
  • Audit Title

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  • The auditor believe the information contained within this audit report to be correct at the time of printing. The auditors do not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information herein. The report is based on matters which were observed or came to the attention of the auditor during the day of the audit and should not be relied upon as an exhaustive record of all possible risks or hazards that may exist or potential improvements that can be made.

    Information on the latest workers compensation and OHS/WHS laws can be found at the relevant
    State WorkCover/WorkSafe Authority or equivalent international regulatory body.

    Jetstar Airways - Ground Operations

Confidentiality Statement

  • This audit activity is conducted by Jetstar Airways Ground Operations in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the Jetstar Airways Policy Manual (JAPM).

    Actions resulting from audit assurance activity are treated as "Commercially in confidence" reports, summaries and corrective action management will be logged and tracked via StarSafe.

    The content and elements contained here within updated to reflect Jetstar "Policy and Procedures" which change from time to time. Ownership and governance of this risk based assurance program is under taken by the "Head of Ground Operations" or their delegate.

A) Arrival

  • 1. Are communication system between ground crew/customer service and engineering in place and used effectively

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  • 2. Has an FOD inspection been made of the bay/gate? Is all aircraft receipt equipment ( chocks, ground communication headset, and warning cones ) present and serviceable?

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  • 3. Is bridge fully retracted? If drive-able -is it parked within its "Home Position" and green parked/home home indicator light illuminated?

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  • 4. Is all GSE parked behind storage/staging line a markings?

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  • 5. Was receipt of the aircraft in accordance with OM15 (hand signals,chocks,warning cones,all clear signals to ramp and bridge operators etc)?

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  • 6. Are "circles of safety" procedures adhered to by all ground staff?

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  • 7. If manual stairs are used are mandatory numbers of staff utilized are the are the stairs manipulated and positioned correctly (min 25mm from fuselage) are the stairs sufficiently padded as so as to prevent aircraft fuselage damage?

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  • 8. Are door procedures performed in accordance with Jetstar procedures (3 sec wait etc,handle stowage,gust lock use)?

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  • 9. Is the leading hand/loadmasters present?

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  • 10. Are cargo doors operated correctly (appropriate preparation dependent upon aircraft type) and are clearance checked performed whilst the doors are in transit, are door operating control access panels closed once the door door is opened?

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  • 11. If cargo doors A330 are opened from loaders are hand rails and decks configured correctly?

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  • 12. Are loaders positioned in accordance with "Circle of safety" protocols?

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  • 13. Is the unloading of containers/pallets performed in a safe manner, including the use of CLS system?

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  • 14. Once holds are discharged are the security checks and inspection of compartment 5 conducted and recorded when required (first flight,unattended aircraft,and international operations)?

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  • 15. If loading is not to commence immediately does the operator fully lower the forward deck,if extended turnaround/ground time are aircraft holds recoded? (unattended aircraft)

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  • 16. Is the leading hand/loadmasters present during all loading operations, has load information been distributed to the loading team in the way of LIR/ULA (check version #& effective dates for ULA validity)?

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  • 17. Are ULD's inspected for serviceability prior to loading?

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  • 18. Does the leading hand & loader operator carry out a 3 way check prior to loading each ULD/pallets (is this recorded on loader copy ULA A320/1 only) are ULD inspected for serviceability prior to loading?

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  • 19. If personnel ride the rear deck is this done in a safe manner(no other load,marked area to stand etc)?

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  • 20. Where "NIL FIT" positions exists are they inspected by the leading hand/loadmaster?

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  • 21. Do ground service vehicle comply with "Circle of safety" protocol (catering, cleaning,engineering etc) are vehicle driven Ina safe and professional manner, are vehicle in a safe working order?

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  • 22. Where utilized are high lift vehicles marshalled into and from the aircraft service position,service door operated proficiently and are fall from heights safety provision in place?

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  • 23. If compartment 5 is utilized does the belt loader have balustrades flitted to provide fall protection, do staff climb on the moving belt to gain compartment access, is the belt lowered whilst not in use?

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  • 24. Is the refueller positioned so as to allow egress if an an emergency an emergency was to occur?

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  • 25. Does a member of technical crew or the refueller remain in the vicinity of refueling operation at all times to manage communication with flight deck technical crew

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  • 26. In accordance with health regulation requirements are waste and water vehicles/carts segregated so as not to allow cross contamination,the same applies for the service staff. If one individual is used potable water must be serviced prior to waste,is waste and water servicing completed in accordance with OM15 (PPE included)?

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  • 27. Are airside staff appropriately attired for the task (foot wear/hearing protection/ASIC/High visibility clothing/uniform)?

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  • 28. Do staff work at appropriate pace and do not rush haphazardly between the task?

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  • 29. Are vehicles operated/driven in professional and proficient manner (do staff refrain from horse play etc)?

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  • 30. When vehicles are parked are they secured correctly(transmission in park and & hand brake applied)?

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  • 31. Are there refueling emergency stop facilities located within easy access from the relevant parking bay, are staff aware of there location and use?

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  • 32. Is the general condition of the gate/bay suitable for Jetstar operations .(applicable aircraft type nose wheel stop line/NIGS system with emergency stop/clearly marked GSE storage/staging areas/sufficient lighting for night operations) FOD bins/spill kits?

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  • 33. Are staff aware of local severe weather procedure in place for lightning storm/weather extremes?

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  • 34. Are ground vehicles positioned so as not to infringe refuelling hazard points (3m from vent/fill and refuelling equipment)?

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  • 35. Was AAA reconciliation completed, did the leading hand/loadmaster have a clear understanding of the process and the mandatory documentation utilised (including all declarations)

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  • 36. Was the flight documentation complete/accurate and delivered to the flight deck in accordance with the PTS

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  • 37. Is the towbar inspection certification current/was the bar inspected including shear pins(and spare) prior to selection for use(including appropriate for aircraft type)?

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  • 38. Did the dispatcher complete a diligent "duty of care" walk around prior to dispatch,importantly the door and surround of L1 once stairs or stairs or aerobridge is removed/retracted is the last area to be inspected?

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  • 39. Was the towbar connected and the pushback operation conducted in accordance with OM15 requirements (process and sequence of events)?

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  • 40. Was the aerobridge operator standing by in the event of a "return to gate" (must remain in situ until aircraft moves under its own power)?

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  • 41. If a problem exists with a piece of GSE are staff aware of the procedures for rendering the vehicle/equipments as unserviceable and prevent further use whilst in this state, are daily inspection completed to verify serviceability?

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  • 42. Are staff approved/licensed for specific equipment if so how is this displayed/communicated, are vehicles displaying AUA?

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  • 43. Are ULD's stored either on dollies of in purpose built racking?

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  • Signature

Key Messages (consider as the executive summary)

  • Audit objective and scope

  • Context/background

  • Audit conclusion

  • Key message 1 (or Key Finding)

  • Key message 1 (or Key Finding)

Overview (Context of the audit)

  • Option 1 Have previous audits been conducted?

  • Option 2 Commentary on all areas of focus / objectives of the audit. Highlight what’s working and summarise any findings under the particular objective. Link to specific findings in the body of the report (Audit Findings, Recommendations and Agreed Management Actions).

Audit Findings, Recommendations and Agreed Management Actions

  • Date Issued

  • Name of Audit – Audit Report

  • Department

  • Findings

  • Recommendations

  • Agreed Management Actions

  • Manager Responsible ( Name & Designation )

  • Due Date

Audit Observations

  • The following observations were identified during the course of the Audit. These observations are not findings as systemic issues have not been identified. Suggested recommendations have been noted for Management consideration:

  • Observations

  • Recommendations (optional)

  • Observations

  • Recommendations (optional)

  • Observations

  • Recommendations (optional)


  • Appendix 1 – Copy of Terms of Reference

  • Due Date

  • Name of Audit – Audit Report

  • Department

  • Appendix 2 – Corrective Action Forms

  • Due Date

  • Name of Audit – Audit Report

  • Department

  • Appendix 3 – Additional Evidence

  • Due Date

  • photos or other documents and samples

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