Health and Safety Management System Audit
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.1 Does the organisation have a current OHS policy displayed in a prominent place?
1.2 Does the policy meet all of the following criteria?<br>a) Signed by the CEO or equivalent<br>b) Includes clear statement of objectives to eliminate or reduce workplace injury<br>c) Includes commitment to improve performance<br>d) Includes commitment to comply with all relevant OHS legislation and other requirements<br>e) Communicated to all employees and contractors<br>f) Reviewed periodically
2.1 Planning identification of hazards, risk assessment and control of risks
Does the organisation have documented procedures for the identification of hazards and the assessment of control of risks?
2.2 Legal and other requirements
Does the organisation have procedures in place for identifying all legal and other requirements that are relevant to the organisation's activities, products and services?
Does the organisation have a procedure for ensuring that all regulatory information is up-to-date?
Does the organisation have a process by which relevant information on legal and other requirements is communicated to employees and contractors?
2.3 Objectives and Targets
Does the organisation have documented objectives and targets that are consistent with the overall goals set out in the OHS policy?
Does the organisation monitor progress against those objectives and targets?
2.4 OHS Management Plans
Does the organisation establish and maintain management plans for achieving its OHS objectives and targets?
Do the OHS management plans include allocation of responsibilities, means to achieve activities and objectives within timeframes?
3.1 Resources
Does the organisation have a defined list of the resources (human resources, facilities, equipment and financial) that are required to implement and monitor its OHSMS?
Does the organisation provide necessary resources (determined to be essential) to achieve the objectives and agrees in the management plans?
3.2 Responsibility and accountability
Does the organisation designate, document and communicate specific accountability and responsibility for OHS to all employees?
Does the organisation allocate responsibility to one senior manager to ensure that OHSMS is established, implemented and maintained effectively and holds that manager accountable for reporting on the performance of the OHSMS?
Does the organisation include contractors, sub-contractors, volunteers and agency staff when allocating OHS responsibilities and accountabilities?
3.3 Training and Competency
Does the organisation have a documented training needs analysis for all competency requirements including OHS?
Does the organisation have a documented training plan that reflects the identified training needs, including those prescribed by legislation?
Does the organisation provide the required training to employees and managers?
Does the organisation have procedures in place to ensure that training is provided by persons with appropriate knowledge, skill and experience in OHS training?
Does the organisation keep accurate and up-to-date records of skills, experience, training and competency for all employees, including senior management?
3.4 Consultation
Does the organisation have procedures for employee involvement in OHS matters?
Does the organisation have an OHS Committee that includes employee representatives from all work areas and management representatives with decision making authority?
Does the organisation consult with employees prior to making decisions about changes to workplace or work practices?
Does the organisation involve employees in the development, review and implementation of policies and procedures for hazard identification, risk assessments and risk control?
Does the organisation consult with employees on ways to improve the health and safety practices or performance?
Does the organisation provide employee and employer representatives with suitable training to enable them to consult with employees and actively participate in OHS Committee meetings?
3.5 Communication
Does the organisation have procedures for ensuring that pertinent OHS information is communicated to employees and other interested parties?
3.6 Reporting
Does the organisation have procedures for the relevant and timely reporting of OHSMS performance?
Does the organisation have procedures for reporting incidents and system failures?
Does the organisation have procedures for reporting about hazard identification, risk assessments and preventive and corrective actions?
Does the organisation have procedures to ensure that all statutory reporting requirements are met?
3.7 Documentation
Does the organisation prepare, implement and maintain information in a suitable format (i.e. print or electronic)?
Does the organisation's documentation describe the core elements of the management system and their interaction?
Does the organisation's documentation provide direction to related documentation?
3.8 Document and Data Control
Does the organisation have procedures for controlling all relevant documents and data related to its OHSMS?
Does the organisation's document/data control system ensure that information is:<br>i. Easily located with the current version available at all locations<br>ii. Periodically reviewed and revised by competent personnel<br>iii. Removed from all locations when outdated and superseded to protect against unintended use<br>iv. Appropriately archived to retain and retrieve documents and data for legal and knowledge purposes
3.9 Hazard identification, risk assessment and control of risks
3.9.1 Hazard identification
Does the organisation undertake identification of hazards in an organised and systematic way considering all possible circumstances?
Does the organisation have a methodology that ensures a thorough and consistent approach to hazard identification?
Does the organisation utilise information from multiple sources for effective hazard management?
Does the organisation ensure that hazard identification and risk assessment is undertaken by personnel who are competent in the use of its methodology?
Does the organisation consult with representative employees (and contractors where required) when undertaking hazard identification?
3.9.2 Risk assessment
Does the organisation assess risk through the effective analysis and evaluation of identified hazards?
Does the organisation have procedures or methodology for the assessment or risk for identified hazards?
Does the organisation consult with affected employees (and sub-contractors as required) when assessing risks?
3.9.3 Risk control
Does the organisation control risks by following with the hierarchy of control so far as reasonably practicable?
Does the organisation attempt to control risks at the source wherever possible?
Does the organisation monitor the effectiveness of risk controls?
Does the organisation review the appropriateness of risk controls on receipt of an incident/near miss or injury report?
Does the organisation review the appropriateness of risk controls when there are changes to legislation or standards?
Does the organisation consult with affected employees prior to implementing risk controls?
3.9.4 Evaluation
Does the organisation do a planned review and evaluation of its methodology/processes for the identification of hazards and the assessment and control of risks?
Does the organisation document the findings of the review/evaluation?
Does the organisation make improvements or modifications to its methodology or processes as a consequence of the review/evaluation?
3.10 Emergency Preparedness and Response
Does the organisation have a list of all potential emergency situations that could affect its buildings, staff and services?
Does the organisation have emergency response procedures documented, communicated, practiced and reviewed?
Does the organisation have a disaster/critical incident recovery plan?
Does the organisation have a documented procedure to review, evaluate and improve its emergency response and recovery plans?
Does the organisation have procedures in place for immediate response, recovery and rehabilitation of injured or affected employees?
4.1 Monitoring and measurement
Does the organisation have a process to identify those situations where employee health surveillance is required?
Does the organisation retain records of health surveillance for the statutory period?
Does the organisation provide employees with access to their own results?
Does the organisation provide the appropriate equipment for monitoring and measuring health and safety risks that is calibrated, maintained and stored correctly?
Does the organisation monitor those areas of the workplace that require exposure monitoring to verify effectiveness of selected risk controls?
Does the organisation have an audit process in place to monitor performance of the OHSMS and evaluate conformance to the organisation's objectives and targets?
Does the organisation have a process in place to ensure that the components of the OHSMS comply with relevant legislation?
4.2 Incident investigation, corrective and preventive
Does the organisation investigate all incidents (including near misses) to identify system deficiencies and to identify control measures that would prevent a recurrence?
Does the organisation make the necessary changes to its OHSMS and business operations to prevent recurrence?
Does the organisation's management take responsibility to authorise, develop and resource appropriately to implement the required changes?
4.3 Records and record management
Does the organisation maintain OHS records that are legible, identifiable and traceable to the activity, product or service involved?
Does the organisation store and maintain OHS records in such a way that they are readily retrievable and protected against damage, deterioration or loss?
4.4 OHSMS Audit
Does the organisation have an established OHS audit program using trained and competent auditors?
Does the organisation's audit program evaluate whether the OHSMS meets the organisation's policy, targets and objectives?
Does the organisation's audit program evaluate whether the OHSMS meets the requirements for the Australian Standard (4804:2001)?
Does the organisation's senior management undertake a review of the OHSMS system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness at planned intervals?
Does the organisation's senior management evaluate the OHSMS systems effectiveness in meeting the organisation's OHS policy, objectives and targets?
Does the organisation's senior management consider:<br>i. Findings of OHS audits<br>ii. Changes in legislation and other requirements<br>iii. Changes in activities of the organisation or locations of work<br>iv. Lessons from OHS incidents in its own organisation and in other organisations/industries<br>v. Feedback from employees and other stakeholders
Does the organisation's senior management document it's recommendations for improvements and allocate appropriate resources to make the necessary changes?
OHS self-assessment completed on:
OHS self-assessment audit team - Management representative
OHS self-assessment audit team - Employee representative
OHS self-assessment audit team - Management representative
OHS self-assessment audit team - Employee representative