Injury Report

  • Name of Injured employee

  • Injured employees Date of Birth (DOB)

  • Injured employees contact number.

  • Injured employees job title

  • Project (inc. project no.)

  • Address of site where injury occured

  • Date and Time of Injury

  • Injury Report Completed by (name)


Injury Details

  • Add a photo of the Site location where injury occurred

  • How did the injury occur? (How, Why and Contribution Factors)

  • Enter a description of the injury

  • Add a photo of the injury

  • Was FIRST AID treatment administered?

  • Details of treatment given

  • Who provided First Aid? (Name)

  • Was MEDICAL TREATMENT required?

  • Details of treatment given

  • Who provided Medical Treatment?

  • Did the employee continue working?

  • Provided details of why the employee did not continue working.

  • Was protective equipment required?

  • What protective equipment was required?

  • Add photo of Protective Equipment

  • Was Protective Equipment supplied?

  • What has protective equipment not been supplied? And what has been done to supply it?

  • Was Protective Equipment being worn?

  • Why was protective equipment not being worn / used?

  • Was a Safe Work Method Statement Required?

  • Was a SWMS Prepared?

  • Was the SWMS being followed?


Supervisor (Mandatory)

  • Supervisor Name

  • Date and Time of Notification to supervisor

  • Method

Project Manager (Mandatory)

  • Project Managers Name

  • Date and Time of Notification to Project Manager

  • Method

QSE (if required) - Immediately for any injury requiring external medical treatment or emergency services.

  • QSE Managers Name

  • Date and Time of Notification to QSE Manager

  • Method

HR (if required) - Immediately for any injury requiring external medical treatment or emergency services.

  • HR Managers Name

  • Date and Time of Notification to HR Manager

  • Method


  • Use this section to record details of any witnesses to the injury and record statements if necessary.

  • Witness
  • Name of Witness

  • Company

  • Contact Number

  • Statement of events

  • Signature


  • Use this section to record any immediate actions taken and / or any corrective / preventative actions (CAPA) taken to prevent the possibility of a similar accident occurring.

  • Enter details of any immediate actions taken to prevent a similar accident occurring.

  • Enter details of any corrective or preventative actions to be taken to prevent the possibility of a similar accident occurring.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.