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Complete this audit reviewing each inspection point in the context of Summers Engineering. Where required, provide evidence in text form of conformity and non-conformity. At the end of the audit, plan and allocate non-conformity to the appropriate management employee for them to resolve. Every question is mandatory to ensure the audit is fully completed.
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6.1 Has Summers Engineering planned for the issues referred to in section 4.1 and requirements referred to in section 4.2? Answer this with reference to Summers Engineering - Risk and Opportunities document.
Evidence for no:
Evidence for yes:
6.2 Has Summers Engineering established Quality Objectives? Do these Quality Objectives address the following:<br><br>- Consistent with the quality policy<br>- Measurable<br>- Consider applicable requirements<br>- Relevant to customer satisfaction<br>- Monitored<br>- Communicated to employees<br>- Updated as appropriate
What are Summers Engineering's Quality Objectives? Provide evidence that they have been monitored, measured and updated as appropriate.
Evidence for no:
Review Summers Engineering's 'Procedure - Change Management'; is it effective at meeting clause 6.3 of ISO 9001:2015 requirements? Answer with consideration of:<br><br>- Considerations about the purpose of change and it's consequences<br>- Procedures ability to maintain the integrity of the QMS<br>- Resource availability<br>- Takes into account the allocation and re-allocation of responsibilities
Evidence for no:
Give evidence or comment on the Procedure's effectiveness
Sign to confirm Internal Audit 6 was completed.