
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Building Elevations


  • File No:

  • Site Address:
  • Development Applications

  • Building Classification

  • Age

  • Size

  • Building Size - approx sqm

  • Height

  • Type of Construction

  • Effective Height

  • Number of Persons

Certificate of Classification

  • CofC or SofC

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  • Remarks/ Comments

  • Displayed

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • Accuracy

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • Condition

  • Remarks/ Comments

Evacuation Plans

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  • Accuracy

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Section C Fire Resistance

  • Performance Requirements CP1 – CP9

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • Verification Methods CV1 – CV2

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part C1 Fire Resistance and Stability

  • C1.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.1 Type of construction required

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.2 Calculation of rise in storeys

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.3 Buildings of multiple classification

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.4 Mixed type of construction

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.5 Two storey Class 2, 3 or 9c buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.6 Class 4 parts of buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.7 Open spectator stands and indoor sports stadiums

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.8 Lightweight construction

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.9 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.10 Fire hazard properties

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.11 Performance of external walls in fire

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.12 Non-combustible materials

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.13 Fire-protected timber: Concession

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part C2 Compartmentation and Separation

  • C2.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.1 Application of Part

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.2 General floor area and volume limitations

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.3 Large isolated buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.4 Requirements for open spaces and vehicular access

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.5 Class 9a and 9c buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.6 Vertical separation of openings in external walls

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.7 Separation by fire walls

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.8 Separation of classifications in the same storey

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.9 Separation of classifications in different storeys

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.10 Separation of lift shafts

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.11 Stairways and lifts in one shaft

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.12 Separation of equipment

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.13 Electrical supply system

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.14 Public corridors in Class 2 and 3 buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part C3 Protection of Openings

  • C3.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.1 Application of Part

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.2 Protection of openings in external walls

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.3 Separation of external walls & associated openings in different fire compartments

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.4 Acceptable methods of protection

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.5 Doorways in fire walls

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.6 Sliding fire doors

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.7 Protection of doorways in horizontal exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.8 Openings in fire-isolated exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.9 Service penetrations in fire-isolated exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.10 Openings in fire-isolated lift shafts

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.11 Bounding construction: Class 2 and 3 buildings and Class 4 Parts

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.12 Openings in floors and ceilings for services

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.13 Openings in shafts

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.14 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.15 Openings for service installations

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.16 Construction joints

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.17 Columns protected with lightweight construction to achieve an FRL

  • Remarks/ Comments


  • C1.1 Fire-Resisting Construction

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.8 Structural Tests for Lightweight Construction

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.10 Fire Hazard Properties

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.11 Performance of External Walls in Fire

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C1.13 Cavity Barriers for Fire-Protected Timber

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C2.5 Smoke-Proof Walls in Health-Care and Aged Care Buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.4 Fire Doors, Smoke Doors, Fire Windows and Shutters

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • C3.15 Penetration of Walls, Floors and Ceilings by Services

  • Remarks/ Comments


Section D Access and Egress

  • Performance Requirements DP1 – DP9

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • Verification Methods DV1

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part D1 Provisions for Escape

  • D1.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.1 Application of Part

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.2 Number of exits required

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.3 When fire-isolated stairways and ramps are required

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.4 Exit travel distances

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.5 Distance between alternate exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.6 Dimensions of exits and paths of travel to exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.7 Travel via fire-isolated exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.8 External stairways or ramps in lieu of fire-isolated exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.9 Travel by non-fire-isolated stairways or ramps

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.10 Discharge from exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.11 Horizontal exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.12 Non-required stairways, ramps or escalators

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.13 Number of persons accommodated

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.14 Measurement of distances

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.15 Method of measurement

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.16 Plant rooms, lift machine rooms, & electricity network substations: Concession

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D1.17 Access to lift pits

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part D2 Construction of Exits

  • D2.0 Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.1 Application of Part

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.2 Fire-isolated stairways and ramps

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.3 Non-fire-isolated stairways and ramps

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.4 Separation of rising and descending stair flights

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.5 Open access ramps and balconies

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.6 Smoke lobbies

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.7 Installations in exits and paths of travel

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.8 Enclosure of space under stairs & ramps

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.9 Width of required stairways and ramps

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.10 Pedestrian ramps

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.11 Fire-isolated passageways

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.12 Roof as open space

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.13 Goings and risers

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.14 Landings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.15 Thresholds

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.16 Barriers to prevent falls

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.17 Handrails

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.18 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.19 Doorways and doors

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.20 Swinging doors

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.21 Operation of latch

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.22 Re-entry from fire-isolated exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.23 Signs on doors

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.24 Protection of openable windows

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D2.25 Timber stairways: Concession

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part D3 Access for People with a Disability

  • D3.0 Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.1 General building access requirements

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.2 Access to buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.3 Parts of buildings to be accessible

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.4 Exemptions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.4 Exemptions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.6 Signage

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.7 Hearing augmentation

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.8 Tactile indicators

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.9 Wheelchair seating spaces in Class9b assembly buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.10 Swimming pools

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.11 Ramps

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.12 Glazing on an accessway

  • Remarks/ Comments


  • D1.12 Non-required stairways, Ramps and Escalators

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.6 Braille and Tactile Signs

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • D3.10 Accessible Water Entry/Exit for Swimming Pools

  • Remarks/ Comments


Part E1 Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Performance Requirements EP1 – EP6

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.1 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.2 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.3 Fire hydrants

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.4 Fire hose reels

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.5 Sprinklers

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.6 Portable fire extinguishers

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.7 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.8 Fire control centres

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.9 Fire precautions during construction

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.10 Provision for special hazards

  • Remarks/ Comments


  • E1.5 Fire Sprinkler Systems

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E1.8 Fire Control Centres

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part E2 Smoke Hazard Management

  • Performance Requirements EP2.1 – EP2.2

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E2.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E2.1 Application of Part

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E2.2 General requirements

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E2.3 Provision for special hazards

  • Remarks/ Comments


  • E2.2a Smoke Detection and Alarm Systems

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E2.2b Smoke Exhaust Systems

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E2.2c Smoke-and-heat Vents

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part E3 Lift Installations

  • Performance Requirements EP3.1 – EP3.4

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.1 Lift installations

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.2 Stretcher facility in lifts

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.3 Warning against use of lifts in fire

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.4 Emergency lifts

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.5 Landings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.6 Passenger lifts

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.7 Fire service controls

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.8 Aged care buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.9 Fire service recall operation switch

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E3.10 Lift car fire service drive control switch

  • Remarks/ Comments


  • E3.1 Lift Installations

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part E4 Visibility in an Emergency, Exit Signs, and Warning Systems

  • Performance Requirements EP4.1 – EP4.

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • Verification Methods EV4.1 Emergency Lighting

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.1 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.2 Emergency lighting requirements

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.3 Measurement of distance

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.4 Design and operation of emergency lighting

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.5 Exit signs

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.6 Direction signs

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.7 Class 2 and 3 buildings and Class 4 parts: Exemptions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.8 Design and operation of exit signs

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • E4.9 Sound systems and intercom systems for emergency purposes

  • Remarks/ Comments


Part F1 Damp and Weatherproofing

  • Performance Requirements FP1.1 – FP1.7

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • Verification Methods FV1

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.1 Stormwater drainage

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.2 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.3 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.4 External above ground membranes

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.5 Roof coverings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.6 Sarking

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.7 Waterproofing of wet areas in buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.8 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.9 Damp-proofing

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.10 Damp-proofing of floors on the ground

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.11 Provision of floor wastes

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.12 Sub-floor ventilation

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F1.13 Glazed assemblies

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part F2 Sanitary and Other Facilities

  • Performance Requirements FP2.1 – FP2.6

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F2.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F2.1 Facilities in residential buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F2.2 Calculation of number of occupants and facilities

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F2.3 Facilities in Class 3 to 9 buildings

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F2.4 Accessible sanitary facilities

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F2.5 Construction of sanitary compartments

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F2.6 Interpretation: Urinals and washbasins

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F2.7 Microbial (legionella) control

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F2.8 Waste management

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part F3 Room Heights

  • Performance Requirements FP3.1

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F3.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F3.1 Height of rooms and other spaces

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part F4 Light and Ventilation

  • Performance Requirements FP4.1 – FP4.5

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • Verification Methods FV4.1 – FV4.2

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.1 Provision of natural light

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.2 Methods and extent of natural lighting

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.3 Natural light borrowed from adjoining room

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.4 Artificial lighting

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.5 Ventilation of rooms

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.6 Natural ventilation

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.7 Ventilation borrowed from adjoining room

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.8 Restriction on position of water closets and urinals

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.9 Airlocks

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.10 ******

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.11 Carparks

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F4.12 Kitchen local exhaust ventilation

  • Remarks/ Comments


  • F5.2 Sound Insulation for Building Elements

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • F5.5 Impact Sound - Test of Equivalence

  • Remarks/ Comments


Part G1 Minor Structures and Components

  • Performance Requirements GP1.1 – GP1.5

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • G1.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • G1.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • G1.0 Deemed- to –Satisfy Provisions

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • G1.2 Refrigerated chambers, strong-rooms and vaults

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • G1.3 Outdoor playspaces

  • Remarks/ Comments


  • G2.2 Installation of Boilers and Pressure Vessels

  • Remarks/ Comments


  • G3.8 Fire and Smoke Control Systems in Buildings Containing Atriums

  • Remarks/ Comments


Part H1 Class 9b Buildings

  • H1.1 Application of this Part

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H1.2 Separation

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H1.3 Proscenium wall construction

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H1.4 Seating area

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H1.5 Exits from theatre stages

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H1.6 Access to platforms and lofts

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H1.7 Aisle lights in theatres

  • Remarks/ Comments


  • H1.3 Construction of Theatres with Proscenium Walls

  • Remarks/ Comments

Part H3 Farm Buildings and Farm Sheds

  • H3.1 Application of Part

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.2 Fire resistance and separation

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.3 Provision for escape

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.4 Construction of exits

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.5 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.6 Thresholds

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.7 Swinging doors

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.8 Fire-fighting equipment

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.9 Fire hydrants and water supplies

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.10 Fire hose reels

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.11 Portable fire extinguishers

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.12 Emergency lighting requirements

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.13 Exit signs

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.14 Directions signs

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.15 Design and operation of exit signs

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.16 Sanitary facilities

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.17 Height of rooms and other spaces

  • Remarks/ Comments

  • H3.18 Artificial lighting

  • Remarks/ Comments

Assessing Officer:

  • Name:

  • Signature:

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