Title Page

  • Ref No:

  • Site:

  • Date:

  • Auditor:

Previous Audits


1. Health and Safety Management, Documentation and Training

  • Does the site have a suitably appointed Health and Safety Representative?

  • List the Health and Safety Representative's name

  • Are employees aware of the appointed person's roles and responsibilities? (List the employees asked in Note.)

  • Does the on site installations teams(s) have the following documentation readily available?<br>i) and ii)<br>iii) Current and In Date Health and Safety Policy Statement<br>iv) Current and In Date Environmental & Quality Policy Statement<br>x) Current Health and Safety Arrangements<br>xi) Current PPE Policy<br>xii) Current Alcohol and Drugs Policy

  • Have risk assessments and safe work practices been carried out for all relevant activities undertaken on site? (All risk assessments must be dated within the last 12 months.)

  • Have all employees been briefed on these risk assessments and safe working practices and signed to acknowledge their understanding?

  • Have COSHH assessments been carried out for all hazardous substances used on site? (All COSHH assessments must be dated within the last 12 months.)

  • Have all employees been briefed on these COSHH assessments and signed to acknowledge their understanding?

  • Have vibration assessments been carried out for any vibrating equipment used on site?

  • Are suitable control measures in place for all vibrating equipment?

  • Has a site noise assessment specific to the plant and equipment used been carried out within the last two years?

  • Have all required actions identified in this noise assessment been completed?

  • Has all plant had a thorough examination and test within the last 12 months?

  • Is the DOC or LOLER/PUWER certification readily available on site for each plant type?

  • Has all other relevant plant and equipment had a thorough or working examination and test within the last 12 months?

  • Is all other operating relevant plant and equipment certified for continued use (following the above thorough or working examination and test)?

  • Is all required internal health and safety training up to date for all employees?

  • Is all required external health and safety training up to date for all employees?

  • Is there a suitable health surveillance programme in place for all employees?

  • Are eyesight checks up to date for all employees?

  • Is there a suitable substance abuse (alcohol and drugs) screening programme in place for all employees?

  • Have all employees received a site induction?

  • Have all employees read, understood and signed the relevant site specific ' RAMS?

  • Have all employees received a copy of the temporary works design and wind calculations?

  • Has a prestart risk assessment and daily briefing been conducted?

  • List details of content and name of person who conducted/delivered

  • Have all necessary permits been generated, issued and signed by the relevant personnel? (list all permits required on site from the main contractor in Note)

2. Fire Safety and Emergency Arrangements

  • Are all fire marshals suitable and sufficient? (List all the fire marshals currently on site.)

  • Are employees aware of the location of the fire assembly point? (List the employees asked.)

  • Are all evacuation routes known and are they clearly signed and unobstructed?

  • Are all commercial vehicles carrying a 1kg powder fire extinguisher? (List the vehicles checked.)

  • Are all fire extinguishers in adequate condition?

  • Have all fire extinguishers been serviced within the last 12 months?

  • Is there an Accident Book kept within the installations vehicle?

  • Are all Accident Records correctly accounted for (i.e. have all used Accident Records been e-mailed and posted to Health and Safety)? (List the most recently used Accident Record number.)

  • Are employees aware of how to report accidents, incidents and near misses? (List the employees asked.)

  • Are all first aiders suitable and sufficient? (List all the first aiders currently on site.)

  • Are all commercial vehicles carrying a suitably stocked first aid box? (List the vehicles checked.)

  • Are all first aid boxes and eye wash stations suitably stocked?

  • Are all First Aid provisions within date?

  • Is the address of the nearest 24hours Accident & Emergency known and detailed within site specific documentation?

3. Welfare

  • Are site welfare facilities appropriate? (This must include toilet and washing facilities, drinking water, and rest and eating areas.)

  • Is there a suitable and secure location for installers personal belongings, change of clothes and additional PPE?

  • Does the designated team vehicle contain a water cooler and is it adequately stocked?

  • Is there adeqaute and secure parking for vehicles?

  • Are vehicles parked within a suitable distance from the work area?

  • Are vehicles suitably locked and alarmed when left unattended?

  • Is the location of local amenitites known?

4. Site and Other Working Areas

  • Are ground conditions acceptable?

  • Is there safe and unobstructed access and egress to and from all work locations? This includes loading/unloading areas.

  • Are all high-risk working areas suitably segregated ?

  • Is third party interaction kept to a minimum?

  • Are areas for parking safe (e.g. suitably segregated from hazardous work operations)?

  • Do all working areas have adequate lighting?

  • Is all lighting in all working areas in good working order?

  • Are all persons paying due attention while moving around site and undertaking tasks? (If no, list the offending persons.)

  • Is there a designated smoking area with adequate means of disposal of smoking waste?

  • Is the designated smoking area being used correctly? (If no, list the offending persons.)

  • List the offending persons

  • Is there access to water for the inground elements of an installation?

  • Is there a sharps box readily available in the event of a discovery on site?

5. PPE

  • Are the PPE Issue/Warning Registers accurate and up to date?

  • Is the correct PPE being worn by all persons currently on site?

  • List the offending persons

  • Are employees wearing the correctly coloured hard hat specific to their job role?

  • Are hard hats expiry dates within 5 years of manufacture?

  • Is PPE being worn on site in acceptable condition? (Carry out a minimum of two full PPE/RPE checks and attach all PPE/RPE Inspection Records.)

  • Has face fit testing been carried out for all applicable employees?

  • Is all PPE/RPE not in use correctly stored away?

  • Are multiple PPE types compatible with each other where required?

6. Plant and Equipment

  • Is the correct plant/equipment being used for all activities undertaken on site?

  • Is all plant/equipment on site maintained in good working order?

  • Is all plant/equipment on site being operated only by trained, competent and authorised persons?

  • List the offending persons

  • Have daily pre-use checks of all plant been carried out? (Check the current/previous week's check sheets.)

  • Are lifting accessories' certification in date? (List the equipment checked.)

  • Is the rated capacity plate present, intact and legible?

  • Does the rated capacity plate display the correct information?

  • Are all plant/vehicle drivers correctly mounting/dismounting their vehicles?

  • List the offending employees

  • Are seat belts fitted in all plant/vehicles?

  • Are seat belts being worn by all drivers/passengers?

  • List the offending employees

  • Is plant being operated safely and in accordance with best practice (e.g. with the forks as low to the ground as possible and with any load properly secured)?

  • List the offending employees

  • Are site speed limits being adhered to by all plant/vehicles?

  • List the offending employees

  • Is a trained and competent plant/vehicle marshal being used to safely assist plant/vehicles when reversing or if the drivers visibility is impaired?

  • Are keys being removed from plant/vehicles and securely stored when not in use and unmanned?

  • List the offending employees

  • Are all power tools ID numbers correct as per team asset assignment?

  • Are all trailing cables kept tidy and/or safely secured to prevent/minimise trip hazards?

  • Are all wheels/blades in good condition? (Carry out a visual inspection of all wheels/blades.)

  • Are all safety guards present and in good working order?

  • Are all safety guards being used?

  • List the offending employees

  • Are all CAT & Gennys calibrated with the documentation readily available to suit?

  • Have working platforms been inspected within the past 7 weeks with documentation readily available to suit?

  • Are all equipment connections secure and intact with no obvious signs of damage?

  • Are any tools & equipment on site, or within the vehicle, hired?

  • Detail the equipment and supplier

  • Is all hired equipment in good working order and without any damage or malfunction?

  • Where required, is all equipment not in use removed to designated storage areas?

7. Hazardous Substances

  • Are all hazardous substances removed from work areas when not in use and stored correctly and as specified in the relevant COSHH assessment?

  • Are all gas/fume/dust/spray hazards suitably controlled?

  • Are there any confirmed or suspected ACM's on site?

  • Have workers seen the Asbestos Register if applicable?

  • Are there adequate means to prevent any uncontrolled release of any hazardous substances?

8. Environmental Management

  • Does the team have a copy of the Waste Carriers Licence readily available?

  • Is all waste correctly disposed of in the correct skip/container for that particular waste stream?

  • Are all waste skips/containers removed/exchanged by a licensed waste carrier? (Copies of all Waste Carrier Licences must be held by the Health and Safety department.)

  • Are all waste skips/containers correctly located? (Consider clean water drainage and external fencing.)

  • Are all vehicle waste bins emptied daily?

  • Is waste recycled (e.g. paper/cardboard, plastic, metal, ink cartridges)? (List all recycled waste.)

  • Are all oil drums and other specified liquids stored in/on bunded areas or have suitably sized plant nappies?

  • Are all bunded areas correctly located? (Consider clean water drainage and external fencing.)

  • Are spill kits available on site and in all commercial vehicles? (Check stock levels and list the vehicles checked.)

  • Is there any evidence of spillage or ground contamination on site?

  • Is there any evidence of pests on site?

  • If there is evidence of pests on site, are adequate control measures in place?


  • Auditor

  • Date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.