Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
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Is there a current copy of the Inglett & Stubbs Safety Program on site?
Is there a current copy of the Inglett & Stubbs MSDS book on site?
Is the MSDS book being updated properly with new safety data sheets when adding new products to the jobsite?
Is there a Hazard Communication Program on site?
Is Physician's Panel posted?
Is the back signed and dated by all employees on site?
Are Emergency phone numbers posted along with the evacuation route?
Is there an Emergency Contact Form for every employee on site?
Has every employee signed a job rules?
Are I&S Weekly Jobsite Inspections being done?
When was the last inspection done?
Who completed the last inspection?
Where any deficiencies found?
Tool Box Meetings being done?
What safety subject did the meeting cover?
When was last meeting done?
OSHA Partnership letter posted?
Is there a fire extinguisher on site?
Are fire extinguishers in proper working order?
Are Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) Inspections being done?
Is there a completed log present?
When was last inspection done?
Are fall protection equipment logs being kept on site for inspections?
When was the last inspection completed?
What equipment is being inspected?
Who inspected the equipment?
Are inspections of PPE being done and logged?
Is someone on site have a current CPR / First Aid Training?
First Aid Kit on site?
Lockout/Tagout forms being kept?
Are all keys secured at all times?
Are I&S policies being followed?
What date was the last form written?
Is program being worked properly? (If active lockout/tagout being done......trace on form to where it's locked out)
Is drinking water available?
If coolers are used, is it sealed, labeled I&S and dated?
Is there a trash can available near cooler?
Is there a toilet facility available?
Is there a wash station available?
Is the jobsite free of trash and debris?
Are walkways and passageways clear?
Work areas properly signed and barricaded?
Site fencing up and in good shape?
Are any openings unprotected?
Are any drop offs unprotected? Perimeter protection in place?
Rebar protected?
Any struck by exposed?
Projected nails bent over or removed?
Is there adequate lighting and the proper amount of temporary lighting fixtures being used?
Hard hats being worn?
Safety glasses being worn?
Clear inside?
Safety gloves being worn at all times?
Is hearing protection being utilized when needed?
Are respirators (including N95) needed?
If needed, is the proper respirator being used?
If needed, have all employees been fit tested?
Is all required paperwork present?
What hazard is present?
Has the employee been trained on the hazard?
Is there a hazard abatement program on site noting the hazard?
Is the current level of PPE on site appropriate for work being done?
In not, why?
Are employees properly trained on PPE that is currently on site? (I.e. harness, lanyard, respirator, etc)
Is there adequate fall protection and tied off (above 6 feet)?
Any employee operating a lift has certification on their person at all times and has been properly trained?
Safety rails and cables are secured properly?
Employees below protected from falling objects?
Are flights of stairs with 4 or more risers equipped with standard stair railings or handrails?
No exposed electrical wires?
No broken insulation on cords?
No cracked or broken receptacle covers?
Are ground-fault circuits interrupters installed on each temporary 15 or 20 ampere, 120 volt AC circuit?
No broken or bent ground prongs on plugs?
Outlet covers and switch covers in place?
Power tools do not have broken or cracked casings?
Breaker panels have covers and breakers are labeled?
All temporary fixtures with proper guarding in place?
Are all cords heavy duty / construction grade?
Are all cord-connected, electrically operated tools and equipment effectively grounded or of the approved double insulated type?
Electrical rooms locked?
Electrical panels locked and secured?
Any exposure within the panel?
Are all cabinets, panels and switches located in wet locations enclosed in weather proof enclosures?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are the proper stickers / labels on the ladder?
Are ladders extended 36" above top of landing?
Ladders secured to prevent slipping, sliding, or falling?
Ladders inspected and in good condition?
No painted ladders?
Employees not standing on top two steps of the stepladder?
Stepladders are only used in the open position?
Materials are properly stored or stacked? Shrink wrapped or taped if needed
Materials are stored away from floor openings or the sides of the building?
Employees are using the proper lifting methods?
Rag lines are used to guide loads?
Proper supervision, including competent person on site?
Is the I&S Excavation Daily Checklist being done?
Excavations over 4' in depth are shored or sloped back depending on soil class?
Soil class?
Spill pile stored away from edge a minimum of 2 feet?
Equipment kept away from the edge?
Ladder or ramp available every 25 ft if trench is 4 feet or more deep?
For excavations deeper than 4 feet does ladder extend over the side 4 feet?
Is the excavation 20 feet or more?
Are employees exposed to vehicle traffic wearing high visibility vests?
Compliant to I&S policy and to new crane standard?
Equipment firmly supported?
Outriggers are extended and swing radius?
Inspection and maintenance log for crane maintained?
Chokers, chains, slings, and shackles inspected?
Operator qualified and tested?
Certification current?
Daily inspection made and logged?
Seat belt worn?
Backup alarm working?
Fire extinguisher present with gas fueled?
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