
  • Store Name

  • Store Number

  • Please choose the location pin to load the GPS position and address before starting the audit
  • Please choose 'today' and save to show the date of the audit

  • Audit start time


  • Please enter the name of the Partner who is completing the inspection

  • Partner Title (e.g. Operations Manager)

  • Please enter the name of the Contractors representative(s) attending

Car park

Car Park

  • Is the cleaning to the paths and walkways acceptable?

  • Is the carpark free from litter and/or debris?

  • Are the security gate touch-points acceptable?

  • Is the smoking shelter acceptable? Standard: No rubbish around the bins & no overflowing of the cigarette bins due to not being emptied often enough (3 x per week).

Window Cleaning

Quarterly Window Clean

  • Has the quarterly window clean been carried out this month?

  • Is the main entrance glazing acceptable?

  • Are the door frames & surrounds acceptable?

  • Is the ground floor external perimeter glazing acceptable?

6-Monthly Window Clean

  • Has the 6-monthly window clean been carried out this month?

  • Is the external glazing acceptable? Note: Cleaning will be carried out by way of a reach & wash water fed pole. Glazing requiring access equipment will not be cleaned.

  • Is the internal surface to all perimeter glazing acceptable?

  • Are the interior screens & panels acceptable?


  • Please choose the entrance that you are inspecting

  • Is the reception desk acceptable?

  • Is the visitor seating area acceptable?

  • Is the break out area beside the reception acceptable? (If applicable)

  • Are the internal security gates acceptable?

Circulation & Common Areas

    Circulation & Common Areas
  • Please enter the area that is being inspected (e.g. Ground Floor)

  • Are the corridors acceptable?

  • Are the stairs acceptable?

  • Are the lifts acceptable?

  • Are the touch points acceptable?

  • Are the doors, pillars, walls & columns acceptable?

  • Are the waste bins being emptied once per day?

  • Are the water fountains acceptable?


  • Please enter the area that is being inspected (e.g. Main Office)

  • Are the hard & soft floors acceptable?

  • Are the touch points acceptable?

  • Are the waste bins acceptable?

  • Are the low levels acceptable? Note: This is a once per month cleaning task. Only score if the cleaning took place within the last 5 days.

  • Are the doors, walls, partitions & columns acceptable? Note: This is a once per month cleaning task. Only score if the cleaning took place within the last 5 days.

Partner Dining and Eating Areas

  • Are the hard & soft floors acceptable?

  • Are the fridges acceptable? Standard: External & Internal surfaces clean and free from spillages, out of date food and any unpleasant odours.

  • Are the kitchen floors acceptable?

  • Are the servery floors acceptable?

  • Are the waste & recycling receptacles being emptied once per day?

  • Partner breakout
  • Are the hard & soft floors acceptable?

  • Are the breakout area counters acceptable?

  • Is the furniture acceptable?

  • Are the waste bins acceptable?

Partner Toilets, Showers and Locker Rooms

    Partner facilities - Mens Toilets
  • Are the hard floors throughout acceptable?

  • Have the dispensers been cleaned & replenished?

  • Is the sanitary ware acceptable? (Toilet bowls, sinks & taps)

  • Are the showers acceptable?

  • Are the touch points acceptable?

  • Are the mirrors acceptable?

  • Are the waste bins acceptable?

  • Are the doors, partitions & walls acceptable?

  • Are the low levels acceptable? (Ledges, window sills & skirtings)

  • Partner facilities - Womens Toilets
  • Are the hard floors throughout acceptable?

  • Have the dispensers been cleaned & replenished?

  • Is the sanitary ware acceptable? (Toilet bowls, sinks & taps)

  • Are the showers acceptable?

  • Are the touch points acceptable?

  • Are the mirrors acceptable?

  • Are the waste bins acceptable?

  • Are the doors, partitions & walls acceptable?

  • Are the low levels acceptable? (Ledges, window sills & skirtings)

  • Partner facilities - Less Abled toilets
  • Are the hard floors throughout acceptable?

  • Have the dispensers been cleaned & replenished?

  • Is the sanitary ware acceptable? (Toilet bowls, sinks & taps)

  • Are the showers acceptable?

  • Are the touch points acceptable?

  • Are the mirrors acceptable?

  • Are the waste bins acceptable?

  • Are the doors, partitions & walls acceptable?

  • Are the low levels acceptable? (Ledges, window sills & skirtings)

  • Locker rooms - Male
  • Are the hard floors throughout acceptable?

  • Are the locker tops acceptable? Note: personal items and clothing or shoes will not be moved for cleaning. Tops of lockers to be left clear

  • Locker rooms - Female
  • Are the hard floors throughout acceptable?

  • Are the locker tops acceptable? Note: personal items and clothing or shoes will not be moved for cleaning. Tops of lockers to be left clear

Main Warehouse

  • Are the walkways acceptable? (Cleaned once per week)

  • Are the floors acceptable?

  • Are the compactor room floors acceptable?

  • Are the fixtures & fittings acceptable? Non-floor items; non stock holding i.e. balustrades, doors, fire equipment etc.


    Design Studio
  • Is the hard & soft flooring acceptable?

  • Are the touch points acceptable?

  • Are the low level fixtures & fittings acceptable?

  • Are the waste bins acceptable?

  • Is the furniture acceptable? Note: This is a fortnightly cleaning task and should only be scored if cleaning took place with the last 3 days.

Vehicle Workshop

    Vehicle Workshop
  • Are the hard & soft floors acceptable?

  • Is the furniture acceptable? Note: This is a fortnightly cleaning task and should only be scored if cleaning took place with the last 3 days.

  • Are the low levels acceptable? Note: This is a once per month cleaning task. Only score if the cleaning took place within the last 5 days.

  • Are the touch points acceptable? These include door ‘push’ plates, door handles, key pads, switches, hand rails, balustrades & lift buttons.

  • Are the waste bins acceptable?

Cleaning store

    Cleaning store
  • Is the cleaning cupboard clean & tidy?

  • Are the correct chemicals being used?

  • Have the machines been left in a clean & reusable condition?

  • Are there correct colour coding practices being followed?

Sign off

  • Contractor signature

  • Partner signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.