Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Yacht

  • Prepared by

  • Location

  • Captain

  • Chief Officer

  • Chief Engineer

Yacht certificates

  • Certificate of registry yacht & owner details correct?

Yacht certificates continued

Yacht Certification

  • All required yacht certificates are in C&N Connect and correctly issued/endorsed?

Other certification

Lifting equipment

  • Register of lifting appliances, load test and annual thorough inspections list equipment and correctly maintained?

  • Records of thorough inspections by a competent person & load testing available and correct?

  • Load testing next due

Overside working tracks

  • Pre installation test documentation available

  • Installation test documentation available?

  • Annual thorough examination carried out?

  • 5 year load test next due

Life rafts

  • Annual service certificates available & details correct?

  • Expiry

Personel lifts

  • Lift service reports

  • Lift load test next due

Pasarelle & side ladders

  • Load test next due

  • Intermediate & lower rails provided? (Cayman Islands only)

Diving bottle &/or BA bottle re charge

  • Is the compressor having an annual test to verify air quality and verify safety devices?

  • Air quality test expiry

Crew certification & contracts

  • Crew certification matches the operational manning matrix / minimum safe manning document

  • Do all crew have an SEA with them?

  • Are senior officers aware of the operational manning matrix?

  • Are crew qualifications checked and confirmed with CNI if needed prior to offering employment?

  • Are crew qualifications reviewed against the minimum safe manning/ operational manning requirements

  • All original certificates are onboard?

General ISM compliance

Safety management system

  • Is the captain aware of his overriding authority and where this is stated in the SMS?

Reporting, surveys and auditing

  • Monthly report properly completed and sent to CNI every month?

  • Safety meetings held (max 6 weeks between) and in correct format?

  • Quarterly safety officer inspections carried out?

  • Are accidents, near misses, defects and non conformity reports correctly reported and closed?

Surveys, inspections & audits

  • Have all surveys inspections and audits been held at appropriate intervals?

  • Last port state control, company internal, flag and class survey audit reports available?

  • Access to class society records is available onboard

  • Can crew explain the scope and planning required for surveys, inspections and audits?


  • Are fleet circulars made available to all crew?

  • Are flag notices, guidance and required publications available onboard?

  • Is Flag law and procedure manual & captains guide available onboard?

  • Are the captains standing orders available and signed by all crew?

  • Is there a roster of working/resting hours for in port or at sea operation (ILO Table)

  • Are records of hours of work/rest maintained in accordance with ILO?

  • The muster list is maintained and covers fire/abandon ship/man overboard?

  • Is the muster list available in the crew area and at the gangway?

Permit to work

  • The permit to work system is implemented onboard

  • Are all permit to work types in use?

  • Are risk assessments consulted as part of the process?

  • Are the permits correctly opened, authorised and closed on completion?


  • Are familiarisation forms available for all crew members?

  • Have crew been refamiliarised if they have been employed for more than 2 years?

  • Have crew been trained and the training recorded in the equipment familiarisation log?

  • Are guests given a familiarisation on joining the yacht?

Drills & emergency response

  • Are drills following the CNI matrix?

  • Are the drills reported in the specific drill report form or in the safety meeting, are the reports adequate?

  • Is the emergency response manual available on the bridge, are crew familiar with the checklists used as part of the drill?

Shipboard plans and associated records (check yacht & company details up to date, reviewed & corrected and where required approved)

  • Emergency towing plan

+400 GT Shipboard Oil Pollution Prevention (SOPEP) or <400GT Oil Pollution Prevention Plan

  • Ship interest contacts & SOPEP equipment list correct?

  • Annex II contacts maintained up to date?

+400 GT Non Tank Vessel Response Plan (NTVRP) US waters only

  • Applies?

  • Is the plan available?

  • Does the officer responsible understand the purpose & use of the plan?

  • Are the Qualified Individual (QI) details available?

  • Have QI contact drills been carried out before entering US waters?

  • Are the checklists, yacht masters guide and emergency procedures understood?

+400 GT Shipboard Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)

  • Applies?

  • Does the officer responsible understand the purpose of the plan?

  • Is the records correctly filled out?

  • Have energy saving measures been recorded?

Garbage management plan

  • Includes latest amendments, (E-Waste & location/cubic capacity)

  • Garbage record book in form accepted by flag, up to date and entries made as per MARPOL?

  • Is the cubic capacity of the storage & of each bin type included in the plan?

  • Are garbage receipts obtained and filed for garbage landed?

Recovery from the water (migrant/shipwrecked crew etc. rescue)

  • Does the plan follow the IMO guidelines & CNI template?

  • Is the plan made yacht specific?

Logbooks required

Official log book

  • Is the Official Log Book maintained correctly (in accordance with flag instructions)

Other deck department log books

  • Compass error log book

  • GMDSS radio logbook (incl. front pages; daily, weekly & monthly checks; communications)

  • Deck log book

  • Medical treatment log

  • Medicine register

Risk assessments The following are mandatory risk assessments for hazards identified by the company. They must be reviewed annually and referred to when issuing permits to work. [add text list of RA's]

  • Identification and entry into enclosed spaces


  • H&S policy posed up in place accessible to crew?

Does MLC Apply?

  • Are all crew holding an MLC compliant SEA?

  • Is a copy of the MLC convention available to all crew?

  • Is the complaint procedure posted up & do crew understand this?

  • Are the 2 MLC insurance certificates posted up?

  • Do crew know who they can approach for confidential advice on MLC related matters?

  • Is the health & safety policy posted up?

  • Hours of work rest schedule posted up and follows ILO requirement?

  • SOLAS Fire & safety manual available to crew?

  • Are crew aware of SOP's and their purpose?

  • Are SOP's posted up with the relevant equipment?

  • Are the crew aware of their emergency duties as stated on the muster list?

  • Are passage ways, escapes etc. kept clear and un-obstructed?

  • Is all signage marking the position of fire & safety equipment in place?

  • Are garbage bins non combustible type in accommodation spaces

  • Are garbage bins labelled in the galley & crew areas?


  • Notes

  • Signed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.