
  • Document No.

  • Remedial Action Report

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General System Checks

1. Uncontrolled Cooling Water Losses

  • 1.1 Check TDS and inhibitor levels. If both are low, there are likely to be uncontrolled cooling water losses.

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  • 1.2. Check for water flow to the drain point from the overflow pipe. Where possible, measure the flow rate and record.

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  • 1.3. Check for overflow on condenser pump shutdown. Cooling water can flow back to the tower due to return line being at a high level, or the check valve on the condenser pump not holding, or there is a "line" connecting the supply and return piping.

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  • 1.4. If applicable, check that the spray deflector is covering the internal overflow pipe.

  • 1.5. If the cooling tower is a V basin tower, check for overflow when the fan starts and stops.

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  • 1.6. Check that the bleed solenoid valve is not passing.

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  • 1.7. Check for water leaks from the main circulating pump.

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2. Cooling Tower Basin Drain Valve

  • 2.1. Is there a flush tag on the cooling tower drain valve?

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  • 2.2. Check that the drain valve was flushed on the last 4 service reports. Manually flush the drain valve.

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3. Microbiological Sampling

  • 3.1. Has a continuous flow line from the condenser water return been installed?

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  • 3.2. Is the sample point clearly labelled?

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  • 3.3. Are there any other labelled sample points?

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  • 3.4. Check that the all the valves on the continuous flow line are fully open.

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  • 3.5. Is the end of the sample line clean?

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  • 3.6. If the sample was taken by an independent contract, was the cooling water system operating?

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  • 3.7. Is there a flexible section of hose on the end of the sample line?

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  • 3.8. If there is a flexible section of hose on the end of the sample line, is it clear of any contamination?

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4. Tower Cleaning Reports

  • 4.1. Check the cleaning reports in relation to the sampling date.

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5. Dosing Funnel

  • 5.1. Has a dosing funnel been installed? If no, recommend installation of dosing funnel.

6. Side stream filtration

  • 6.1.1. Is there a suction basket strainer on the onga pump?

  • 6.1.2. Is the basket strainer clean?

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  • 6.1.3. Thoroughly clean the basket strainer

  • 6.2.1. Is there a side stream filter on the cooling tower system?

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  • 6.2.2. What type is it, eg: bag/sand/media/metal screen/other and is there an auto backwash function on the filter?

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  • 6.3. If the filtration system is a bag or sand filter:

  • 6.3.1. When was it last serviced?

  • 6.3.2. When was the sand/bag last replaced?

  • 6.3.3. Clean the bag filter. Take photo of filter before cleaning.

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  • 6.4. Take a water sample from the inlet and outlet of the filter for micro testing: P/O required for this additional testing.

7. Cooling Tower

  • 7.1.1. Calculate the system volume, including the pipe work.

  • 7.1.2. Does this volume match the recorded system volume?

  • 7.2. If possible, check the amount of sediment in the basin.

  • 7.3. If possible, check for foreign material in the basin.

  • 7.4. Are there birds nesting around the cooling tower?

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  • 7.5. Is there safe access to the drift eliminators?

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  • 7.6. If possible, check the fill pack for buildup of debris.

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  • 7.7. Is the fill pack supported by the tower basin?

  • 7.8. If applicable, are there any kitchen exhausts or sewer vents close to the cooling tower?

  • 7.9. Is there any construction work in the vicinity?

  • 7.10. Does the cooling tower have even water distribution across the fill pack?

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8. RMP

  • Are there incomplete items from the RMP, which may affect the cooling water treatment program?

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9. Dead Legs

  • 9.1. Are there any unidentified dead legs?

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  • 9.2.1. Are there flush tags on the identified dead legs?

  • 9.2.2. Have these identified dead legs been flushed?

Chemical Dosing and Control

1. Non-oxidising Biocides

  • 1.1. Manually start the non-oxidising biocide pump, with its discharge tube in a jug.

  • 1.1.2. If there is flow, measure the volume over 1 minute. Multiply this volume ( in mL) by 60 to convert to the volume per hour. This should be close to the pump "nameplate" rate, eg. 1.3L or 1.5L per hour.

  • 1.2. Check the volume of non-oxidising biocide dosed against the calculated system volume.

  • 1.3. Check that there is sufficient chemical in the drum.

  • 1.4. Check the chemical dosing program and set points.

  • 1.5. Check the chemical usage over the last 6 weeks.

  • 1.6. Manually start this pump, with the discharge tube in a jug. Check the flow.

  • 1.6.1. Check the squeeze tube

  • 1.6.2. Check that the rotating lobe is contacting the squeeze tube

  • 1.6.3. Check for holes in the suction line

  • 1.6.4. Clean the suction strainer.

  • 1.7. Check that the discharge line goes directly to the cooling tower basin, with the injection point below the water line.

2. Oxidising Biocides

  • 2.1. Check the pH and FAH level

  • 2.2. Check the chemical stock level. If liquid chlorine is being used to replace the drum, do not refill the drum.

  • 2.3. If applicable, clean and calibrate the ORP probe.

  • 2.4. If applicable, check that there is flow from the bromine canister to the cooling tower.

  • 2.5. If the oxidising biocide is controlled by a timer, recommend upgrading to bromine tablets and ORP control.

  • 2.6. If liquid chlorine is being used, recommend upgrading to bromine tablets and ORP control.

  • 2.7. If liquid chlorine is being used, check that the discharge line goes directly to the cooling tower basin, with the injection point below the water line.

  • 2.8 If applicable, the discharge line from the bromine canister must dose directly to the tower basin, below the water line.

3. Onga Circulating Pump And Manifold

  • 3.1. If there is no onga pump, recommend the installation of an onga pump.

  • 3.2. Check the flow from the manifold

  • 3.3. If applicable, remove the flexible hose on the manifold sample valve.

Comments and Recommendations

  • Comments and recommendations. Please give the number of the area this relates to.

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  • Integra Representative

  • Integra Representative (signature)

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