Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Property Details

  • Property type

  • Connected properties?

  • Connected Properties?

  • How many floors to the building?

  • Elevation Photographs

  • Heating Type

Installation details

  • Date insulation was installed and completed

  • Installation operatives

  • Have all avoidable thermal bridges/heat loss areas which could have been insulated, been insulated?

  • Is there a specific reason why areas have been omitted?

  • State reason for omissions and photograph the areas detailing why it was not possible to insulate.

  • Has 67% or more of the space to be insulated been successfully insulated?

  • Photographs showing areas of installed insulation within each room.

  • Photographs showing omitted areas to be taken and passed to Operations Supervisor to determine whether or not remedial action is required.

  • Is the measure installed as specified in the appropriate product certificate and/or system designer's instructions?

  • Photographs to be taken of areas that fail to meet the required standard and the matter reported to the Operations Supervisor for remedial action

  • Have all gaps behind the new insulation been sealed to prevent the circulation of cold air if applicable?

  • Photographs taken of areas with gaps (if visible) and the matter reported to the Operations Supervisor, if identified during a C2 inspection the matter is to be raised with the installers and corrected before completion and handover.

  • Has insulation been applied to the inter floor void?

  • Photographs taken of areas where insulation has not been installed (if visible) and the matter reported to the Operations Supervisor, if identified during a C2 inspection the matter is to be raised with the installers and corrected before completion and handover.

  • Where services (e.g. gas, electric, water, telecommunications) have penetrated the vapour control layer have these been sealed appropriately?

  • Photographs taken of areas where openings in the vapour control layer of the building have not been sealed (if visible) and the matter reported to the Operations Supervisor, if identified during a C2 inspection the matter is to be raised with the installers and corrected before completion and handover.

  • If the floor is suspended, are air gaps sealed where the insulation makes contact with floor in line with the system designer requirements?

  • Photographs taken of areas where gaps have not been sealed (if visible) and the matter reported to the Operations Supervisor, if identified during a C2 inspection the matter is to be raised with the installers and corrected before completion and handover.

  • Is the insulation sealed around all adjoining boards, walls, ceilings and floors?

  • Photographs taken of areas where gaps have not been sealed (if visible) and the matter reported to the Operations Supervisor, if identified during a C2 inspection the matter is to be raised with the installers and corrected before completion and handover.

  • Is the insulation continued 400mm along all party and solid partition walls where required?

  • If a neighbouring property has not been insulated, then the party wall between the two properties should not be insulated due to the increased risk of surface condensation or mould occurring in the adjoining property. Has a 400mm return been applied to any party wall that has not been insulated in the neighbouring property?

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to discuss the issue and the possibility of remedial action to ensure that the neighbouring property is not subjected to the risk of increased condensation or mould growth.

  • Photographs taken of areas where the required 400mm return has been not installed but should have been. Operations Supervisor to be contacted to discuss remedial action.

  • Have all services (e.g. light switches, sockets, radiators) been removed, insulated behind and re-positioned inside the heat loss area?

  • Photographs taken of areas which need remedial action (if visible) and the matter reported to the Operations Supervisor, if identified during a C2 inspection the matter is to be raised with the installers and corrected before completion and handover.

  • Has the system been sealed fully at edges, corners and junctions to prevent the ingress of moisture?

  • Photographs taken of areas which need remedial action (if visible) and the matter reported to the Operations Supervisor, if identified during a C2 inspection the matter is to be raised with the installers and corrected before completion and handover.

  • State reason why it is not possible to validate

  • Does the provision of ventilation in the property meet the requirements of the relevant version of PAS2030?

  • State what improvements need to be made to the ventilation within the property.

  • All 'wet' rooms within the property are required to have intermittent extraction ventilations systems (fan). If they are not being insulated then they must also be fitted with a heating system that will achieve 18c or more. If an IEV is not fitted within any of the wet rooms within the property then it must be reported to the Operations Supervisor and the matter discussed to assess how best to proceed with remedial action.

  • Operations Supervisor contacted to discuss the ventilation strategy, photographs taken and notes made to support a case for improving the ventilation within the property.

  • Where required have air supply vents been installed for combustion appliances?

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange for CAT 1 Remedial action.

  • Have all flues, chimneys and ventilation air supplies for combustion appliances been safeguarded?

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange for CAT 1 remedial action.

  • Has adequate provision been made to safeguard, relocate or provide access to gas/electric/water/telecomms/TV services?

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange remedial action.

  • Can all doors and windows still be fully opened?

  • If unable to rectify during inspection then the matter is to be reported to the Operations Supervisor to arrange for remedial action.

  • Are all the air bricks clear of insulation material?

  • If unable to remove obstructions from air bricks then the matter is to be reported to the Operations Supervisor for remedial action, if any air bricks are found to be obstructed during a C2 inspection then it is to be brought to the attention of the installers who must rectify/remedy this prior to completion and handover.

  • Do any faults specific to the measure installed present an immediate risk to the occupier?

  • A risk assessment is to be conducted and an effort made to ensure the safety of the customer and the property, the Operations Supervisor is to be contacted immediately to arrange for remedial action to make the property safe.

  • Do you believe that there are no other safety related issues with the installation?

  • Areas of concern should be reported and photographs taken supporting these concerns. Should there be any immediate risk to the occupier or the property then it is to be treated as a CAT 1 Fail, reported and an effort made immediately to ensure the safety of the occupier and the property.

Customer Feedback

  • Was the customer home at the time of the inspection?

  • How would the customer rate their experience of arranging the installation?

  • How would the customer rate the service received by the installers?

  • How likely is the customer to recommend Envo Energy?

  • Customer comments

Inspection Outcome

  • Inspection Outcome

  • Contact Operations Supervisor to highlight problems and book remedial action.

  • Operations Manager and Operations Supervisor to be contacted to ensure that faults are rectified urgently

  • Inspectors Comments

  • Inspectors Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.