Customer/Site Name:
Date of Attendance:
Start Time:
End Time:
Prepared by:
SGS Number:
Engineers Code/Password:
Intruder alarm maintenance
Panel Checks
Is Post Code Matrix Labelled on RKP?
Is the Time & Date Correct on the Display?
Is the SGS Banner Displayed (where applicable)?
Is The Battery Dated? If Not, Please Date.
Is The Battery Correct Size For The System Installed?
Is a 3 Amp Fuse Fitted in the spur?
Activate All Zones
Is Device Description Correct?
Test all Audible Devices Internal & External.
Confirm ALL Signals Received at ARC (where applicable)
Clean all Devices
Ensure all equipment Control and Keypad are Clean and Labelled
Is Log Book Completed Correctly & Descriptions Correct?
Does the system conform to the specification (if available)
Is the Bell Box a Current SGS Box (photo required)
Set and Unset off system completed?
Make Sure Customer is Aware we Have Direct Access to the System Without Manager Code
Advise of any Pending Issues or Defects
System Condition?
If Condition is Poor, Comment why?
Materials used
Answer Yes or No?
List the Materials Used?
Customer Accepts the Above by Signing
Print Name
Customer Email Address:
Email Address:
Engineers Name & Signature
Print Name: