Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • HOLIDEX Code

  • Hotel Name

  • Visit Type

  • Date of Inspection

  • Prepared By

  • Location


  • Quarterly food safety meetings are undertaken

  • The hotel shall have an organizational chart which includes a multi­functional team from different areas of the facility. The chart should also show all levels of management that is communicated to all employess with their responsibilities detailed

  • Document control on all food safety documents

  • Documentation maintained for 12mths

  • Food safety policy has been developed, communicated to all staff and reviewed at least annually. The policy lists all required document controls and records that should be maintained on all food safety issues, production, receiving, etc

  • Hazard analysis, risk assessment and HACCP plan developed and reviewed periodically and CCPs and critical limits are identified in food safety procedures and manuals.

  • Is there a clear procedure established for visitor entering food preparation area to ensure cross contamination doesn't occur

  • Where food has been served take away food/ doggy bags are not permitted


HACCP Purchasing ­ Requirements

  • Hotel has a system in place to demonstrate that the hotel suppliers meet requirement as<br>per FSMS or local code

  • Hotel team has not conducted mock recall and is not able to identify the products<br>received and used for full tracebility purposes.

HACCP Receiving Food ­ Requirements

  • Food receival records being maintained and include batch number, delivery date and<br>product name

  • Acceptance and rejection and complaint system implemented and practised

  • Appropriately equipped hand wash facility located at receiving zone

  • Food receiving standard has been developed and accurate

  • High risk food temperatures and packaging standard are being assessed

  • Priority of storage is practiced as per policy

  • A calibrated probe thermometer is used to monitor food on receipt


  • Food storage standard has been developed for cold foods, frozen foods and dry foods

  • All food is stored in such a way that it is protected from the risk of contamination

  • Procedures are developed for response to cold storage failure

  • All foods appropriately covered

  • All foods labeled correctly

  • Are all foods clearly dated and consistent with the product With Expire date, Manufacturing or Receiving date.

  • All cold stores 5ºC or below and evidenced by supporting records

  • All freezers @ ­18ºC or below (hard & solid) and evidenced by supporting records

  • Raw/cooked foods and ready­to­eat foods are adequately separated.

  • Stock rotation of food in place

  • Refrigerated food has not exceeded its "SECONDARY SHELF LIFE"

  • Food storage temperatures are recorded twice daily

  • All food storage containers in good condition and of food grade.

  • Chemical storage is separated from food storage.

  • Food is stored >15cm (6 inches) from the floor in approiate shelving.

  • Lighting is adequately protected

  • Food storage temperatures are monitored twice daily utilising an appropriately<br>calibrated probe thermometer

  • Dry food storage temperature <25ºC or as per manufactures recommendations

  • Dry food storage humidity < 65% or as per manufactures recommendations

  • Colour coded labels or labels depicting date of food preparation, date of original<br>package opening and/or date foods thawed to capture secondary shelf­life

  • Expired foods are discarded


HACCP Thawing of Foods ­ Requirements

  • Thawing of foods procedure developed

  • Correct thawing of foods procedure adhered to.

  • Thawing records maintained

  • Thawing foods are separated from ready­to­eat foods

  • Thawed foods should be labelled with date

HACCP Preparation of Foods ­ Requirements

  • Colour coded preparation boards and designated utensils being used

  • Designated food storage containers according to food product

  • Disposal gloves are worn while handling / preparing all ready to eat food

  • Areas for preparation of raw and high risk foods are adequately separated from areas<br>for preparation of ready­to­eat foods.

  • Pins are not used for notice boards in food preparation


HACCP Cooking of Foods ­ Requirements

  • Cooking of foods temperatures are developed

  • Cooking of foods temperature records noted

  • A core temperature minimum of 60°C is achieved for all high risk foods Note ­ some cuts<br>of meat, e.g. rare beef, rare lamb and fish cooking temperatures below +75°C (unless<br>otherwise specified by local laws) is acceptable.

  • Minimum cooking temperatures achieved for Pork (63°C), Ground beef (68°C), Seafood<br>& eggs (63°C), Poultry (74°C), meats with stuffing (74°C); and hamburger patties<br>(>70°C).

  • Cooking of foods temperature records corrective actions noted

  • Hamburger Policy practiced

HACCP Cooling of Food ­ Requirements

  • Food is cooled from 60ºC to 21ºC, within 2 hours and within a further four hours from<br>21ºC to 5ºC

  • Cooling of foods temperature records noted No 0 2 0%

  • Cooling of foods temperature records corrective actions noted

HACCP Reheating of Food ­ Requirements

  • Reheating of foods procedure noted

  • Reheating of foods are restricted to products which were freshly cooked or held hot<br>continuously at 63°C and/or below 5°C.

  • Reheating of food temperature records corrective actions noted

  • Food reheated to a minimum internal temperature of > 74degC for >2 min

  • Left­over procedure demonstrated


  • Cold & hot foods display procedure noted

  • Food display temperature records noted

  • Hot foods displayed at above 60°C

  • Cold foods displayed below 5°C

  • Food on display is effectively supervised so that any food contaminated by a customer<br>may be removed

  • Display food temperature monitored after 2 hours if holding at greater than 60°C

  • Foods displayed are disposed of following service if not consumed and held in the TDZ<br>for >2 hr

  • Separate serving utensils for each food

  • Appropriate food signage / labeling for each food

  • Displayed foods should be replaced and not replenished


  • Food items collected immediately from the kitchen

  • All food and beverage items are adequately covered while in transit to the guest room

  • Prompt collection of discarded food & beverage items and tray from outside guest room

  • All food and beverage left over's are disposed of after service to the guest

  • All food in the room for sale in the mini bar is within the use by date and adequately<br>labeled


  • Ice machine and ice­bins are cleaned as per SOP.

  • Ice scoop is adequately stored in sanitizer to avoid cross contamination

  • Wash hand basin available with paper towels and soap

  • All glass washers achieving rinse cycle of 82ºC

  • Glass washer filters are maintained

  • All cut fruit disposed of at end of each day

  • All glassware clean and in good condition

  • All glassware is stored in such a way that it is protected from the risk of contamination

  • All opened 'Wine by the Glass' bottles are dated and labeled

  • Beer lines are cleaned frequently ­ verification via cleaning schedule

  • All packaged snack foods for sale in the bar/s are in date

  • There are no communal bar snacks or alternatively utensils are provided for snacks

  • Correct straw dispense equipment

  • Condiments including sugar shall be stored in individually sealed containers or single<br>serving packages and labeled.


  • Cleaning of all non­food contact surfaces

  • Cleaning of all food contact surfaces

  • Commercial cleaning chemicals being correctly used (concentrations and contact<br>times)

  • Is there a system in place to define different usage for clothes and duster such as a<br>color code system

  • Dishwasher / Glass washers ­ rinse cycle 82ºC or above or alternative sanistisation<br>achieved

  • All cleaning containers are correctly labeled

  • All preparation boards are sanitised after each use

  • No steel wool or wire brushes are in use

  • Cleaning schedules developed and address each area and fixtures/fittings

  • Cleaning schedules adhered to and signed as required

  • MSDS sheets are available and up to date, cover all chemicals used on site MSDA ­<br>Material Safety Data Sheet. A form which lists the properties and hazards of a product or<br>a substance.<br>

  • hree compartment sink provided for washing, rinsing and sanitizing

  • No unsealed wooden surfaces and equipment utilised in food preparation areas.

  • Equipment used for cleaning is adequately cleaned and santized/disinfected)

  • Chemicals are adequately labelled and separated from food

  • Manual Cleaning: Water temperature in the wash sink shall be > 43ºC or in accordance<br>with detergent's label information.


  • Floors, drains and gullies are maintained and accessible for cleaning.

  • All walls in good condition

  • All ceilings in good condition

  • All ventilation in good condition

  • All light fittings are diffused or adequately covered

  • Is equipment in good condition & preventive maintenance program for kitchen<br>implemented and conducted


  • Probe thermometers are digital

  • Probe thermometers calibrated monthly & calibration records noted

  • All probes can accurately measure the temperature of potentially hazardous food to +/–<br>1ºC.

  • Procedure in place if thermometers are out of calibration

  • Sterilising wipes available for use


  • Doors entering food prearation areas have kick plates installed

  • Drains are clean and debris discarded


HACCP Health Food Handler ­ Requirements

  • Staff wearing clean uniforms / aprons (including jackets provided for entering cold<br>storage areas)

  • Staff wearing clean head covering

  • Staff adhering to jewellery policy as per the Guidance Note

  • Staff covering all cuts & band­aids available

  • First aid dressings are available and easily detectable

  • Glove system implemented

  • Report of illness system implemented

  • Designated wash hand basin available equipped with warm water, soap and capable of<br>hands­free operation

  • Suitable supply of soap & paper towels present

  • Warm water from available a single spout

  • Staff foods (brought in) labeled

  • Staff foods (brought in) labeled

  • No bad habits displayed during food preparation

  • To ensure Employees are medically fit / annual health check done / Food Handlers<br>certificate or equivalent available

HACCP Staff Facilities ­ Requirements

  • Adequate storage for staff personal belongings

  • Cleanliness of staff toilets

  • Suitable supply of soap and paper towels (toilets)

  • “Now wash your hands” sign displayed

Personal Hygiene

  • Hand Washing Procedure known/demonstrated

  • Personal grooming and hygiene habits demonstrated by staff


  • Signs of pest activity

  • Pest control measures are described

  • List of all pests to be controlled noted

  • Pest technician licenses up to date

  • Pest sighting book available

  • Pest control company insurances up to date

  • The facility has a map showing all interior traps, insect lights and outside bait stations.

  • Pesticides usage record available

  • Pesticide MSDS are available

  • What is MSDA? ­ Material Safety Data Sheet. A form which lists the properties and
    hazards of a product or a substance.


  • All food handling staff have completed level 2 food safety training via Merlin

  • All F&B attendants have completed 10 minute trainers in Bar & Food Safety and Allergen control

  • Food safety training records available with learning outcomes noted

  • Future food safety training plan noted and complied with learning outcomes documented


  • Lids are available for rubbish bins

  • Internal waste receptacles are maintained in a clean and hygienic manner

  • External waste bins are clean and adequately lined

  • Waste receptacle covered and not hand operated

  • Compactor area are cleaned and free of pests and debris

  • Wet and dry garbage should be separated and the timeframes for collection predetermined


  • A "Root Cause Analysis" should be conducted for consumer complaints to ensure that the right issue has been determined and a permanent fix found.

  • Customer complaint (including alleged food illness/poisoning) records being kept

  • Internal audits undertaken at least semi­annually

  • Internal audit observations are addressed and verified as per the action plan.

  • Microbial testing of foods system developed and implemented

  • Microbial testing of foods frequency timetable developed

  • Microbial testing conducted six monthly in a third party laboratory

  • For any function or buffet with a common menu for 20 or more customers, a sample of all the high­risk foods, such as meat, egg, dairy and gravy, is taken immediately before service and retained for 7 days in a freezer.

  • Indemnity forms are completed for any foods brought to the hotel

HACCP Use of Raw Eggs ­ Requirements

  • Products made of raw egg have adequate controls in place for ready to eat foods.

HACCP Allergen Controls ­ Requirements

  • Allergen practices have been implemented

  • Adequate allergen menu identification and design training provided

  • Complete recipe cards published for all menu items/ dishes


  • Completed By : (Name & Signature)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.