Title Page

  • Yacht

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Captain

  • Chief Officer

  • Chief Engineer

  • The Non conformity notes (if any) should be raised in C&N Connect and do not need to be attached to this report. The yacht specific manual, Ch 2 (health, safety & environmental protection policy); Ch 4 (DPA Contact for confidential advice); Yacht Manual CH 7.01 (Recruitment & Familiarisation); 7.04 Reporting of accidents & MLC Complaint procedure; Ch 7.07 hours of work/rest; Ch 7.17; Potable water & food. Are particularly relevant to MLC. All Yacht certification should now be in C&N Connect.

Yacht certificates

  • Certificate of registry all details correct?

Minimum safe manning document

  • Yacht & company details correct?

Passenger Yacht certificate & Form P

  • Applicable?

  • Are all details correct?

Large Yacht certificate

  • Applicable?

  • Are all details & survey endorsements correct?

Ship emergency response certificate (LR SERS/DNV ERS/RINA Emergency consultants etc.)

  • Applies?

  • The emergency checklist & specific emergency contact details are readily available on the bridge?

  • Crew understand how to send damaged ship condition? (Form or Napa computer ".ld" file)

Voyage data recorder (VDR or SVDR) 3000 GT+ & all passenger yachts

  • Applies?

  • The VDR has been serviced annually & report of service is available?

  • Are any alarms showing on the panel?

  • Do watchkeepers understand the process to save data in the event of an incident?

500 GT+ Cargo ship safety equipment + form E

  • Applies?

  • Yacht details, survey endorsements and reference number on certificate & Form E correct?

500 GT+ Cargo ship safety construction

  • Applies?

  • Yacht details, survey endorsements correct?

  • Expires

Load lines certificate 24 m Load line length +

  • Yacht details, survey endorsements correct?

  • Record of conditions of assignment present onboard

  • Have any changes to the yacht been made which may affect stability?

  • Is an inclining test required if last lightship growth was >2% or change in LCG >1%

300 GT+ Cargo ship safety radio certificate & form R

  • Yacht details, survey endorsements and references on certificate & Form R correct?

  • Record of approved GMDSS radio equipment & survey present, up to date and endorsed by flag (if required)?

  • AIS annual survey done

  • EPIRB annual survey done

  • EPIRB registration confirmation present & details correct?

  • SART annual survey done

  • Shore based maintenance certificate expires

Radio station licence (Yacht)

  • Radio licence owning company details & equipment listed correct?

  • Does the yacht have separately registered tenders?

  • Is there a separate radio licence for the tender, are the details correct?

400 GT+ MARPOL Sewage pollution prevention (ISPP)

  • Record of equipment present and details correct?

  • Discharge rate specified and approved by class or flag?

400 GT+ MARPOL Air pollution prevention (IAPP)

  • Yacht & equipment details on certificate and record correct

  • Each engine >130kW except the emergency generator has a valid EIAPP certificate & technical record issued on behalf of yachts flag? Note a record of parts affecting NOx Emissions changed is covered in the separate engineering audit.

400 GT+ MARPOL Energy efficiency (IEEC)

  • Record of construction and equipment present & accurate

5000 GT+ SEEMP Pt II

  • Applicable?

  • Is the SEEMP Pt II Approved and available?

  • Are any changes required?

  • Have records been maintained in accordance with the plan?

400 GT+ MARPOL Oil pollution prevention (IOPP) & NTVRP (US waters only)

  • Record of equipment present & correct?

  • Type approval for oily water separator available?

  • Does NTVRP Apply (Yachts entering US Waters)?

  • The NTVRP Plan & emergency checklists are available?

  • The Qualified Individual calls have been made before entering US waters?

  • If the yacht is >3 months in US waters are quarterly QI calls made & recorded in accordance with the plan?

Anti-fouling systems (IAFS)

  • 400 GT+ Certificate onboard and details correct?

500 GT+ Inventory of hazardous materials (IHM)

  • Have Supplier Declarations of Conformity (SDoC) or Manufacturer Declarations been obtained and filed for new equipment?

  • Has the onboard record IHM Part I been updated if required?

Ballast water convention

  • Does the yacht have a statement of non applicability?

  • Is the Ballast water management certificate & plan available?

  • Does the ballast water management officer understand his/her duties in the plan?

  • Are ballast water records maintained correctly?

  • Is the ballast water treatment system fully operational?

  • If required are spare filters/additional chemicals available?

Yacht certificates continued

500 GT+ Document of compliance

  • Correct version with latest endorsement available?

500 GT+ Safety Management Certificate

  • Applies?

  • Are the yacht & company details correct, has it been correctly endorsed for audits?

500 GT+ Ship security certificate (ISSC)

  • Applies?

  • Are the yacht & company details correct, has it been correctly endorsed for audits?

500GT + Maritime Labour certificate + DMLC part I & II

  • Applies?

  • Yacht & shipowner details correct?

  • Yacht & shipowner details on DMLC II match MLC certificate and DMLC I?

  • Copy of (approved - CI) (accepted IOM/UK) SEA available to crew?

Medical chest certificate

  • Medical eqipment & drugs match flag carriage requirement and out of date medicenes removed?

  • Certificate for medical oxygen bottles carried

Ship sanitation control certificate (De Rat, max validity 6 months from date of issue)

  • Sanitation control exemption certificate valid?

300 GT+ Wreck removal certificate

  • Details correct?

1000 GT+ Bunker oil pollution insurance certificate

  • Applies?

  • Details correct?

Letter Of Authority & Power Of Attorney if applicable.

  • LOA POA Capt 1 valid

  • These should include identity of the holder, passport number, and specify their authority for crew documents, movement of the yacht & defined time for validity etc.

    A Power of Attorney (PoA) is a document by which we authorize another person to represent us or act on our behalf before an administration or company. This document is issued before a notary who will verify that the grantor of the power of attorney is the person, he/she claims to be.

    As a rule, the PoA is necessary when the agent of a port represents us at customs, port authority, banks, tax authorities, ... and acts on our behalf.

    If the PoA is signed in one country and has to be used in another we have to comply with another requirement which is called Apostille

  • LOA POA Capt 2 valid

Certificate of class

  • Endorsements and details correct?

  • Are there open conditions of class or memoranda to be dealt with?

Tonnage certificates

  • ITC 1969 (+ Panama & Suez if applicable) tonnage certificates present?


  • Applicable?

  • Helicopter ops manual updated and approved

  • Crew have correct HLO/HLA & Dangerous Goods by Air training?

Other certification

Lifting equipment

  • Register of lifting appliances, load test and annual thorough inspections list equipment and correctly maintained?

  • Records of thorough inspections by a competent person & load testing carried out at required intervals?

Overside working tracks

  • Pre installation test documentation available (CI/IOM/UK/MALTA only)

  • Installation test documentation available?

Life boats & launching appliances

  • Applies?

  • Lifeboat davits annual thorough inspection by ASP OK & in safety equipment certificate survey window?

  • Lifeboats annual thorough inspection by ASP

  • 5 year load test for davit & lifeboat by ASP

  • Date falls last changed (max 5 years or manufacturer recommendation)

Davit launched life rafts

  • Applies

  • Annual service of davits certificate available & details correct? (Check company is approved service supplier ASP)

  • Date falls last changed (max 5 years between changes or manufacturer recommendation if less than 5 years; 18 months for fibre falls)

Life rafts

  • Annual service certificates available & details correct?

Elevators for crew & Guests

  • Does the yacht have passenger or crew lifts?

  • Lift service reports (personnel lifts need annual service); load test for all every 5 years.

  • Lift service next due

  • Lift load test next due

Pasarelle & side boarding ladders

  • Load test every 5 years?

  • Side access/boarding ladder

Diving bottle &/or BA bottle re charge

  • Is the compressor having an annual test to verify air quality and verify safety devices?

Crew certification & contracts

  • Crew certification matches the operational manning matrix / minimum safe manning document & C&N Connect?

  • The crew certification can be checked in the system, it is a good idea to check the background settings before running the check to ensure we have the correct certification set for each rank.

General ISM compliance

Reporting, surveys and auditing

  • Monthly report properly completed in C&N Connect ad submitted in 1st week of each month?

  • Safety meetings held monthly? (max 6 weeks between in exceptional circumstance) & reported in C&N Connect.

  • Quarterly safety officer inspections carried out? (can now be marked in the report).

  • Captains annual review of the SMS available and follows SMS template & specific subjects for review?

  • Have ship board plans and procedures been reviewed and updated as part of the masters annual review?

  • Are accidents, near misses, defects and non conformity reports correctly reported and closed in C&N connect?

Surveys, inspections & audits

  • Last internal audit held within 12 months?

  • Last port state control, company internal, flag and class survey audit reports available?

  • Have non conformity & observation reports been opened & closed in C&N Connect with adequate evidence available?

  • Have defect reports been opened & closed in C&N Connect within allocated time scales, is supporting evidence available?


  • Are actions required by fleet circulars implemented? (take last two requiring action & confirm this has been implemented).

  • Are flag notices, guidance and required publications available onboard?

Flag law & procedure knowledge

  • (CI - Law and Procedure (LAP) Manual & Yacht Master's guide; MI - Flag Law & Procedure MN-1-004-1 & MI 105A; IOM - Yacht Masters Guide; Malta - Consolidated M-Notices) available appropriate to flag?

  • Have the officers required to sign acknowledging they have reviewed & understand requirements done so?

  • Do the captains standing orders cover the points set out in the ISM SMS Company manual CH 05?

  • Are records of hours of work/rest maintained in accordance with ILO?

  • Is adequate compensatory rest given when hours of work rest do not meet ILO minimum?

  • Are non conforming hours reported to CNI?

  • The muster list is maintained and covers fire/abandon ship/man overboard/medical/security duties?

  • Is the muster list available in the crew area and at the gangway?

  • The muster list is approved by flag (passenger yachts only)

Permit to work Yacht Specific Manual Ch 7.06.

  • The permit to work system is implemented onboard Yacht specific manual Ch 7.06

  • Are all permit to work types in use?

  • Are risk assessments consulted as part of the process?

  • Are the permits correctly opened, authorised and closed on completion?

Familiarisation Yacht specific manual CH 7.01.

  • Are familiarisation forms available for all crew members?

  • Have crew been trained and the training recorded in the equipment familiarisation log?

  • Are crew re familiarised every 2 years or after specified period of absence in SMS CH 7.01?

Drills & emergency response

  • Are drills following the C&N Connect matrix & reports adequately completed?

  • Is the emergency response manual available on the bridge, are crew familiar with the checklists used as part of the drill?

  • Are emergency plans (SOPEP, towing, mass recovery) readily available?

Shipboard plans and associated records (check yacht & company details up to date, reviewed & corrected and where required approved)

  • Plans required are covered in the SMS Yacht Specific manual Ch 7.09; this gives more detail on what should be considered the plans below appear on all yachts, others may be required.

  • Emergency towing plan

  • Search & rescue coordination plan (SARCO, passenger yachts only)

Shipboard Oil Pollution Prevention (SOPEP)

  • Ship interest contacts & SOPEP equipment list correct?

  • Annex II contacts maintained up to date?

Non Tank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRP) US waters only

  • Applicable?

  • Plan is available onboard, do officers understand the plan's requirements?

  • Record of exercises (plan chapter 7) with qualified individual maintained (before entering and whilst in US waters)

  • Crew understand QI & RACE drill, entry & reporting procedures for US waters?

Shipboard Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)

  • The annual consumption record is completed and figures reported correctly in the monthly report (in metric tonnes)?

  • Engergy saving measures logged and updated?

5000 GT+ Shipboard Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) part II

  • Applicable?

  • Officers concerned are maintaining the consumption records for annual submission?

  • Officers understand the need to report consumption in January of each year?

Garbage management plan

  • Plan is available and the yacht's storage & processing equipment are correct?

  • Garbage record book in form accepted by flag, up to date and entries made as per MARPOL?

  • Are garbage receipts obtained and filed for garbage landed?

Recovery from the water (migrant/shipwrecked crew etc. rescue)

  • The plan is yacht specific and considers safety & security issues?

Logbooks required Yacht Specific manual Ch 7.09

  • Are the plans relevant to the yacht available up to date (yacht details, equipment etc)

Risk assessments The following are mandatory risk assessments for hazards identified by the company. They must be reviewed annually and referred to when issuing permits to work.

  • The ISM code requires the company to identify all risks, these are detailed in Yacht Specific manual Ch 7.06 (also replicated below) and they must be reviewed annually to ensure they remain current. Yachts can add to these as necessary so that all yacht identified risks are also covered and assessed.

  • • Identification of and entry into enclosed or confined spaces
    • Hot works
    • Electrical works
    • Diving & Jetski/water toy use
    • Working aloft or over the side
    • Mooring and anchoring
    • Launching and recovery of tenders
    • Use of cranes and lifting equipment
    • Use of chemicals
    • Use of shell doors and hatches
    • Exposure to noise & vibration (May be separate or combined)
    • Launching the rescue boat/lifeboats or using equipment for MOB recovery in all conditions
    • Cyber risks affecting safety systems & related data
    • Pandemic/Epidemic
    • Li Ion batteries (High capacity e.g. bicycles, jet board, seabob) Updated form issued in Jan 2024)

Standard operating procedures

  • The Yacht Specific manual chapter 7.03 considers standard operating procedures and lays out a requirement for these to be easy to use, clear (using pictures) as necessary to assist crew in understanding how to operate specific equipmemt, the MINIMUM requirement in the SMS is • Opening and closing of each type of shell door
    • Launching Tenders
    • Launching Rescue Boat
    • Launching Jetskis/watertoys
    • Anchoring & Mooring Equipment
    • Operating watertight doors
    • Operating emergency steering
    • Testing/operating the Oily Water Separator

  • Are SOP's adequate for crew to easily understand them and are they covering at least the minimum operations laid out in the SMS?


  • Notes

  • Signed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.