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Is the Environment Clean?

Physical Conditions

Ambient Air Quality

  • Are dust emissions being regulated through sprinkling water on the routes being used by the Contractor?

  • Are vehicle speeds being maintained to avoid excessive dust emissions at dust prone areas?

  • Are vehicle properly tuned/maintained to reduce air emissions?

Noise Control

  • Are noise levels remained within safe limits?

  • In case excessive noise levels are detected have appropriate mitigation measures been taken?

Waste Material

  • Has any natural drainage been disturbed or altered?

  • Are the waste bins emptied regularly?

  • Is food waste disposed in the open?

  • Is medical waste being generated at camp sites and disposed of properly?


  • Are the fuel tanks properly marked with their contents?

  • Are the fuels and oils handled in a safe manner, ensuring no leakage or spillage?

  • Any spillage of liquid waste occurred?

  • If spillage occurred, managed properly?

Traffic Management

  • Is vehicle speed limit of 15 km/hr being followed?

  • Is the movement of all project vehicles and personnel been restricted to within the work areas?

  • Do all vehicles and generators have muffles to reduce noise levels whilst working close to communities?

  • Movement of machinery restricted to designated routes?

  • Construction vehicles, machinery and equipment parked at designated places within ROW?

Biological Conditions


  • Have trees and branches from canal plantation been used as fuel wood?

  • Has vegetation clearing been minimized?


  • Are the drivers careful and watchful about wild and domestic animals?

  • Any damage to animals?



  • Are complaints from local communities being registered and responded to?

  • Is un-necessary interference to adjoining private agriculture land avoided?

  • Are damages (if any) to private property repaired and/or compensated by the Contractor?

  • Are unnecessary visits to the nearby settlements avoided?

  • Is Traffic Management Plan followed?

Work Force

  • Are safety equipments being used by the workers?


  • Are storage rooms containing hazardous material locked?

  • Are sufficient guards for security deployed?

  • Are the electric equipments, switch boards and electric wires are fully protected and insulated

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.