  • A.H. Beard is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all its workers, acknowledging its obligation to ensure the health and safety of all non-employees at the work place. The Health and Safety Policy of AH Beard is to protect workers and others at our workplace from work-caused injury and ill health, and comply with all relevant safety legislation.
    Managers will carry out this Policy, being responsible for the health and safety of all persons working in any operation under their control. They will ensure that supervisors who report to them are provided with the necessary instruction, training and resources to implement the Policy and hold them accountable to do so. Supervisors and all persons directing the work of others will be responsible for the safety of all persons in their charge. They will actively take steps to identify hazards which could cause harm to any person in their area of control or operation and take prompt action to control them or report them to another person who has authority and capability to do so.
    Managers and supervisors may delegate safety duties or activities to others, but the responsibility remains with them as above.
    workers must take care of their health and safety and that of their fellow workers to the extent of their capability, by following all safety rules, procedures and instructions of their supervisors. They must not misuse safety equipment and must report all hazards and injuries or ill health caused by work to their supervisor or another management person if the supervisor is not pre­sent.
    This Policy will be carried out through an WHS Program which includes:
    1. Active involvement and commitment of managers
    2. Identification and control of hazards
    3. Investigation and reporting of all accidents and danger­ous incidents
    4. Participation of, and consultation with, employees on safety matters of significance
    5. Provision of first aid and emergency procedures
    6. Provision of information, training and supervision as nec­essary for safety

    This Policy will be reviewed when required by changes in legislation, or when company operations require it. If al­tered, workers will be consulted and notified of changes.

    safety 2

Smoke free workplace

  • It is the policy of the A H Beard Group to provide its employees with a work environment that offers the opportunity and resources to optimize their personal health and wellbeing. In accordance with this policy and the convincing evidence of the negative effects of side stream (passive) smoke, it is the A H Beard Group intent that all facilities maintain a Smoke-Free environment.
    The no-smoking policy will apply to all physical facilities owned or leased by A H Beard Group including office buildings, lunch rooms, and company-owned/leased vehicles whilst other employees are traveling as passengers.
    Each site will determine where the designated smoking area\s is on each site. Smoking is permitted on company grounds provided that it occurs in the “external designated smoking” areas.
    Workers who choose to smoke within the permitted areas must do so on their regularly scheduled breaks or meal periods. No additional time from work shall be authorised for this activity. Each worker is expected to abide by the terms of the Smoke-Free Workplace Policy as it becomes an extension of your condition of employment.

    smoke free

Dress regulations

  • Factory staff - are required to dress in neat casual attire or company uniform with no loose fitting garments especially when operating machinery. Only steel capped boots are acceptable foot wear pro­tection in the factory area.
    Office staff – are required to wear company uniform or smart office attire, with appropriate safe footwear.
    Delivery drivers - staff undertaking deliveries to stores or customers must be dressed in smart casual with no rude or offensive slogans on shirts be clean or neatly shaven and well groomed at all times.
    Everyone - entering the factory for any reason must wear closed in shoes. Anyone not wearing closed in shoes (e.g. thongs, sandals, open toed or open heeled shoes etc) are not permitted to enter any factory area,
    Hi Vis clothing is used on some sites.
    Please refer to local site policy for any changes in the above.

Hazard reporting

  • If you feel a task may be unsafe causing harm to yourself or others please report it immediately to either:
    - your supervisor
    - the safety officer or
    - a safety committee member

  • Please watch the following safety video

First aid/injury management

  • If you sustain an injury whilst on site please see your supervisor who will get a first aid officer to attend to you.

    first aid

Harassment and discrimination

  • A.H. Beard Pty Ltd recognises that discrimination and harassment are both unacceptable to the business and unlawful and we are committed to working with our people to ensure that we are able to provide a pro­fessional working environment free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.

    Management believes that workers are entitled to:
    ♦ Be treated on the basis of their true abilities and merit;
    ♦ Be able to work in a safe and productive environment which is free of discrimination;
    ♦ Not be exposed to any form of unacceptable or unlawful behav­iour or harassment;
    ♦ Be made aware of the company’s policy and their obligations in relation to their behaviour
    ♦ Have all complaints treated confidentially, seriously and sympathetically.
    ♦ Not be penalized or disadvantaged as a result of raising concerns about discrimination or harassment; and
    ♦ Be confident management will take appropriate action (including where necessary, disciplinary action) in relation to any breach of this policy.

    Equally, management expects that all workers will comply with their obligations under the workplace health and safety laws.

  • Please watch the safety video

Complaint handling

  • A grievance is any type of problem, concern or complaint related to work or the work environment. A grievance may be about any act, omission, situation, or decision that you think is unfair, dis­criminatory or unjustified.
    AH Beard’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, Harassment Policy and Sexual Harassment Policy outline the types of behavior that are and are not acceptable within our workplace.
    AH Beard’s Grievance Procedure is:
    i) Completely Confidential.
    Only the people directly involved in making or investigat­ing a complaint will have access to information about the complaint.
    ii) Impartial
    If you make a complaint it will be investigated in a fair and impartial manner.
    Both sides will have an opportunity to tell their version of events. No assumptions will be made and no action will be taken until all relevant information has been collected and considered.
    iii) Free of Repercussions
    No action will be taken against anyone for making a com­plaint or helping someone to make a complaint. The com­pany will take all necessary steps to ensure that no vic­timisation occurs against anyone who makes a complaint.
    iv) Timely
    Each complaint will be finalised within as short a period of time as possible. Our aim is that most complaints should be finalised within 1 (one) month, however some may take a little longer.
    The grievance handling procedure sets out the way in which the com­pany will handle a complaint. Please use it if you need.
    2. What do you do if you have grievance
    a) If you can, try to sort it out directly with the person in­volved. Sometimes, people do not mean to do things that hurt or offend others. This does not mean that it is acceptable. However, it does mean that if you can, you should tell the person who is acting in a hurtful or un­suitable way that his or her behaviour is not acceptable and/or is offensive so that they have the chance to stop or to change what they are doing.
    b) Your Manager is in charge of your immediate work envi­ronment and can help you sort out your problem on a local level. Your Manager has been trained to be the first point of contact for people with complaints who will advise you about what your options are and what will happen if you decide to make a formal complaint. All complaints that you take to managerial level will be treated privately. Nothing will be done without talking to you first and getting your agreement.
    c) If you feel that you cannot sort it out directly yourself go to your Supervisor, Production Manager or Group Gen­eral Manager.
    d) There are some situations where you may not want to take your complaint to your Manager, for example, if the complaint is of a sexual nature and the Manager is of the opposite sex, or the complaint is about or directly involves the Manager. If that is the case, take your complaint to the next level of management.

Site security

  • A.H.Beard Group uses multiple means for workplace security and monitoring.
    The following security measures are used on our sites
    § CCTV

    § Internet usage monitoring

    § Email filtering

    § GPS tracking

    § Surveillance cameras

    § Phone call recording

    § Motion sensor alarms

    § Back to base monitoring

    § Coded alarm access systems

    You need to be aware of these systems and if as part of your active role you may be exposed to one or more of these security measures.


Mobile phones

  • The company appreciates that you may need to use Telephone, Email or Internet for personal use at times; however, this needs to be bal­anced so that it does not disrupt your workload or working day. There­fore, any such personal use should be limited to outside of your working hours or legitimate tea and meal breaks.
    This Code of Conduct sets out the appropriate standard of behaviour for all workers accessing on-line services, including the Internet and e­mail.
    Breach of the Code will result in disciplinary proceedings. In cases of serious breaches, such as accessing sexually explicit material from the Internet, the worker(s) involved will be dismissed.



  • The 5s are defined as a set of workplace rules designed to increase efficiency and help enable lean manufacturing. The 5s are: 1. Sort - separate out what's needed and eliminate unnecessary material. 2. Set in order - make sure that everything has a clear place. 3. Shine - keep the workplace clean. 4. Standardize - follow procedures and demarcate clear responsibilities. 5. Sustain - make compliance with procedures automatic.

    A. H. Beard chooses to follow this method to effectively maintain a good housekeeping environment and through this method we are always engaging our teams to look for possible area‟s to add renewed attention too

  • Please watch this video which will explain 5S

Prohibited activities

  • Any activities involving the following may lead to disciplinary action or summary dismissal:
    • Harassment
    • Discrimination
    • Bullying
    • Violence
    • Stealing
    • Illegal Drugs
    • Alcohol


Company vehicles

  • If you are to drive a company vehicle, you must have an appropriate and applicable licence with you at all times. This includes forklifts. Check for any safety defects every time you start a vehicle. If you identify a problem report it to your supervisor immediately. DO NOT start work using a faulty vehicle.
    Always obey the site road rules as well as government regulations. Passengers must never be carried by forklifts.
    When working around trucks and forklifts ALWAYS give them right of way and do not walk behind or in front of a moving vehicle. WATCH OUT! Forklifts and trucks about!!

    Seatbelts must be worn at all times whilst operating a vehicle.

  • Please watch the safety video

Hazardous manual task

  • Hazardous manual task can involve risk if not undertaken properly. Take the time to consider the best possible way to undertake the work you are per­forming.
    ♦ Check the load – assess the weight, size and shape of the load (remember do not attempt to lift any mattress/ base over 4’6”, any latex bed, any drawer base or stow­away) Note if there are any sharp corners or slippery surfaces
    ♦ Check the pathway – make sure the path that you are to travel is clear of hazards
    ♦ Get help – use a mechanical aid, trolley or other people to help you lift the object if you feel that you need to.
    ♦ Stand close to the load – stand as close to the load as possible. Spread your feet shoulder width apart, put­ting one foot slightly forward. This gives you greater stability.
    ♦ Bend your knees and get a firm grip – Make sure you keep your back straight and bend your knees. Get a firm grip on the load
    ♦ Lift with your legs – lift slowly, using your leg muscles, taking the strain from your weaker back muscles. Keep the load close to your body.
    ♦ Don’t carry a load that blocks your vision, as you may trip or run into another object or person
    ♦ When sharing loads with other workers, always give adequate warning of any action such as lowering your portion or end of the load
    When lowering an object, set it down slowly and smoothly. Use your leg muscles and remember to keep your back straight. Turn by using your feet – avoid twisting your body

  • Please view the safety video

Machine guards

  • Guards are placed on machines for your protection. Do not remove the guards at any time. Guards must be in place before equipment can be switched on. If it is not, no work can commence. DO NOT REMOVE OR TAMPER WITH MACHINERY GUARDS.


Emergency procedures

  • In the event of an emergency alarm sounding please remain calm and follow the green exits lights to the nearest exit.
    Emergency assembly points are located at the entrance to the 3 site gates.


Induction assessment

  • Does the A H Beard Group have a Workplace Health and Safety policy?

  • Is the A H Beard Group committed to an early return to work following a work injury?

  • Should I phone my supervisor if I am late or not coming to work?

  • Am I allowed to have my mobile phone switched on during work periods?

  • When moving heavy awkward items should I seek assistance from my work mate ?

  • are workers required by law to report workplace hazards to their Supervisor?

  • Is there a grievance procedure that allows for me to be fairly treated if I have a problem?

  • Is it fact that this work place has surveillance cameras to ensure security of products, property and people?

  • As a worker do I have WHS responsibilities that I must follow at all times?

  • Does the company have procedures to handle a complaint of harassment against another worker?

  • Is it fact that if I fight at work that I may be dismissed?

  • Is offensive language a form of harassment?

  • Can comments or gestures regarding race, religion or age be seen as harassment?

  • Is the word "supervisor" one of the words that make up 5S?

  • Should I tamper with machine guards?

  • What is rule number 2 on the site safety rules?

  • How did the forklift driver get injured?

  • How did the construction worker get injured?

  • How did the chef get injured?

  • If I won't b able to attend work when do I call to notify?

Induction sign off

  • I acknowledge that I have received a full induction prior to my com­mencement at AH Beard Pty Ltd including a site tour and WHS briefing. During my employment at AH Beard I will endeavour to comply with company rules, WHS regulations as well as training guidelines. I under­stand that failure to do so will result in disciplinary action including pos­sible dismissal.
    Workers are Responsible for:
    • Ensuring they comply with the workplace health and safety and injury management policies and all company safe work practices.
    • Ensuring the safety of themselves and others in the workplace.
    • Immediately reporting any unsafe condition, injury, illness or near miss to their supervisor.
    • Ensuring they are able to competently and safely perform any work they undertake.

    I have read, understood and accept the above WHS responsibilities as an Employee with AH Beard Pty Ltd.

  • Please sign and enter your full name (inductee)

  • Please sign and enter your full name (witness/inductor)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.