Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Masters signature

  • 1.1 Is the Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC) available and has a copy been posted? (attach picture)

  • 1.2 Is the Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) available and has a copy been posted? (attach picture)

  • 1.3 Is the MLC Inspection Report available and has a copy been posted?

  • 2.0 Seafarer's employement : attach all seafarer contract with all clauses/addendum

  • 2.1 Seafarer’s employment agreements: Confirm that MLC requirements below are respected onboard. If deviation identified, comment

  • All seafarers must have a copy of their seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) signed by both the seafarer and the shipowner or shipowner’s representative.

  • 2.4 Entitlement to leave: Confirm that MLC requirements are respected onboard. If deviation identified, comment

  • Must be stated in contract

  • 2.5 Repatriation: Confirm that MLC requirements are respected onboard. If deviation identified, comment

  • Must be stated in contract

  • 2.6 Seafarer compensation for the ship’s loss or foundering Confirm that MLC requirements are respected onboard. If deviation identified, comment

  • Must be stated in contract

  • 3.1 Accommodation and recreational facilities: Confirm that MLC requirements are respected onboard. If deviation identified, comment

  • Visual observation of seafarers’ on-board accommodation and recreational facilities with particular attention paid to the following requirements in the MLC, 2006: the size of rooms and other accommodation spaces; heating and ventilation; noise and vibration and other ambient factors; sanitary and related facilities;lighting; hospital accommodation; recreational facilities; occupational safety and health and accident prevention requirements on ships, in light of the specific needs of seafarers who both live and work on ships.

  • 3.2 Food and catering: Confirm that MLC requirements below are respected onboard. If deviation identified, comment

  • Visual observation of seafarers’ on-board accommodation and recreational facilities with particular attention paid to the following requirements in the MLC, 2006: the size of rooms and other accommodation spaces; heating and ventilation; noise and vibration and other ambient factors; sanitary and related facilities;lighting; hospital accommodation; recreational facilities; occupational safety and health and accident prevention requirements on ships, in light of the specific needs of seafarers who both live and work on ships.

  • 4.3 Health and safety protection and accident prevention: Confirm that a crew member was elected as delegated crew and participate to ship's safety committee

  • 4.4 Access to shore-based welfare facilities Confirm that MLC requirements below are respected onboard. If deviation identified, comment

  • Must be proven

  • 4.5 Social security: Confirm that MLC requirements below are respected onboard. If deviation identified, comment

  • Must be stated in contract

  • 5.1.5 Onboard complaint procedures: Confirm that complaint book is available onboard (picture), known by vessel personal and transmited to the relevant contact ashore. Confirm that contact list is available on board (picture)

  • Ships must have on-board procedures for the fair, effective and expeditious handling of seafarer complaints alleging breaches of the requirements of the MLC, 2006. The contact list must contain the contact list of the flag of the ship and all nationals contact of Seafarer Crew

  • 5.2.1 Inspections in port: Confirm that port inspection were properly handled. If deviation, comment

  • 5.2.2 Onshore seafarer complaint-handling procedures: Confirm that complaint are sent to relevant contact ashore and that reply was properly responding to the issue.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.