Audit #
Inspection date
Prepared by
Site ID
1. Traffic Control
1. Is the site a Traffic site?
1.1 Is the Traffic Control setup in-house or external (3rd party)?
1.1.1 Is the Field Specialist correctly certified to perform Internal Traffic Control work?<br> (ie placement of workman signs, speed limit reductions -VIC only, no Stop-Slow)
1.1.2 Are hazard lights and beacons turned on and are traffic signs and cones set out per generic traffic plan?
1.1.3 Is there a physical barrier/buffer (work van) between oncoming traffic and work area?
Provide photo of traffic setup, including signage
1.1.1 Is the Traffic Management Plan on-site and signs/cones set up correctly per plan by 3rd Party Traffic controllers?
Provide photo of traffic setup, including signage
Provide photo of TMP
1.1.2 Is there a physical barrier/buffer (work van/ TC ute) between oncoming traffic and work area?
2. Personal Safety
2.1. Is hi-vis clothing, long sleeve shirts, long pants & steel toed boots being worn by all?
2.2. Are protective gloves being worn by all?
2.3. Is the topside worker wearing a harness and tethered by a fall arrest when working within 2m of open MH?
2.4. Are protective coveralls, harness, and steel-toed gumboots/waders being worn by the in-MH worker?
2.5. Is the condition of both harnesses acceptable, and are they are within calibration/test date?
Provide photos of calibration stickers/tags
2.6. Is the in-manhole worker wearing a hardhat, is it in good condition & within 3-years of manufacture date? (check month/year stamped inside helmet)
2.7. Which winch combination is being used?
- Static Winch + separate Self-Retracting Lanyard
- Type 3 MSA Winch (automatic)
2.7.1. Is the winch in good operational condition and within calibration date?
2.7.2. Are either the ladder/rungs or wire ladder being used by F.S to access bottom of MH? <br>(Type 3 auto winch NOT to be used to lower/raise worker into MH - except for drill or emergency evacuations)
Provide photo of Ladder/Rungs or wire ladder being used
2.7.1. Is the winch in good operational condition and within calibration date?
2.8 What is the teams emergency exit plan if the primary winch fails?
- 1) Climb out using ladder/rungs (must be in good condition)
- 2) Set up wire ladder & climb out (wire ladder must be available)
- 3) Set up spare winch for retrieval (spare winch must be available)
- 4) 30m SRL has built in retrieval handle
- 5) None of the above
2.9. Is the Oxybox being worn or readily available top-side to the in-MH worker, and within calibration/test date?
2.10. Are ear muffs or ear plugs available and being worn when drilling antenna hole?
2.11. Are mobile phones on and easily accessible?
2.12. Is sunscreen and insect repellant available?
2.13. Are safety glasses or face shield being worn by in-manhole worker?
2.14. Is water, soap, hand sanitiser and paper towel available?
3. Gas Meters
3.1. Has the gas meter been response (bump) tested?
3.2. Is the gas meter within test/calibration date?
3.3. Is the gas meter secured to the rope with 2 separate attachment points, and has the tail end of the rope been tied off to tripod leg?
3.4. Has the atmosphere in the manhole been tested and is it safe for a confined space entry?
4. Equipment
4.1. Are tools clean and stored appropriately in their respective buckets?
4.2. Is the drill operational and properly maintained?
4.3 Is all 240V electrical equipment inspected and tagged?
4.3 Is the velocity meter operational, within calibration date and stored in a separate compartment of tool-bucket?
5. Operational
5.1. Is the work site clean and tidy and free of trip hazards?
5.2. Are ropes attached to chokers and being used appropriately for lowering the gas meter and tool buckets
5.3. Is the monitor at least 1 meter away from the manhole or securely fixed to the tripod leg with strap?
5.4. Is the work area barricaded off safely with "Confined Space" signs placed to warn public?
Provide photo of CSE sign and barricades
5.5. Have all Hazards been identified and appropriate controls implemented to continue with work? <br>(consider hydraulic conditions/ flow depth, visual and verbal contact being maintained, traffic volumes, ventilation requirements etc.)
5.6. Are the sensor cables secured neatly and not hanging in flow, including when monitor is stored in manhole?
5.7 Is the topside worker in continuous verbal/visual contact with the in-MH worker?
6. Paperwork
6.1. Has the confined space entry permit been completed, and has the relevant control room been notified (if required)?
6.2. Has the risk assessment (HIDRA) been reviewed and updated to include all relevant Hazards and signed off by all people onsite?
6.3. Is there a current and approved Project Management Plan (PMP) onsite?
6.5 Are the project specific SWMS on site and have all crew reviewed and signed off on them?
Provide photo of SWMS sign-off page
6.6. Has the site visit log been updated?
6.7. Has the daily entry been completed for the site?
Has the driver(s) been identified on the Daily?
7. Certification
7.1. Do all people on site have a valid confined space entry ticket?
7.2. Do all people onsite have a valid OHS white card?
7.3. Do all people onsite have valid relevant client inductions (if required)?
7.4 Are all people on site trained in performing First-Aid & CPR?
8. Vehicle
8.1. Is the vehicle registration current?
8.2. Is the vehicle clean, tidy and organised?
Provide photo of cargo compartment of van
8.3. Is the vehicle within its service date?
8.4 Is the driver of the vehicle for the day clearly identified on the Daily Form?
8.5. Is there a fire extinguisher available and is it within the 6 month service date?
8.6. Does the vehicle have a correctly stocked first aid kit? (check for sufficient stock levels of Saline eye wash)
8.7. Are the location of the fire extinguisher and first aid kit known to staff & easily accessible in van?
10. Rescue Simulation Exercise
10.1 Was the rescue simulation completed under 2 minutes, and the in-manhole worker retrieved without them assisting/climbing out?
10.1.1 What equipment or process restricted or hindered the rescue procedure?
10.2. How deep is the manhole?
12. MSDS
12.1. Is the "Field Resources (ipad)" folder sync'd or quickly accessible on the ipad?
12.2. Is the location of the SDS's known by all crew?
12.3. Has everyone been trained on these SDS's?
13. Emergency Response
13.1 Are all field personnel onsite familiar with the Emergency Response Procedure applicable to that site?
What is the name of the nearest hospital/emergency department?
Are at least 2 members of the crew licensed and trained in driving the van?
13.2 What is the emergency exit plan if the primary winch was to fail and they had to retrieve worker from bottom of MH?
13.3 Are St John Fact sheets on site and do all crew members know the location of this sheet?
14. Environmental
14.1 Has any sewage spilled outside manhole? (including transfer from equipment or worker exiting manhole)
14.1.1. Has the spilled be cleaned up? (shoveling it back into manhole and/or cleaning with disinfectant spray using high pressure washer)
14.2 Was a significant amount of vegetation impacted/removed to access site?
14.2.1 What measures were taken to minimize the environmental impact?
14.3 Has risk assessment been conducted with regard to the impact on environment? (i.e if any vegetation was removed or any sewerage spill/overflows have occurred, has the HIDRA been updated)
14.3.1 What environmental risks should have been updated onto the HIDRA? Add them to HIDRA now.
14.4 Is any noisy equipment being used that may cause disturbance to nearby residents? (i.e drill, generator)
14.4.1 Is the work occurring between 7am-6pm?
- Has the Field Specialist/ Regional Manager/ Client notified nearby residents of night works and the need to use generator/drill after hours?
Provide evidence (copy of letter, email or text message notification)
14.5 If manhole was sealed prior to opening has it been resealed to prevent odours escaping?
Crew Assessment
Name of In-manhole worker: (wearing overalls, harness, helmet, gloves, safety glasses, gumboots/waders)
Competency Rating: C =Competent , R = Retrain
- Competent
- Retrain
Retraining Details:
Name of Topside worker: (wearing harness attached to lanyard, gloves, carrying mobile phone, confirms gas results prior to entry, maintains visual and verbal contact with in-manhole worker)
Competency Rating: C =Competent , R = Retrain
- Competent
- Retrain
Retraining Details:
Name of Third-person (rescuer & data entry): (carrying mobile phone, completes CSE form, competent in Qstart)
Competency Rating: C =Competent , R = Retrain
- Competent
- Retrain
Retraining Details:
If conducting a remote (telephone) audit- upload photos of site inspection here:
Photo of site (including barricades, signage, Tripod setup, Topside worker attached to harness)
Photo of in-manhole worker geared up for entry
Photo of Gas meter calibration sticker
Photo of Tripod inspection sticker
Photo of Winch/RPD inspection sticker
Photo of Harness inspection sticker
Photo of traffic signage (if applicable)
Photo of Traffic management plan (if applicable)
If conducting a remote (telephone) audit- upload photos of documentation here:
Photo of completed SWMS sign-off page for relevant Project
Photo of completed HIDRA for relevant site
Photo of completed Confined Space Permit for relevant site
Photo of completed Site Visit Log for relevant site
Corrective Actions and Sign Off
Enter any corrective actions that will be undertaken
On site representative
Auditor's signature