Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Kaizen Zone Audit

  • Sort :

  • Are the tools, utensils, equipment, machines, and PPE in WORKING condition?

  • Does everything serve the purpose? E.g., Light, door, window, ventilation, water taps, pest control device, etc

  • Any working tools, utensils, equipment, or machines NOT USED or broken down for more than 1 month?

  • Are the materials/chemicals STORED according to SOP? Was any broken packaging noticed that led to food safety or human safety concern ?

  • Set In Order :

  • Are the working tools, utensils, equipment, machines, and PPE kept back in the CORRECT place after use?

  • Are the working tools, utensils, equipment, machines, and PPE easy to FIND and ACCESS to use when needed?

  • Does the arrangement of the materials/items not bring any POSSIBILITY of cross-contamination between materials or the food process?

  • Is the work area SAFE? E.g all exit points are accessible, all the locks functioning, no hanging items on the rack/shelve, no exposed electric cables etc

  • Please identify minimum 2 safety problem

  • Please explain

  • Are the working tools, utensils, equipment, and machines properly IDENTIFIED/LABELLED and can they contribute to traceability?

  • Do the employees FOLLOW company rules? Only smoking in smoking areas, no rubbish thrown on the ground, no jewellery, wearing correct PPE to work etc

  • Are the Materials stored based on GMP requirements? (E.g. Protect the material from contamination; 30 cm away from the wall, 20 cm above the floor, 50 cm away from the ceiling; the chiller temperature ≤ 10 °C etc.)

  • Shine :

  • Is the area clean from cobwebs, dirt stains, mold, and trash ? (Check the wall, floor, window, roof and door)

  • Do employees practice PERSONAL HYGIENE? Washing and sanitizing their hand before and after work or visiting the toilet

  • Are every working tool, utensils, equipment, and machine in this area CLEAN from dust, dirt, oil and rust?

  • Do the employees wear a PPE?

  • Explain

  • Explain

  • Explain

  • Explain

  • Were any wall cracks or gaps identified or was any paint peeled off?

  • Is there any POTENTIAL to attract pests or did you notice any pest activity? (E.g. Rodents, ants, flies, bugs, worms, mosquito etc.)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.