Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Informed Consent and Patient Education
Is there a completed procedural informed consent?
Is there documentation of patient education?
History and Physical
Does the H&P document: Physical exam of body system relevant to procedure?
Does the H&P document: Review of relevant laboratory/diagnostic data?
Does the H&P document: Patient history?
Does the H&P document: Diagnosis?
Does the H&P document: Plan of care?
If the H&P was completed >24 hours prior to procedure, is there an H&P update note completed within 24 hours prior to procedure?
Anesthesia Sedation Assessment
Pre-anesthesia sedation assessment is completed- heart, lungs, airway, and ASA classification?
Post-anesthesia evaluation documented?
Immediate Post-OP note/Post Procedure Note
Does post-op note address all 6 required elements: 1) Surgeon and assistant(s) names, 2) procedure, 3) findings, 4) post-op diagnosis 5) estimated blood loss, 6) specimens. ( must be written before transfer to PACU or sending unit)
Pre-Procedure Verification Process
When the patient is in the Pre-procedure area, is a standardized list used to review and verify that the following items are available and accurately match the patient? <br>1) Patient identity, procedure & side/site verified.<br>2) Relevant documentation (H&P, nsg assessment, Pre- anesthesia assess)<br>3) Accurately completed and signed/dated/timed procedure consent form.<br>4) Correct and properly labeled diagnostic and radiology test results<br>5) Any required blood products, implants, devices or special equipment available
Site Marking
Is the procedure site marked with the provider's initials?
Is the site marked before the patient is moved to the procedure location?
Time Out
Is time-out conducted prior to starting procedure?
Does the time-out have the following characteristics:<br>1) Involves the immediate members of the procedure team including the proceduralist(s)- Can be the fellow, the anesthesia providers, the circulating nurse, the OR technician, and other participants as appropriate for the procedure, who will be participating in the procedure at its inception.<br>2) Involves interactive verbal communication between all team members.
does the time-out address all of the following:<br>1) Correct pt identification<br>2) Confirmation that correct site & side are marked<br>3) An accurate procedural consent form<br>4) Agreement on procedure(s) to be done<br>5) Correct patient position<br>6) Site mark visible after prep and draping<br>7) Resolution of any conflicts in information<br>8) Relevant images and results are properly labeled and appropriately displayed <br>9) Need to administer antibiotics or fluids for irrigation purposes<br>10) Safety precautions based on pt history and/or medication use
Was the time-out documented?
NPSG: Medication Labeling
Are empty syringes and/or containers labeled immediately after filling?
Do labels include: <br>1) medication name<br>2) Strength<br>3) preparation date<br>4) amount (if not apparent from container)
Every signature is dated and timed
Home medication list completed
Discharge instructions documented
Home medication list updated as appropriate
Advance directives documentation completed